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Echte Cross-Plattform-Anwendungen mit Angular, ...

Echte Cross-Plattform-Anwendungen mit Angular, Cordova & Electron

Mit dem Einzug von Single-Page Application Frameworks steht modernen HTML5-Anwendungen nichts mehr im Wege: komponentenbasierte Entwicklung, Zwei-Wege-Datenbindung oder Dependency Injection - das alles und viel mehr bietet ein Framework wie Angular. Gepaart mit TypeScript bietet sich die Möglichkeit der statischen Codeanalyse, Refactorings und IntelliSense. In dieser Session zeigt Ihnen Manuel Rauber, wie man mit dem Open-Source Framework die modernen Browser- und Web-Features nutzen kann, um echte Cross-Plattform-Business-Anwendungen für Desktop und mobile Endgeräte entwickeln und wie diese an die Benutzer ausgeliefert werden können.

GitHub: https://github.com/thinktecture/x-celerate-2017-angular-ci-cd

Manuel Rauber

October 10, 2017

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  1. Consultant @ Thinktecture AG ! [email protected] " @manuelrauber # https://manuel-rauber

    .com Microsoft MVP The guy who’s talkin’ Echte Cross-Plattform-Anwendungen mit Angular, Cordova & Electron x-celerate 2017 Manuel Rauber
  2. Echte Cross-Plattform-Anwendungen mit Angular, Cordova & Electron x-celerate 2017 Single-

    vs. Multi- vs. Cross-Platform macOS Linux Windows iOS Windows Phone Android BlackBerry 10 FireOS Browser TV … Refrigerator
  3. • Lightweight service-based architecture • Functional services with dedicated interfaces

    • Use other services, like database or file system • (JSON-based) Web APIs • Secured by tokens • Consumable by every HTTPS speaking client • Application push services via WebSocket • SignalR • Socket.io Echte Cross-Plattform-Anwendungen mit Angular, Cordova & Electron x-celerate 2017 Architecture HTTP HTTPS WebSocket Service A Service B Service C Web APIs (ASP.NET, Node.js, …) HTML5-Application (Single-Page Application) Web Cordova Electron
  4. Overview • Based on TypeScript • Mobile & desktop •

    Angular Universal: Client- and server-side-rendering possibilities • MV* architecture • Components, Views, View Models • Modules, Services, Dependency Injection • Data binding, Routing, HTTP , Animations, Unit-testable Echte Cross-Plattform-Anwendungen mit Angular, Cordova & Electron x-celerate 2017 Angular
  5. Concepts • Goal: scaling, reusability • Component • Combines logic

    & view • Visible to the user • Isolated & reusable • Service • Reusable logic without a view • Contains the business logic: getting data from a server, model validation, … • Module: Collection of components and services Echte Cross-Plattform-Anwendungen mit Angular, Cordova & Electron x-celerate 2017 Angular
  6. Data flow Echte Cross-Plattform-Anwendungen mit Angular, Cordova & Electron x-celerate

    2017 Angular Parent -> Child Application Hackathons Users Hackathon Hackathon [hackathons]=“someExp” [hackathon]=“someExp” Child-> Parent Application Hackathons Users Hackathon Hackathon (rate)=“onRate()” (rate)=“onRate()” via @Input() via @Output()
  7. Build automation • Powerful build automation tool: Angular CLI •

    Project & template generation • Unit & end-to-end tests • Development builds • Full debugging support • Live server • Production ready builds • Optimization of code generation • Minification & Uglyfication • Ahead-of-time compilication & build optimazion Echte Cross-Plattform-Anwendungen mit Angular, Cordova & Electron x-celerate 2017 Angular
  8. • Native application shell with integrated web browser • Android:

    Android specific browser / CrossWalk • iOS: UIWebView / WKWebView • Windows Mobile: Internet Explorer / Edge • HTML5 app is hosted within an integrated web browser • Provides access to the underlying native platforms via plugins • Native SDKs to build the apps are needed Echte Cross-Plattform-Anwendungen mit Angular, Cordova & Electron x-celerate 2017 Cordova
  9. • Allows creation of real desktop application (.exe, .app) •

    Combines a full-blown Chromium browser with Node.js • Does not rely on the target machine’s installed browsers • No need to install native SDKs for building • Access native platform APIs • Electron API • Node.js modules • Advanced features like auto updates & crash reporter Echte Cross-Plattform-Anwendungen mit Angular, Cordova & Electron x-celerate 2017 Electron
  10. Echte Cross-Plattform-Anwendungen mit Angular, Cordova & Electron x-celerate 2017 BASTA!

    Spring 2017 macOS iOS Windows Mobile Android Windows Desktop Windows 10/UWP Linux Browser
  11. Web • Dockerize it! • Deployable via Docker containers on

    • Microsoft Azure: Container Registry, Container Services, Container Instances • IBM Bluemix Container Services • Amazon EC2 Container Services • Google Cloud Platform • Runnable via • Simple Azure Linux-based Web Apps • Docker Swarm • Kubernetes Echte Cross-Plattform-Anwendungen mit Angular, Cordova & Electron x-celerate 2017 Deployment
  12. Mobile • Automation of beta deployments (e.g. Testflight) or real

    app store deployments • Automate the process of screenshot generation or code signing • Notification after new releases (e-mail, Slack, …) • Integration into Continuous Integration for Continuous Deployment • Online: bitrise.io • Offline: fastlane Echte Cross-Plattform-Anwendungen mit Angular, Cordova & Electron x-celerate 2017 Deployment
  13. Desktop • Code signing • Auto Update • Installer •

    Build version management • Artifact publishing • Automate via electron-packager or electron-builder and custom scripts Echte Cross-Plattform-Anwendungen mit Angular, Cordova & Electron x-celerate 2017 Deployment
  14. • Basic idea: Remove the App Stores! • Bring native

    experience directly to the browser • Platform push services • Offline • Installable • Initiate led by Google since 2015 • PWA is not a technology but a collection of features • Backwards compatible Echte Cross-Plattform-Anwendungen mit Angular, Cordova & Electron x-celerate 2017 Overview
  15. • Modern applications need a modern architecture • Web Technology

    Stack to achieve “real cross-platform” • Cordova & Electron for native platform integrations • Build tooling supports daily development and production workflow • Progressive Web Apps show an interesting future Echte Cross-Plattform-Anwendungen mit Angular, Cordova & Electron x-celerate 2017 Summary
  16. • Angular: https://angular .io • Apache Cordova: https://cordova.apache.org/ • Electron:

    http://electron.atom.io/ • Gulp: http://gulpjs.com/ • Webpack: https://webpack.github.io/ • Rollup: http://rollupjs.org/ • Angular CLI: https://cli.angular .io/ • PWA: https://developers.google.com/web/progressive-web-apps/ Echte Cross-Plattform-Anwendungen mit Angular, Cordova & Electron x-celerate 2017 Resources