- In Japan for already ~12 years - Github: lukasjapan - RaspberryPi Bluetooth Speaker (without PulseAudio) - Favourite Languages - Kotlin - Ruby - C++ around here
Peltier element - Hot side, cold side - Uses lots of energy and not so powerful - but small - Used in digital cameras/surgery tools, etc - Powered by Solarpanel (or battery)
logger - easy - fast - 2.000-3.000 Yen - Option B) Buy a sensor for the Raspberry Pi and work with that - takes lots of work - takes lots of time - but it is fun
Ruby Gem - lukasjapan/i2c-bme280 - built by reading the Datasheet and above sample script - later I found a driver collection gem where the bme280 was included :(
- Sinatra - index.html - latest data API (.json) - data by time range API (.json) - Vue.js - Reactive Frontend Framework - Fast to get results - rather slim - Made in China (by former Google employee)
compartment? - Measuring before/after 30 minutes - just 4 degrees difference - back in less than 1 minute - possible causes - peltier element is too weak - I have to improve isolation (... a lot)