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Open ScienceとURA業務の「内」と「外」

Open ScienceとURA業務の「内」と「外」

日時 :2018年1月27日(土) 16:00-17:00
場所:京都大学 吉田泉殿

More Decks by オープンサイエンス・ミートアップ

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  1.     Open ScienceURA   URA #

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  2. Contents {z ;5wURAP^xnva\]veyOSz 2z w^xnva\]vePTJ? wOSPS23SpgcrvPNS_qgn 3z a\]veS*-9#JX8HZOSS & |z

    OSRWZ"OQ.1 P S\joxcrv DS!BEPDwASBE} 5) EXTRA: FOU mdrv2021GP^xnvsaxfRIKZOS SpgcrvPURAS S3CD EPDE l DAE[RMZ%' C/4P0=S$)-Q@  ,P7Chb\vC<=S:P+[>?LO`uxktQY6VU l l\ugi(S5
  3. Kristian Bering Education • Danish, MA in Japanese Studies from

    University of Copenhagen • PhD studies at SOAS, University of London  Area: Classical Japanese Literature, Edo Fiction (Kyokutei Bakin), Print Culture Work Career • Coordinator and team leader at British Telecom Conferencing (2000-2002) • Academic Assistant at Ritsumeikan University’s Art Research Center (ARC), (Digitizing of Edo period books and prints) (2007-2009) • Specially appointed researcher at Osaka University’s Office for University- Industry Collaboration (2009-2013) Current Job FunctionURA Specially appointed researcher at Osaka University’s Office of Management and Planning (2013) • Support of international Joint research, among others 4
  4. l!YÀ̼ő¤,E§«¡¹Ni" äãâNØI')°ŸÅÁÑPT°6 6K%FÙ ]b7Z<}?=N “@f5%e°uLJ”]b°uLJ•]b7Zf+Ø?=Ù ØÛÙÍÒ»Ô×ÈN “]bÍÓÄ¿ÂÇYcM?=”&~x5%† •]bÍÓÄ¿ÂÇY°ªµ°~9rS–]bÍÓÄ¿ÂÇ,E°ªµ°-&9rÖuB —XvxC6?= ØÜÙÏÅÇ»Ô×ÈN

    “]bÍÓÄ¿ÂÇ,E°ªµ°-&9rÖuB”ÍÓÄ¿ÂÇ°};hU•ÍÓÄ¿ÂÇ°ghU –ÍÓÄ¿ÂÇt -4ƒ|—%F6 ØÝك|.N “AoÍÓÄ¿ÂÇ?=”#…|>?=•V)|>?=Š#…V)|>?=–\wƒ| —]bQƒ­§«°[ 2<}˜]b1%ƒ|™½ÎÕǂƒ|š*hUƒ| › UÖÃÕÍн»ÕŃ| y(áäãâ~¤ ˆ¯4¨«-4³ª±É×ƺ¸§«S§«¡¹N ‡(áäãâ~±ŸäãâB N­   ¯-§«°´ÏÅÇ»Ô×Ⱥ,E äãâ~°$GD€Ú œÏÅÇ»Ô×ÈN±äãâ~¤:3©¹N°´¯-§«q¢ž œ~0ÖjÖA £·° ˆ¯-©¹-4°$G±¬,E§«Ê¾Ë¾º_{ž/H ˆpz¬,E¬¥¹¶¢¯©¹ž Úß]b^Þ„m]b8G~QOà~Ü#WEsÚ’ŽA Œ‰‹‹‹e¯R² «äãâ±ÚÝ°ªµ ˆN¤ka©¹­-4¬¥®¦®¹ž d3°n`
  5. OU Vision 2021  OPEN University 4.0 Open Governance Open

