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What is an Energy System (2) Transportation Energy Systems - Lisa Dunkelberg, Andrea Inserra, Andrew Calderwood, Jan DeWaters

October 17, 2019

What is an Energy System (2) Transportation Energy Systems - Lisa Dunkelberg, Andrea Inserra, Andrew Calderwood, Jan DeWaters

What is an Energy System (2) Transportation Energy Systems - Lisa Dunkelberg, Andrea Inserra, Andrew Calderwood, Jan DeWaters


October 17, 2019

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  1. Energy Education and Energy Literacy: Energy System - Transportation Lecture

    Session No. 3 Wednesday 8.21.19 2019 International Workshop on Energy Education Tainan, Taiwan
  2. OUTLINE, 1 (hidden slide) This session examines another major energy

    system, Transportation. start with efficiency of automobiles, w/discussion (need to figure out how to do this "Fish E-fish-ency activity" with so many people), then - once again - broaden our perspective to look 'beyond the automobile' and consider the WHOLE system. What is the REAL efficiency of an electric car? (depends on where the electricity comes from!) Introduce them to the 'systems' activity by showing them the activity online, and having on hand 2 completed posters as demonstration of what students can do. 1. Fish E ficiency activity (Drew) ~20 min. do this as they return to session - need activity description) 2. Life Cycle Assessment (Jan) ~20 min. - use slides to walk them through a big-picture analysis of one or 2 automobiles. We looked at car efficiency, now what happens when we broaden the system boundary to include energy resources, treatment, conversion, waste disposal, etc.? Show them the Life cycle Assessment activity, share an example of one of the system posters.
  3. OUTLINE, 2 (hidden slide) 3. What natural resources does TAIWAN

    have at its fingertips? (Dre, ~10 min) 4. Wrap up, (Drew) ~10 min. Describe rest of workshop; present overview of our ‘theme’; show where they can find online resources for energy-related curriculum development 5. HOT, HOT, HOT (Dre) ~10 min. Don sunglasses, hat, sing! ** Dre introduces activity with a description of why she uses parodies in her teaching **
  4. Review/Recap: The 2 Biggest Contributors to Energy Consumption 1. Electricity

    Consumption 2. Transportation https://tnimage.taiwannews.com.tw/photos/shares/5ab07bf10ba38.j https:/ /www.romaniajournal.ro/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/ electricity-consumption.jpg
  5. Think about … What Is a SUSTAINABLE Energy System? Sustainable

    Development, as defined in 1987 by the Brundtland Commission (formally known as the World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED). “Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”
  6. In the context of ENERGY … ✔ CONSERVE – find

    ways to USE LESS ENERGY (smaller systems, personal choice, etc.) ✔ IMPROVE EFFICIENCY – replace/improve end use technology or energy conversion technology ✔ SUBSTITUTE renewables for non-renewable resources 3 Approaches to design or modify an energy system so it is more sustainable:
  7. In the context of ENERGY … ✔ CONSERVE – find

    ways to USE LESS ENERGY (smaller systems, personal choice, etc.) ✔ IMPROVE EFFICIENCY – replace/improve end use technology or energy conversion technology ✔ SUBSTITUTE renewables for non-renewable resources 3 Approaches to design or modify an energy system so it is more sustainable:
  8. Fish E-fish-ency Activity This activity is used as a kinesthetic

    demonstration to allow students to understand fuel economy statistics and to generate a conversation about energy efficiency.
  9. Vehicles 1. Dump Truck/Tractor Trailer = 6 mpg (39 L/100km)

    2. Bus-Style Recreation Vehicle = 10 mpg (24 L/100 km) 3. Lamborghini = 11 mpg (21 L/100 km) 4. Jeep Grand Cherokee = 13 mpg (18 L/100 km) 5. Toyota Tundra = 14 mpg (17 L/100 km) 6. Toyota Land Cruiser = 15 mpg (16 L/100 km) 7. Toyota Sienna Minivan = 20 mpg (12 L/100 km) 8. Honda Odyssey Minivan = 22 mpg (11 L/100 km) 9. Chevy Spark = 33 mpg (7 L/100 km) 10. Ford Fusion = 42 mpg (6 L/100 km) 11. Toyota Prius = 56 mpg (4 L/100 km) 12. Hyundai Ioniq (hybrid) = 58 mpg (4 L/100 km) 13. Hyundai Ioniq Electric = 136 mpge (2 L/100 km) https://www.numbeo.com/gas-prices/in/Kaohsiung#
  10. What does EFFICIENCY really mean? 14 mpg (17 L/100 gal)

