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PHPカンファレンス2013参加/発表報告 #TechLunch

PHPカンファレンス2013参加/発表報告 #TechLunch

2013/09/18 (水) @ Livesense TechLunch
発表者:竹馬 力

Livesense Inc.

April 21, 2014

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  1. about tchikuba history 2002 - 2004 : not engineer 2004

    - 2011 : free engineer (C PHP Perl Java) 2011 - 2013 : PM@bilcom (Zend Facebook) 2013 - : engineer@livesense (Rails Symfony) like vim PHP Rails BDD TDD Agile Lean Beer Driving Singing SNS 13೥9݄17೔Ր༵೔
  2. <?php if(isset($_GET[‘hoge’])) { / / selectͳDB઀ଓ } if(isset($_POST[‘fuga’])) { /

    / insert/update/deleteͳDB઀ଓ } ?> <html> <head><title> xxx</title> <script> / / ᷓΕΔϨΨγʔJavaScript </script> </head> <body> </body> </html> 13೥9݄17೔Ր༵೔
  3. foreachཛྷ ߥΒ͠ foreach($hoge as $fuga) { foreach($fuga as $foo) {

    foreach($foo as &$bar) { } } } 13೥9݄17೔Ր༵೔