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T3CON13: Web application development using Beha...

T3CON13: Web application development using Behaviour Driven Development

License: CC BY-SA

While Test-Driven Development (TDD) has already emerged as a widely accepted standard in agile software development over the past decade, the relatively young concept of Behaviour-Driven Development (BDD) tries to apply TDD principles to bridge the gap between developers and domain experts.

This talk aims at illustrating the basic principles of Behaviour Driven Development and will introduce appropriate tools that can be used for automated acceptance testing of web applications, like Cucumber, Behat and Mink.

The talk will include some real-life examples from Mittwald’s software development department. It will discuss the costs and benefits of BDD and how BDD can improve your software quality and ease both the developer’s and product owner’s mind.

Martin Helmich

October 30, 2013

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  1. <?php class MyTest extends PHPUnit_Extensions_Selenium2TestCase { protected function setUp() {

    $this->setBrowser('*firefox'); $this->setBrowserUrl('http://login.mittwald.de/'); } public function testLoginWithCorrectCredentialsWorksCorrectly() { $this->url('login.html'); $this->byXPath('//input[@id="login_username"]')->value('123456'); $this->byXPath('//input[@id="login_password"]')->value('supersecret'); $this ->byXPath('//input[@type="submit" and @name="login_password"]') ->clickAndWait(); $this->frame(0); $this->assertContains( 'Welcome to the customer center', $this->byXPath('//body')->text() ); } } ?> Scenario: User login Given I am on "login.mittwald.de" When I fill in "123456" for "username" And fill in "supersecret" for "password" And press "log in" Then I should see "Welcome to the customer center" 24 6 Lines
  2. You

  3. Scenario: Registration form Given I am on "index.php?id=512" When I

    follow "register now!" And I fill in "user_name" with "Max Mustermann" And I fill in "user_email" with "[email protected]" And I attach the file "/Users/mmustermann/max.jpeg" to "user_image" And I press "submit registration" Then I should be on "index.php?id=514" And the response should contain "Thank you ..." And the mailbox "m15273" should contain an email with subject "Your registration"
  4. Scenario: Registration form Given I am on "index.php?id=512" When I

    follow "register now!" And I fill in "user_name" with "Max Mustermann" And I fill in "user_email" with "[email protected]" And I attach the file "/Users/mmustermann/max.jpeg" to "user_image" And I press "submit registration" Then I should be on "index.php?id=514" And the response should contain "Thank you ..." And the mailbox "m15273" should contain an email with subject "Your registration" This
  5. Better! Feature: Online registration In order to use the site's

    personalized features As an anonymous user I want to register to the page. Scenario: Registration is confirmed Given I am on the registration page And I fill in the following: | Full name | Max Mustermann | | Email address | [email protected] | And I upload an image of myself And submit the registration Then I should see a confirmation message And I should receive a confirmation email
  6. Feature: Online registration In order to use the site's personalized

    features As an anonymous user I want to register to the page. Scenario: Registration is confirmed Given I am on the registration page And I fill in the following: | Full name | Max Mustermann | | Email address | [email protected] | And I upload an image of myself And submit the registration Then I should see a confirmation message And I should receive a confirmation email Who
  7. Then /^(?:I| ) should receive a confirmation e?mail$/ do #

    Connect to mailbox and see if mail is actually there. # Throw exception otherwise. end class FeatureContext extends Context { /** * @Then /^(?:|I )should receive a confirmation e?mail$/ */ public function assertRegistrationMailWasReceived() { // Connect to mailbox and see if mail is actually there. // Throw exception otherwise. } }
  8. How

  9. BDD

  10. BDD

  11. BDD