    Community Open Innovation Open Research Open Education 6
  6. –Ž•ƒ€•…o; 36Š–ˆo–Ž•}‚‡… l 36Š–ˆo–Ž•}‚‡…o:r )9 Ø –Ž•}‚‡…”„‹’o)9 ™JPCOAR: Japan Consortium

    for Open Access Repository l  o /4u$=36+Ko”„‹’o.kE"- l Š„ˆ“‘–Œ‰~–†oH l Citizen Science/Open Access/Public Access l CoFAk5 ?#8n[XiI@a{zO l LSM1|DqZf–Ž•ƒ€•…nKdz(AT7 o.go.jp/cstp/sonota/openscience/ UWikipediaV “–Ž•ƒ€•…—>: open science˜kpP36<owYmJg_jm^NJ jWhitPWxvzR\?136uB'o&ueoo0 a{zn }‚‡…cfyP36-n*m%,j cfyj]zwYndzaqbqmG o`kjWzQ–Ž•ƒ€•…pP–Ž•}‚‡…o!Fml51m2|thk –Ž•ncP4nZzkXYaqbqm-|sQ”
  7. UNESCO Open Science Movement WSIS Knowledge Communities: CoP (Community of

    Practice) Open Science is the movement to make scientific research and data accessible to all. It includes practices such as publishing open scientific research, campaigning for open access and generally making it easier to publish and communicate scientific knowledge. Additionally, it includes other ways to make science more transparent and accessible during the research process. This includes open notebook science, citizen science, and aspects of open source software and crowdfunded research projects. Directory of Open Access scholarly Resources, is a service offered by the ISSN International Centre with the support of the Communication and Information Sector of UNESCO. http://road.issn.org/en/contenu/purposes-road-project#.Wf_C94ZpGHo http://www.unesco.org/new/en/communication-and-information/portals-and-platforms/goap/open-science-movement/
  8. Citizen Sciencec<MDP7I l MTRLJ/FSI$c Ø A?;M'+: M1 % Ø 45M,-LCER

    M9# Ø )&a3M[_\.bM>*K,-2PR Ø (KC8GHR,-2 l K<@"BLOROSM Q0Nc • <U`\_TVYX!= http://www.kulib.kyoto-u.ac.jp/modules/content0/index.php?content_id=92 • <6^]WZ^KURENAI http://repository.kulib.kyoto-u.ac.jp/dspace/ • JAIRO/JPCOAR (Japan Consortium for Open Access Repositories)KM;
  9. OSX    ,-1u,-%=u%=u"(XEUS,-Z=8Pa $CYdpqhNQYI`grmqZOu[ 5d SQuN`Yaflnrioq.ZVYLWEK JI@2Z YUWE]PBM[4,-Z=Pa[+Ygrmq

    \u^[flnrioq9u 5 Z_a,- 7<[ )+Y;XEF6'H`3cbWE]PIuR[ #ZDa[\ugrmqehkjZ_a4"[! T XEG]PB s:&v>? A 0  A7/*t ΦʔϓϯαΠΤϯεͷจ຺
  10. Open Notebook Science “Ideally, open notebook science can act as

    a transition between [previous]open science endeavors, and can even bridge traditional science with open science practices.” l Visualizing the invisible stages of creative science thinking, including project development and management? l    Co-Creation   http://onsnetwork.org/
  11. 21      l Narratology and Dramatology/Dramaturgy

    l Universal/Specific “Shared Existential Dramatic Domains” l Theatrical/Dramatic Narrative Elements used in Fiction l The historical development and taxonomy of Edo Period Fiction Genres l Focus on the work of Kyokutei Bakin (1767-1848) and its interrelation with Santo Kyoden (1761-1816) l The Role of publishers, writers and illustrators
  12.     OoTksqth H F6F _dRtTmr 6GH, H#?7

     H7 jpNr[JoWi +A " 4 ' enrVA 4 @!s -83$ hVj\JI \UXp 17 >% sOoTI spaSrV clth`Wi < clth `Wi >% 1 7 >%    -8G7G0H,= Ø H) B gq`I 1088 CMPVeLt^ 1096 DSnhrN 1134 Ebo 1160 EQrfoYU 1209 Ø clth`WiH< Ø atTmrV[t]H /(F G-8 sjpNr[JoWi Ø 4 Ø ^KZH.2 Ø AF 4 Ø *< Ø :s) 0 01 G 5&1 H;9     
  13. SXVWTQRWUH LN+7G1[ l . GC-:MIGFD89O[YD>:M?[Z l P9O>C; )[YMHKG[Z l G#F