    136 mpge (2 L/100 gal) 33 mpg (7 L/100 gal) BUT … EFFICIENCY =USABLE ENERGY OUT ENERGY IN
  11. “True” Efficiency … “Life Cycle Efficiency” Electricity ‘true efficiency’ of

    this energy system? Expands the System Boundary to include the primary resource Efficiency = energy provided by car potential energy in primary resource Efficiency ~ 35% Efficiency ~ 74 -95% coal
  12. “True” Efficiency … “Life Cycle Efficiency” Expands the System Boundary

    to include the primary resource Efficiency ~ 14 -30% Efficiency ~ 80% (exploration, extraction, processing, transport)
  13. Diesel Fuel Cell Natural Gas Gasoline Hybrid gas/ elect. Electric

    Eberhard & Tarpenning, Tesla Motors, Inc., July 2006.
  14. What happens when we look beyond ENERGY EFFICIENCY? A true

    ‘Life Cycle Assessment’ will consider impacts to society and the environment, all along the fuel chain.
  15. What happens when we look beyond ENERGY EFFICIENCY? A true

    ‘Life Cycle Assessment’ will consider impacts to society and the environment, all along the fuel chain.
  16. LCA Activity: Students lay out an initial Life Cycle Assessment

    of 3 different fuel systems Gasoline Car Fuel Cell Car Biofuel Car
  17. Inputs Water Use Electricity Use Crude Oil Extraction Refining Oil

    to Gasoline Electric Power Transmission On-site hydrolysis H 2 NG Reforming H 2
  18. In the context of ENERGY … ✔ CONSERVE – find

    ways to USE LESS ENERGY (smaller systems, personal choice, etc.) ✔ IMPROVE EFFICIENCY – replace/improve end use technology or energy conversion technology ✔ SUBSTITUTE renewables for non-renewable resources 3 Approaches to design or modify an energy system so it is more sustainable:
  19. Which Natural Renewable Resources Does Taiwan Have at its Fingertips?

    Does the wind blow in Taiwan? Does the sun shine in Taiwan? Do rivers run down your mountains? Do you have high tides and low tides? Do you have active geothermal activity? https:/ /www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fqvcc.edu%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2017%2F03%2FSun-PNG-Image.png&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fqvcc.ed u%2Fprograms%2Facademics%2Fsun-png-image%2F&docid=pMabP8bFnKdkmM&tbnid=6mRQSFAsNrHdsM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwiO6OGNqvfjAhVjZN8KHT7lA1MQMwiMASgQM BA..i&w=1080&h=1080&bih=625&biw=1366&q=sun&ved=0ahUKEwiO6OGNqvfjAhVjZN8KHT7lA1MQMwiMASgQMBA&iact=mrc&uact=8
  20. Potential for Run of the River Generators https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&source=ima ges&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwiQioi8r_HiAhVLxVk KHY_IDncQjRx6BAgBEAU&url=https%3A%2

    F%2Fwww.worldatlas.com%2Fwebimage%2 Fcountrys%2Fasia%2Ftaiwan%2Ftwland.htm &psig=AOvVaw24AyR2fkrN-n2Za6XtqSGl&u st=1560890176241380
  21. Interactive Map of Existing Power Plants in Taiwan by type

    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of _power_stations_in_Taiwan
  22. Let’s wrap up the day! • What have we learned

    today? • Look at United States efforts • Web-based resources for lesson design and data • Looking forward to Thursday and Friday
  23. What We Have Learned Today Wide diversity of energy use

    across the globe Fossil fuels are the most utilized - but - at a cost! Huge potential for renewable energy Energy security is important to all nations Sankey diagrams tell us a lot about energy use and energy loss Energy bills are a good method of understanding your energy use and how to save The entire electrical energy system needs to be considered when thinking about efficiency Efficiency in transportation is very important as well as electricity
  24. Framework for K-12 Science Education and Next Generation Science Standards

    (NGSS) United States Goal: 1. Create common standards for teaching science. 2. Develop interest among students to pursue studies in STEM 3. Greater focus on process skills a. Developing/testing ideas b. Analyzing/interpreting data c. Evaluating evidence d. Communicating results
  25. 1. Energy is a concept used in the design of

    Science and Engineering Practices. 2. It’s important that students learn how to apply ideas learned through the Disciplinary Core Ideas. 3. Energy is a Cross-Cutting Concept that applies to all domains of science (life, physical, Earth & space). Energy in the NGSS
  26. http://www.need.org/ Web-based Resources for Lesson Design & Data 1. Energy

