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Knowledge Management in the Just-in-time World

September 17, 2019

Knowledge Management in the Just-in-time World

The problem: Nowadays people search for information online on daily basis and quite often they consider their freshly acquired “knowledge” to be of the same (or even better) quality as lifelong knowledge of experts. But… do you really know after one hour of googling as much about cancer as your doctor?

In this session, we will try to explain different qualities of knowledge and how to handle the challenge desribed above.


September 17, 2019

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  1. Social Connections 15 Munich, September 16-18 2019 Abstract We live

    in a just-in-time world. There is no extra not enough time for anything, even to learn and get proper knowledge. In this session, we will try to explain different qualities of knowledge and how to handle the challenge described above.
  2. Social Connections 15 Munich, September 16-18 2019 About Speakers “I

    am just a poor boy university prof of software engineering with 20 years of experience, but not a knowledge management expert” “I know nothing about knowledge management, I only teach it at faculty” Together, we are trying to write a textbook on KM :-) Hint: see DK effect later
  3. Social Connections 15 Munich, September 16-18 2019 I don’t know

    how it works, I just googled it. ftp get rfc.net google stackverflow.com (hours – days) (seconds - minutes) 1990: 2019:
  4. Social Connections 15 Munich, September 16-18 2019 Problem Solving in

    a Socially Networked World “Given an environment where practically all software is developed with reliance on a shared knowledge base and community, (...) is there a risk that programmers do not really understand how their software works? Or will it in fact lead to better efficiency by reducing time spent fixing bugs or re-inventing the wheel?” (Treude 2012) stuff people producs
  5. Social Connections 15 Munich, September 16-18 2019 How SECI Relates

    to HCL Connections? S: great for large-scale socialization E: easy codification via blogs, wiki, files, online docs… C: forums+Q&A, search, taxonomies/tagging, network of peers, … I: N/A – happens in your head, context needed!
  6. WORKING MEMORY LONGTERM MEMORY UNCONSCIOUS Problem solving Understanding principles Feeling,

    Intuition Deep knowledge Surface knowledge Wisdom facts Abstract models
  7. seconds – minutes hours – weeks months – years Problem

    solving Understanding principles Feeling, Intuition Deep knowledge Surface knowledge Wisdom facts Abstract models learn Effortful practice ??? experince novice/apprentice competent/proficient master/expert
  8. Social Connections 15 Munich, September 16-18 2019 context Complex problem

    information seconds – minutes hours – weeks months – years Problem solving Understanding principles Feeling, Intuition Deep knowledge Surface knowledge Wisdom facts Abstract models learn Effortful practice ??? experince novice/apprentice competent/proficient master/expert skimming Solution, advice 1. Effortful learning and practice creates abstract models and enables understanding of principles. 2. There are no good answers/solutions/advice without deep knowledge.
  9. Social Connections 15 Munich, September 16-18 2019 The point For

    all the good things systems for sharing thoughts, information and knowledge (ESN-like or otherwise) brought, we must not forget that to solve real problems (= complex, unprecedented), expert, deep knowledge is needed and that this knowledge builds over time, by thorough investigation, repetitive exercises in various contexts, on top of fundamental sources; not by just-in-time skimming through a cacophony of (otherwise excellent) StackOverflow, GitHub, Wordpress, and-what-not sites.
  10. Social Connections 15 Munich, September 16-18 2019 The difference between

    novice and expert • Novices work with information and provide answers without understanding of principles. They use working memory to juggle with many facts. • Experts take the same input and leverage their abstract models and deep knowledge to provide better answers. • It takes a long time and a lot of effort to become an expert. • Start early, don’t wait for the problem, learn every day.
  11. Social Connections 15 Munich, September 16-18 2019 Fun fact 1

    “Each subject area has some set of facts that, if committed to long- term memory, aids problem-solving by freeing working memory resources and illuminating contexts in which existing knowledge and skills can be applied.” (Deans 2015) “The development of deep knowledge is not an easy task. It takes an intense and persistent interest and dedication to a specific area of learning, knowledge and action [and is] gathered through what is called effortful practice.” (Bennet 2008)
  12. Social Connections 15 Munich, September 16-18 2019 Fun fact 2

    “The expert’s unconscious has learned to detect patterns and evaluate their importance in (...) situations that are too complex (...) [M]uch of this knowledge (...) surfaces only when the individual makes a decision based on “feel”. Nevertheless, deep knowledge usually provides the best solution to a problem.” (Bennet 2008)
  13. Social Connections 15 Munich, September 16-18 2019 Fun fact 3

    “Our study shows that active GitHub committers ask fewer questions [on StackOverflow] and provide more answers than others.” (Vasilescu et al 2013) “Advanced students consistently perform query refinements, examine search results and commit to read, however, novices do not [and] only skim.” (Lu 2016) avg StackOverflow reputation by age (Morisson 2013)
  14. Social Connections 15 Munich, September 16-18 2019 Fun fact 4

    “History, for example, requires surface learning [first] but deep learning [is acquired later] for analysis and understanding. (...) Programming is not like this. It is not a body of knowledge, it is a skill. (...) But how many programmers learned to program solely from a course in higher education? Few indeed.” (Jenkins 2002) “It is my greatest intention to make stackoverflow.com highly complementary to these sorts of timeless, classic programming books. It is in no way, shape, or form meant as a replacement for them.” (Jeff Atwood, 2008)
  15. Social Connections 15 Munich, September 16-18 2019 References 1. (Weigel

    2002) Weigel, V.B., 2002. Deep learning for a digital age: Technology's untapped potential to enrich higher education. Jossey-Bass, 989 Market Street, San Francisco, CA 94103-1741. 2. (Ackoff 1989) Ackoff, R.L., 1989. From data to wisdom. Journal of applied systems analysis, 16(1), pp.3-9. 3. (Takeuchi-Nonaka 1995) Nonaka, I. and Takeuchi, H., 1995. The knowledge-creating company: How Japanese companies create the dynamics of innovation. Oxford university press. 4. (Dunning 2011) Dunning, D., 2011. The Dunning–Kruger effect: On being ignorant of one's own ignorance. In Advances in experimental social psychology (Vol. 44, pp. 247-296). Academic Press. 5. (Deans 2015) Deans for Impact (2015). The Science of Learning. Austin, TX: Deans for Impact. 6. (Bennet 2008) Bennet, D. and Bennet, A., 2008. The Depth of Knowledge: Surface, Shallow or Deep? VINE, Vol. 38, No. 4, 2008 7. (Vasilescu et al 2013) Vasilescu, B., Filkov, V. and Serebrenik, A., 2013, September. Stackoverflow and github: Associations between software development and crowdsourced knowledge. In 2013 International Conference on Social Computing (pp. 188-195). IEEE. 8. (Lu 2016) Lu, Y. and Hsiao, I.H., 2016. Seeking Programming-Related Information from Large Scaled Discussion Forums, Help or Harm?. International Educational Data Mining Society. https://eric.ed.gov/?id=ED592724 9. (Jenkins 2002) Jenkins, T., 2002, August. On the difficulty of learning to program. In Proceedings of the 3rd Annual Conference of the LTSN Centre for Information and Computer Sciences (Vol. 4, No. 2002, pp. 53-58). 10. (Jeff Atwood, 2008) https://blog.codinghorror.com/programmers-dont-read-books-but-you-should/ 11. (Treude 2012) Programming in a Socially Networked World: the Evolution of the Social Programmer 12. (Morisson 2013) Is programming knowledge related to age? an exploration of stack overflow https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2487102