    9O>CHD878>C[YD>J:@B7O[Z Ø 20!FLO' P=OTQRWUC$PD89O[ ü 4Society 5.05[ ü 4A<N35[ Ø 4%,&5GTQRWU"* G/ ;6O: Ø 4$%&5H1FE@B7OC(9?[ [
  14. OSnrL3r†€ˆŠnr|‡€… †€ˆŠnE'kx Ph |‡€…rX^ jyew“.9 35 r +  1

    r _ ŽstGJR]ru 7nDE Fr2ri ‘0‹"r*( ’SSHnI/Ur< GJn4S-z`a nHr=q$qKm †€ˆŠz6lkjn {Š„}‚~{Š ŽUN/SDG1 C: FrT%A knowledge transfer ‘Social Innovation: NPOs/NGOs/M/SS @ + ?  X ^ 3 5 V ; z&qPgHqY >kx35rr# 8rr#- Wf‰Œƒkx” WfWnzobkx” d[r8 zZcx  BqvxBrX^” ‹Human Data Science ‹Parameter and Power Shifts ‹Democratization ‹Empowerment ‹Personalization ‹Growth !\F→N‹OF B‹{Š„}‚‹Tp @‹,(‹ Q Change Transformation F)
  15. 6 E% #EMRTZPLSC F )BEDGI;&<B;<B;14<E  J, -: .Y! -

    "39" ('+7>HE $C"3 E5 Y)*- )$08E/ )OWUZNVX MQNKPLS "3AC=)-D2?@MRTZNVX
  16. OS!" #%&)$'(    ,    

      OS!" #%&)$'( *,+ Knowledge Creation Knowledge Transfer Wisdom Transmission
  17. 7Kh .  I# ) NPO : 48 PJ 48

    PJ 48 PJ 3F 48 Knowledge Transfer h Knowledge Creation/Curation h Wisdom Transfer 2h5[48 Blue Skyh'; 3FaV48 [BZ^` bdeicfg EO>hC+ /H] /[ ? a6U48  [h7I#P)YA%YEOC+ZSVI#aD= ( `48M0Y)*?P48!Jh. hNaGQX@U`R URA:Z^`9WT$"[&_<\ 48[,Y0[*?—?1hL-1$"
  18. i<@oeXkab>O c\nz OSgln-`f<@ d (iptuyrvwd Ui+QVoeXEYn[z • 2CdG2CT=d 2CiPdF&yU JVdU'JViR

    )i4Fo[_ • /d6Hx0MDd:!DiAdIiR • 7o"hb8i1KoX9o*5_nR *5d SgZWbT P^bT;gLj]dB • Resilient societies im.d,$(iN?osqpw_nR (d3&i!%Fg#W>) • Business and SSH !? • RRI and STS • Business and ART !? • Science and ART !!?
  19.  ().()2 ,10 5B=@>7B:A5B=@734@9/  Strong, Reflexive Sensitive  

      $ +  -0 *0  # Creativity "# Creativity    / ;83@  A% %A& >6?@<!  'A
  20. OU Industry Collaboration IP Man agement Planning Promotion Inno vation

    Research Support Promotor URA Coordinators URAs NPO Kansai Living Lab Private Resources Individuals Open Research PJs Public Engagement Venture Projects Large Scale Projects Community Design Societal Solutions OUTREACH Private/public Orgs and Resources Private initiatives/ crowd funding/HR/ People/Foundations/VCs NPO/NGO/FA/Fi/ Public Stakeholders/Institutions/Business OU VC Quintuple Helix    OIH Policy: Strategy, Design Implementation Platform, Framework Environment Ecosystem, Network  Promotor/ URA Knowledge Production Knowledge Transfer  use of     
  21. EXTRAS ? 5 (OU =7@C2021)-3D>CA4D8.*+0OS  /?96@C-URA// %&'-& ' l

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