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"Hey, Alexa!" – Wie APIs das alltägliche Leben ...

Manuel Rauber
September 27, 2017

"Hey, Alexa!" – Wie APIs das alltägliche Leben erobern

Eines ist sicher: Die Verbreitung von APIs schreitet voran. Für manche Anwendungsfälle offensichtlich und merklich spürbar, für andere eher im Verborgenen. In diesem Abendvortrag wollen Manuel Rauber und Christian Weyer in entspannter Atmosphäre einen kurzen Einblick in die Programmierung von Amazons Echo mit dessen diversen APIs wie dem Alexa Sprachservice geben. Vielleicht steht ja bereits ein solches oder ähnliches Gerät in Ihrem Wohnzimmer? Dann lassen Sie uns doch ein bisschen programmieren und Alexa unseren Abend ein Stück weit angenehmer machen – ob das klappt?

GitHub: https://github.com/thinktecture/basta-herbst-2017-alexa

Manuel Rauber

September 27, 2017

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  1. “Hey, Alexa!” Wie APIs das alltägliche Leben erobern Manuel Rauber

    @manuelrauber Consultant Christian Weyer @christianweyer CTO
  2. Christian Weyer ! @christianweyer " https://www.thinktecture.com Co-founder, co-owner and CTO

    at Thinktecture AG Manuel Rauber ! @manuelrauber " https://manuel-rauber.com Consultant at Thinktecture AG Hey, Alexa! Wie APIs das alltägliche Leben erobern Speakers
  3. Disclaimer We are not affiliated with Amazon, whatsoever Wie APIs

    das alltägliche Leben erobern Hey, Alexa!
  4. § APIs are everywhere – or rather: should be everywhere

    § „APIs FTW!“ § Internet-of-Things (IoT) only really works with APIs § HTTPS, WebSockets, AMQP etc. § BTW: https://www.programmableweb.com/ has some nice public APIs to play with API-ification Wie APIs das alltägliche Leben erobern Hey, Alexa!
  5. Punch cars  Text input & keyboard  Mouse &

    GUI  Touch  Gestures  Voice & speech VUI = Voice user interface How we got there Wie APIs das alltägliche Leben erobern Hey, Alexa!
  6. § We always need a client  use cases define

    the interactions § Talk to the client application, rather than use a mouse or a finger § Voice user interfaces are not yet as ubiquitous § We need different UX  we still need to learn § Siri, Cortana, Alexa, Bixby etc. are already here § Can be used in any kind of application § Bots backed by artificial intelligence can leverage voice services as their input interface / API It is all about the use cases Wie APIs das alltägliche Leben erobern Hey, Alexa!
  7. § They are spreading like crazy Google, Apple & Co.

    Wie APIs das alltägliche Leben erobern Hey, Alexa!
  8. § Amazon‘s entry into the game Amazon Echo & Echo

    Dot Wie APIs das alltägliche Leben erobern Hey, Alexa!
  9. § ”Intelligent” personal assistant § Alexa Voice Services § Open

    for custom services & 3rd party device integration § “AVS-enabled product” § “Alexa-enabled product” § https://github.com/alexa/alexa-avs-sample-app/wiki/Raspberry-Pi § Like Microsoft’s Cognitive Services or Google’s Speech API § MS currently has the broadest set of APIs § Used by Amazon Lex § Provides speech recognition & natural language understanding § For building conversational interfaces (e.g. chatbots) Amazon Alexa Wie APIs das alltägliche Leben erobern Hey, Alexa!
  10. § Two developer accounts § aws.amazon.com § developer.amazon.com § AWS:

    Lambda Function § Code is done directly in AWS or locally § Upload is needed when developing locally § Debugging is PITA § Skills can also be hosted anywhere (as a Web API) § Developer: Alexa Skill & Interaction Building § Intent § Utterance § Slots Basic Alexa Skill programming Wie APIs das alltägliche Leben erobern Hey, Alexa!
  11. § … he has to go to school ... The

    robot maker Wie APIs das alltägliche Leben erobern Hey, Alexa!
  12. NOTE - Demo Please do NOT USE the WIFI J

    Wie APIs das alltägliche Leben erobern Hey, Alexa!
  13. § Debian Linux-based operating system § Runs on several LEGO®

    MINDSTORMS compatible platforms § Full development environment available § http://www.ev3dev.org § Python is best suited to build & run custom code ev3dev Wie APIs das alltägliche Leben erobern Hey, Alexa!