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PPML Mozfest23

PPML Mozfest23

Privacy guarantees are one of the most crucial requirements when it comes to analyse sensitive information. However, data anonymisation techniques alone do not always provide complete privacy protection; moreover Machine Learning (ML) models could also be exploited to _leak_ sensitive data when _attacked_ and no counter-measure is put in place.

*Privacy-preserving machine learning* (PPML) methods hold the promise to overcome all those issues, allowing to train machine learning models with full privacy guarantees.

This workshop will be mainly organised in **two parts**. In the first part, we will explore one example of ML model exploitation (i.e. _inference attack_ ) to reconstruct original data from a trained model, and we will then see how **differential privacy** can help us protecting the privacy of our model, with _minimum disruption_ to the original pipeline. In the second part of the workshop, we will examine a more complicated ML scenario to train Deep learning networks on encrypted data, with specialised _distributed federated_ _learning_ strategies.

Valerio Maggio

March 22, 2023

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  1. Privacy Preserving Machine Learning Machine Learning on Data you’re not

    allowed to see @leriomaggio github.com/leriomaggio/ppml-tutorial speakerdeck.com/leriomaggio/ppml-mozfest23 vmaggio@anaconda.com
  2. also me • Background in CS • PhD in Machine

    Learning • Research: ML/DL for BioMedicine • SSI Fellow • Python Geek 
 • Data Scientists Advocate _at_ Anaconda me pun Who?
  3. Why Privacy is important The Facebook-Cambridge Analytical Scandal (2014-18) i

 A Facebook quiz called “This Is Your Digital Life” invited users to f ind out their personality type The app collected data from participants but also recorded public data from those in their friends list. 2015 
 The Guardian reported that Cambridge Analytica had data from this app and used it to psychologically pro f ile voters in the US. 305K people installed the app 87M people info gathered 2018 
 US and British lawmakers demanded that Facebook explain how the f irm was able to harvest personal information without users’ consent. i Facebook apologised for the data scandal and announced changes to the privacy settings.
  4. What about Machine Learning ? Human Learning ≠ Machine Learning

    Di ff erent Challenges APPLE Machine Learning instead may require millions of samples even for a “simple” task > ML models are data hungry APPLE??
  5. What about Machine Learning ? Human Learning ≠ Machine Learning

    Di ff erent Challenges APPLE APPLE?? MS Researchers demonstrated that di ff erent models (even fairly simple ones) 
 performed almost identically on Natural Language disambiguation tasks [1]: Scaling to very very large corpora for natural language disambiguation, Banko M., Brill E., ACL '01: Proceedings of the 39th Annual ACL Meeting doi.org/10.3115/1073012.1073017 [1] Data >> Model ? See Also: “The Unreasonable E ff ectiveness of Data”, Halevy, Norvig, and Pereira, IEEE Intelligent Systems, 2009
  6. The Data Vs Privacy AI Dilemma AI models are data

    hungry: • The more the data, the better the model • Push for High-quality and Curated* Open Datasets * More on the Curated possible meanings in the next slides! High-sensitive data: we need to keep data safe from both intentional and accidental leakage Data &| Models are kept in silos!
  7. The Data vs Privacy AI Dilemma AI models are data

    hungry: • The more the data, the better the model • Push for High-quality and Curated* Open Datasets * More on the Curated possible meanings in the next slide! High-sensitive data: we need to keep data safe from both intentional and accidental leakage Data &| Models are kept in silos! Data accounting for privacy 
 (privacy preserving data)
  8. Privacy-Preserving Data Data Anonymisation Techniques: e.g. k-anonimity • (From Wikipedia)

 In the context of k-anonymization problems, a database is a table with n rows and m columns. 
 Each row of the table represents a record relating to a speci fi c member of a population and the entries in the various rows need not be unique. The values in the various columns are the values of attributes associated with the members of the population. Priv a cy a s a property of D a t a Dataset 🔒K-Anonymised 
 Dataset Algorithm #1 Algorithm #2 Algorithm #k Data Sharing https://github.com/leriomaggio/privacy-preserving-data-science
  9. Privacy-Preserving Data Priv a cy a s a property of

    D a t a Patients 
 Records (Sanitised) History of Medical Prescriptions Patients bought meds from which pharmacy Pharmacies visited Roughly infer ZIP codes and residency 
 (even without address info: e.g. most visited pharmacy) Correlation between medications and disease
  10. Data Privacy Issues Source: https://venturebeat.com/2020/04/07/2020-census-data-may-not-be-as-anonymous-as-expected/ […] (we) show how these

    methods can be used in practice to de-anonymize the Netflix Prize dataset, a 500,000-record public dataset. Linking Attack
  11. Threats and Attacks for ML systems 2008 

    (re-identi fi cation) 2011 
 Reconstruction Attack 2013 
 Parameter Inference Attack 2015 
 Model Inversion Attacks 2017 
 Membership Inference Attacks ML Model MLaaS White Box 
 Attacks Black Box 
 Attacks Perimeter • privacy has to be implemented systematically without using arbitrary mechanisms. • ML applications are prone to di ff erent privacy and security threats.
  12. Utility vs Privacy Dilemma The real challenge is balancing privacy

    and performance in ML applications so that we can better utilise the data while ensuring the privacy of the individuals. Image Credits: Johannes Stutz (@da f lowjoe)
  13. PPML Interactive Session - Approach: Data Scientist -Always predilige dev/practical

    aspects (tools & sw) -Work on the full pipeline 
 - Perspective: Researcher - References and Further Readings to know more - Live Coding 🧑💻 (wish me luck! 🤞 ) - non-live coding bits will have exercises to play with.
  14. Introducing Di ff erential Privacy Inspired from: Di ff erential

    Privacy on PyTorch | PyTorch Developer Day 2020 
 youtu.be/l6 f bl2CBnq0
  15. PPML with Differential Privacy https://ppml-workshop.github.io Di ff erential privacy is

    a system for publicly sharing information about a dataset by describing the patterns of groups within the dataset while withholding information about individuals in the dataset. Like k-Anonymity, DP is a formal notion of privacy (i.e. it’s possible to prove that a data release has the property). 
 Unlike k-Anonymity, however, di ff erential privacy is a property of algorithms, and not a property of data. That is, we can prove that an algorithm satis fi es di ff erential privacy; to show that a dataset satis fi es di ff erential privacy, we must show that the algorithm which produced it satis fi es di ff erential privacy.
  16. Learning from Aggregates Introducing OPACUS Di ff erential Privacy within

    the ML Pipeline ppml-tutorial/2-mia-di ff erential-privacy • Aggregate Count on the Data • Computing Mean • (Complex) Train ML model Di ff erential Privacy within the ML Pipeline
  17. Wrap up • Part 1: Model Vulnerabilities and Attacks •

    Adversarial Examples ( in Practice ) • Model Inversion Attack 
 • Part 3: DL and Di ff erential Privacy (DP) • Model Training with DP • Part 2: Federated Machine Learning • Federated Data • Federated Learning (SplitNN)
  18. Thank you very much 
 for your kind attention Valerio

    Maggio @leriomaggio vmaggio@anaconda.com github.com/leriomaggio/ppml-tutorial speakerdeck.com/leriomaggio/ppml-mozfest23