    101 - https:/ /www.energy.gov/eere/education/energy-101 2. Teach Engineering - https:/ /www.teachengineering.org/lessons/view/cla_lesson3_energy_basics 3. KEEP Program - https:/ /www.uwsp.edu/cnr-ap/KEEP/Pages/default.aspx 4. CLEAN Network - https:/ /cleanet.org/index.html 5. NEED Program - https:/ /www.need.org/ 6. Our World in Data - https:/ /ourworldindata.org/ 7. The Shift Project Data Portal - https:/ /www.tsp-data-portal.org
  27. http://www.need.org/ What Will Happen Over The Next Two Days? 1.

    Thursday: a. What type of energy do we use and how do we use it? b. Saving energy through efficiency and conservation. 2. Friday: a. Example of innovation - building windmills b. Sharing an example lesson plan - lecture and active learning c. Work session and sharing/discussion of workshop ideas
  28. Resources in Google Classroom Find our presentations and all of

    our lessons to modify to meet your own needs.
  29. Time to Put on your Hat and Sunglasses! https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fcdn.shopify.com%2Fs%2Ffiles%2F1%2 F0148%2F9585%2Fproducts%2Fsunglasses-natty-ice-lime-1_1024x1024.jpg%3Fv%3D155793755

    1&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.blenderseyewear.com%2Fcollections%2Fall-sunglasses%2Fp roducts%2Fnatty-ice-lime%3FyoReviewsPage%3D12&docid=TeJGwJb2lxoLzM&tbnid=dd28Xcw-3 __bQM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwj2-KDurPfjAhXGhOAKHXOlBwcQMwidASgRMBE..i&w=948&h=538&it g=1&bih=625&biw=1366&q=sunglasses&ved=0ahUKEwj2-KDurPfjAhXGhOAKHXOlBwcQMwidAS gRMBE&iact=mrc&uact=8 https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fstockx.imgix.net%2Fproducts%2Fstreetwear%2FNik e-x-Atmos-NRG-AW84-Hat-Blue-Black-Flash-Crimson.png%3Ffit%3Dfill%26bg%3DFFFFFF%26w%3D700%2 6h%3D500%26auto%3Dformat%2Ccompress%26q%3D90%26dpr%3D2%26trim%3Dcolor%26updated_at%3 D1553543721&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fstockx.com%2Fnike-x-atmos-nrg-aw84-hat-blue-black-flash-crims on&docid=fHjG0zgIo8YgZM&tbnid=pSx52Vjdgu4HxM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwiYp4nVrPfjAhXBmeAKHRIODIEQM wjkASgxMDE..i&w=1400&h=1000&bih=625&biw=1366&q=hat&ved=0ahUKEwiYp4nVrPfjAhXBmeAKHRIODIE QMwjkASgxMDE&iact=mrc&uact=8
  30. HOT HOT HOT Buster Poindexter Let’s switch today / Let’s

    switch today The Earth’s on fire -- climate on fire -- Feeling hot hot hot Fossil fuels are-- Burnin’ ‘round me feeling hot hot hot What to do - at a time like this Switch to solar - we can't resist We need to switch today. Renewables are the way! Storms go rum-bum-bum-bum they go rum-bum-bum-bum Climate is hot hot hot -- Feeling hot hot hot - oh Lord
  31. The ice caps melting -- cause lowland flooding -- that’s

    not hot hot hot ocean currents changing -- they’re rearranging -- that’s not hot hot hot It's in the air - violent storms Polar vortex - they’re not the norms We need to switch today. Renewables are the way! Storms go rum-bum-bum-bum they go rum-bum-bum-bum Climate is hot hot hot -- Feeling hot hot hot - Oh Lord
  32. Let’s switch today / Let’s switch today Let’s switch today

    / Let’s switch today Coal, oil, gasses - hot hot hot Hydro-fracking - hot hot hot We need to buy renewables on the spot We need to buy renewables on the spot I'm hot -- You're hot -- He's hot -- She's hot I'm hot -- You're hot -- He's hot -- She's hot (Real hot) -- (Real hot) -- (Real hot) -- (Real hot) Ha-ha-ha - Oh Lord
  33. How you feeling? (Hot hot hot) How you feeling? (Hot

    hot hot) How you feeling? (Hot hot hot) How you feeling? (Hot hot hot) (Hot hot hot)(Hot hot hot) (Hot hot hot)(Hot hot hot)