2% Gas-fired 39% Petroleum-fired 5% Coal-fired 39% Hydraulic 1% Nuclear 9% Total power generation 231,080 GWh Energy consumption of Taiwan 2016 2015 2016 2020 2025 PV 842 1,342 6,500 20,000 Wind onshore 647 671 728 1,200 offshore 0 16 520 3,000 Geothermal 0 1 150 200 Biomass energy 741 742 768 813 Hydraulic 2,089 2,089 2,100 2,150 Hydrogen and fuel cells 0 0 22.5 60 Total 4,319 4,861 10,789 27,423 臺灣再生能源發展目標 2025生質能源目標佔比813 MW (3%). 焚化爐發電量 無生質能源整體發展規劃 註:臺灣再生能源電力結構: https://www.taipower.com.tw/tc/page.aspx?mid=204 我國電力設施能源佔比與再生能源發展