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Business and Technical Agility with Team Topolo...

Matthew Skelton
September 16, 2021

Business and Technical Agility with Team Topologies - dealing with legacy systems - Reliance Jio - 2021-09-16

From a talk at Reliance Jio


Organizations that do not adapt rapidly to the modern, highly-changeable business environment are failing, and failing in large numbers. Increased regulation, pressures from climate change, shifting of energy sources, digitalization, and (recently) the COVID-19 pandemic are all driving a need for business agility in organizations of all sizes.

In this talk, we’ll explore how the patterns and principles from Team Topologies promote true business agility through a rapid flow of software change, fast feedback from running systems, a strong drive for loose coupling, and an awareness of sociotechnical mirroring. Combined with a product mindset and techniques from Domain-driven Design, the Team Topologies approach is helping organizations around the world to adapt to the “new normal” and achieve true business agility.

Matthew Skelton, co-author of Team Topologies, shares insights from organizations in several different industry sectors including banking, financial services, insurance, retail, and leisure.

Matthew Skelton

September 16, 2021

More Decks by Matthew Skelton

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  1. TeamTopologies.com @TeamTopologies Business and Technical Agility with Team Topologies (dealing

    with legacy systems) Matthew Skelton co-author of Team Topologies @matthewpskelton Reliance Jio - 16 September 2021
  2. 2 Manuel Pais Independent IT organizational consultant and trainer Ex-dev,

    ex-build manager, ex-tester, ex-QA lead Twitter: @manupaisable LinkedIn: manuelpais Matthew Skelton Founder at Conflux Experience as: software developer, technical director, change enabler, conference organizer... Twitter: @matthewpskelton LinkedIn: matthewskelton
  3. Team Topologies 3 Organizing business and technology teams for fast

    flow Matthew Skelton & Manuel Pais IT Revolution Press, 2019 teamtopologies.com/book
  4. “innovative tools and concepts for structuring the next generation digital

    operating model” Charles T. Betz, Principal Analyst, Forrester Research 4
  5. 5 What is business agility? Being agile, not doing ‘Agile’

    Valuable: product mindset Team Topologies examples
  6. Team Topologies patterns help to turn blocking compliance checks into

    self-service, flow-aligned, API-driven checks
  7. Team Topologies is partly a sense-making approach to help organizations

    gain situational awareness and therefore agility
  8. Team Topologies helps the organization to focus tightly on its

    core mission via streams and limiting team cognitive load
  9. 11 What is business agility? Being agile, not doing ‘Agile’

    Valuable: product mindset Team Topologies examples
  10. 26 What is business agility? Being agile, not doing ‘Agile’

    Valuable: product mindset Team Topologies examples
  11. 28 State of DevOps reports 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

    2018 2019 Annual survey of 1000-5000 IT professionals worldwide using rigorous statistical methods 2020 2021
  12. 29 State of DevOps 2019 Analysis from responses of over

    31,000 IT professionals worldwide over 6 years “an independent view into the practices and capabilities that drive high performance” + “Four Key Metrics”
  13. 30 State of DevOps 2019 “The use of cloud… is

    predictive of software delivery performance and availability.” “High performers favor strategies that create community structures at both low and high levels in the organization...”
  14. 31 State of DevOps 2019 “Heavyweight change approval processes, such

    as change approval boards, negatively impact speed and stability. In contrast, having a clearly understood process for changes drives speed and stability, as well as reductions in burnout.”
  15. 32 State of DevOps 2019 Key technical practices • Lightweight

    change process • Real DR testing • Maintainable code • Loosely-coupled systems • Monitoring • Trunk-based development • Deployment automation
  16. Accelerate Building and Scaling High Performing Technology Organizations Nicole Forsgren,

    Jez Humble, Gene Kim IT Revolution Press, 2018 Order via stores worldwide: https://itrevolution.com/book/accelerate/ 33
  17. 35 State of DevOps 2021 “...principles and patterns from Team

    Topologies are helping organisations in every sector and geography become more high-performing.” https://puppet.com/resources/report/2021-state-of-devops-report/
  18. 54

  19. 55

  20. 61

  21. “What would be needed for us to be compliant with

    security/finance/PII rules with multiple, decoupled, rapid flows of change?” (Self-service APIs) Scaled Expertise 62
  22. Compliance as Code (API) 63 Flow of change Domain experts

    as Enabling team for compliance / governance
  23. 64 What is business agility? Being agile, not doing ‘Agile’

    Valuable: product mindset Team Topologies examples
  24. Product: Holistic User Experience Functionality + Design + Monetization +

    Content – Marty Cagan, 2010 66 Source: https://svpg.com/defining-product/
  25. 67

  26. 69

  27. 71

  28. 73

  29. 78

  30. 79 A platform is optional to use - no team

    is forced to use the platform
  31. Platforms must advocate for their platform product and “market” it

    to internal teams (User Personas, UX, talking...) Internal Marketing 80
  32. 82 What is business agility? Being agile, not doing ‘Agile’

