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LASAGNE Multilayer Network Translation Framework

Matt J Williams
November 06, 2014

LASAGNE Multilayer Network Translation Framework

Presentation on the dataset translation tool built for the EU LASAGNE research project. Presented at Queen Mary University of London on 6 Nov 2014.

Matt J Williams

November 06, 2014


  1. A webapp and repository for multilayer networks LASAGNE Project Meeting

    6-7 Nov 2014, QMUL The LASAGNE Multilayer Network Translation Framework Matt Williams, Mirco Musolesi University of Birmingham
  2. LASAGNE Multilayer Data Tools • Common format for multilayer network

    data within LASAGNE • Common format for algorithms • Dissemination to broader multi* research community
  3. Outline • LASAGNE data formats recap • Dataset connectors •

    Translation webapp • Multilayer network repository
  4. LMF Formats Source Dataset Connector Metaformat Files Node List Layer

    List Intra-Layer Edge List Inter-Layer Edge List Aggregate Multiplex File LASAGNE Multilayer Network Framework (LMF)
  5. Metaformat Files ↵ node id time stamp weight ... ...

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... node list L1 L2
  6. Metaformat Files ↵ layer id label/ weight time stamp ...

    ... ... ... ... ... layer list L1 L2
  7. Metaformat Files ↵ i j α t w intra-layer edge

    list ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... one file per layer L1 L2
  8. Metaformat Files ↵ inter-layer edge list i j α β

    t w ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... L1 L2
  9. LMF Aggregate File nodeID_i nodeID_j layerID_alpha layerID_beta timestamp weight w

    vi vj ↵ t ... ... ... ... ... ... • Single file representing whole multilayer network
  10. Dataset Connectors • Translates source data to LMF metaformat and

    aggregate • Output as either CSV files or MySQL database
  11. Implemented Connectors Noordin Top Terrorist Network Human Brain Connectivity Flight

    Routes Online Multiplayer Game 45 subjects, obtained via CNRS Subset obtained via MUW
  12. Data Format Public Layers Nodes Weighted Time- varying Explicit Inter-Edges

    Terrorist Pajek ✔ 4 78 ✘ ✘ ✘ Flights Open Flights ✔ 10 100 ✘ ✘ ✘ Pardus Bespoke ✘ 4 2,058 ✘ ✘ ✘ Brain Bespoke ✘ 2 90 ✔ ✘ ✘ Implemented Connectors
  13. Command-Line Tools • 4x connectors • Export to MySQL and

    CSV file • Open source https://github.com/nsds/LMTF-Tools
  14. Translation Framework Web Browser Web Server (Apache) Application Server (LMTF)

    Translation Working Storage Dataset Repository Job Queue & Dispatcher (beanstalk) http e-mail (smtp) • LMF data packaged as ZIP archive • Delivery via e-mail (URL to ZIP archive) or in-browser
  15. LMF Data Repository • Public repository of many multilayer network

    datasets, stored in LASAGNE data formats • Available as direct download • Current datasets: OpenFlights Routes Noordin Top Terrorist Networks
  16. Data Format Public Layers Nodes Weighted Time- varying Explicit Inter-Edges

    Terrorist Pajek ✔ 4 78 ✘ ✘ ✘ Flights Open Flights ✔ 10 100 ✘ ✘ ✘ Pardus Bespoke ✘ 4 2,058 ✘ ✘ ✘ Brain Bespoke ✘ 2 90 ✔ ✘ ✘ LMF Data Repository
  17. Data Format Public Layers Nodes Weighted Time- varying Explicit Inter-Edges

    Terrorist Pajek ✔ 4 78 ✘ ✘ ✘ Flights Open Flights ✔ 10 100 ✘ ✘ ✘ Pardus Bespoke ✘ 4 2,058 ✘ ✘ ✘ Brain Bespoke ✘ 2 90 ✔ ✘ ✘ LMF Data Repository
  18. Deployment • High-performance machine at UoB • 128GB RAM and

    2TB working storage • High bandwidth http://pizza.cs.bham.ac.uk/lmtf
  19. Outlook • LMF: LASAGNE Multilayer Network Format • LMTF: LASAGNE

    Multilayer Network Translation Framework ‣ Command line tools for translation ‣ Webapp for translation • Connectors so far – testing the framework • Open-source – encourage third party connectors • Ready for dissemination to community
  20. Opportunities • Call for more data sources! ‣ New connectors,

    for variety of types of multilayer dataset ‣ Especially: non-aligned, non-diagonal, time-varying, weighted ‣ Connectors for standard data formats: Gephi GEXF, ... • Expand multilayer network dataset repository • Suggestions very welcome! Propose a dataset, we’ll write a connector! • Collaborate on tools and algorithms for this format
  21. A webapp and repository for multilayer networks The LASAGNE Multilayer

    Network Translation Framework Matt Williams, Mirco Musolesi University of Birmingham With thanks to... LMTF contributors: Victor Darvariu, Kevin Pomorski, Demet Turan Data providers: CNRS, MUW M.J.Williams @cs.bham.ac.uk
  22. Acknowledgements Brain connectivity diagram Yasser Iturria-Medina, et al. Brain Hemispheric

    Structural Efficiency and Interconnectivity Rightward Asymmetry in Human and Nonhuman Primates. 2011. [http://cercor.oxfordjournals.org/content/21/1/56] Flight paths visualisation Michael Markieta [http://www.arupconnect.com/2012/12/14/global-flight-paths/] Pizza slice [http://icons.mysitemyway.com/magic-marker-icons-food-beverage/] WWW click icon Freepik [http://www.flaticon.com/free-icon/world-wide-web_1198]