    Valuable: product mindset Team Topologies examples
  33. 85

  34. 86 Challenge Hiscox needed to increase the pace of change

    to release new products quickly into a highly competitive and fast-moving market. Solution Introduced DevOps practices and infrastructure automation
  35. 87 Results • Reduced cost per release on a major

    app by 97%. • Release cycle improved from 10 weeks per deployment to 50 deployments per week. • Reduced time per release by 89%. • Reduced staff required to release by 75%. https://www.uk.cdw.com/files/2515/3555/5104/Hiscox-Case-Study-20180411.pdf
  36. 89 < 2015 2016 2017 data center flooded data storage

    failures 2015 POCs for cloud Infrastructure as Code - config in version control New capabilities: upskilling and awareness Ops: learn to code Dev: learn infra Migrate core UK policy admin to cloud Rework apps to be more cloud-native https://blog.weareconvivio.com/how-hiscox-insurance-adopted-agile-working-in-a-0-5bn-bet-on-the-cloud-d613955d3ef9
  37. 91 “DevOps has meant big improvements in reliability and visibility,

    and those lead directly to improved productivity and speed of releases. With more reliability in your delivery process, you get a faster pace of change.” Jonathan Fletcher, CTO at Hiscox Insurance https://www.uk.cdw.com/files/2515/3555/5104/Hiscox-Case-Study-20180411.pdf
  38. 92 “We decided to limit DevOpsifying to our crown jewels:

    the five applications we care about most.” Jonathan Fletcher, CTO at Hiscox Insurance https://www.uk.cdw.com/files/2515/3555/5104/Hiscox-Case-Study-20180411.pdf
  39. 93 “We moved people into roles that were more aligned

    with the business unit — “product focused” is probably the right term, as I mentioned earlier. Each product team has its own business analysts, developers, testers and other functions as needed. These teams are the masters of their own destiny, rather than trying to beg and borrow capacity from a big group function.” Jonathan Fletcher, CTO at Hiscox Insurance https://www.uk.cdw.com/files/2515/3555/5104/Hiscox-Case-Study-20180411.pdf
  40. 94 “We needed a team to evangelize and support the

    adoption of DevOps. … We created a platform services team (which I run). That team learned continuous delivery and other DevOps practices...” Jonathan Fletcher, CTO at Hiscox Insurance
  41. 95 Results • Reduced cost per release on a major

    app by 97%. • Release cycle improved from 10 weeks per deployment to 50 deployments per week. • Reduced time per release by 89%. • Reduced staff required to release by 75%. https://www.uk.cdw.com/files/2515/3555/5104/Hiscox-Case-Study-20180411.pdf
  42. 100

  43. A large European banking group A major cloud technology company

    GOV: Brazil, Canada, Norway, UK, US Several major telecoms companies A scale-up in Open Banking An aerospace laboratory Healthcare providers Several mortgage companies 102
  44. • Founded 2005 • 70 stores in the UK •

    £260m revenue • 2500 employees • 2019: changes to make IT more responsive 104
  45. Team Topologies for Product Managers 108 Jun 2019 “The Product

    Managers from each team took special interest in the team interaction types as it helped them to have useful, directed conversations about upcoming work, they could essentially fact-check their different roadmaps and make sure that the interactions required were lined up in advance. “ -- Andy Norton, Software Development Manager, Footasylum
  46. Adopt the Thinnest Viable Platform 112 Feb 2020 Static data

    fine to begin with: shops rarely move!
  47. Concepts • Stream-aligned (business domain) • Thinnest Viable Platform •

    Evolving teams and interactions • Combine with Wardley Mapping 114 teamtopologies.com/examples
  48. • Product Mgt superpowers • Effective comms during COVID-19 •

    Responsive, autonomous teams Results 115 teamtopologies.com/examples
  49. “the interaction modes defined by Team Topologies gave us real

    insight into how we could maintain effective practices, and also cross-team collaboration.“ -- Andy Norton, Software Development Manager, Footasylum 116
  50. “...start adopting product architectures that permit work to flow in

    small, decoupled batches. These loosely coupled architectures, with stable interfaces, enable us to work in parallel on many subsystems.” - Don Reinertsen 149 The Principles of Product Development Flow: Second Generation Lean Product Development (p. 127 - Principle B15)
  51. • Founded in 1847 • Insurance sector • Norway and

    Baltics • 4000 employees • Cloud/DevOps transformation 2015-now 161
  52. Supporting topologies 164 Design Platform, Analytics Platform, Web Application Platform,

    CRM platform, Infrastructure platform Mainframe core system Architecture, Information Security
  53. Concepts • Stream-aligned: build & run • Supporting team types:

    clarity • Platform teams have customers: Stream-aligned teams 165
  54. Results • Digital sales: 40% growth (5 yrs) • Customer

    service: 2x digital • Claims handling: 80%+ online 166 teamtopologies.com/examples
  55. 168 What is business agility? Being agile, not doing ‘Agile’

    Valuable: product mindset Team Topologies examples
  56. Team Topologies patterns help to turn blocking compliance checks into

    self-service, flow-aligned, API-driven checks
  57. Team Topologies is partly a sense-making approach to help organizations

    gain situational awareness and therefore agility
  58. Team Topologies helps the organization to focus tightly on its

    core mission via streams and limiting team cognitive load
  59. 188 Manuel Pais FlowOnRails Twitter: @manupaisable LinkedIn: manuelpais Matthew Skelton

    Conflux Twitter: @matthewpskelton LinkedIn: matthewskelton Copyright © Conflux Digital Ltd and FlowOnRails 2018-2021. All rights reserved. teamtopologies.com