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Getting to JSON:API: What it is, why you should...

Matt Stauffer
February 26, 2020

Getting to JSON:API: What it is, why you should use it, and how to use it in Laravel

Getting to JSON:API: What it is, why you should use it, and how to use it in Laravel

Matt Stauffer

February 26, 2020

More Decks by Matt Stauffer

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    IT, and HOW TO USE IT IN LARAVEL Getting to JSON:API - Matt Stauffer
  2. First half: Theory ▸ 1. Intro to REST APIs ▸

    2. The State of APIs ▸ 3. What is JSON:API? ▸ 4. Why JSON:API? Getting to JSON:API - Matt Stauffer
  3. Second half: Implementation ▸ 5. JSON:API Tooling in Laravel ▸

    6. Other API concerns ▸ 7. After the talk ▸ 8. Outro Getting to JSON:API - Matt Stauffer
  4. REST: CRUD over JSON using HTTP verbs shaped like /dogs/14

    and stuff Getting to JSON:API - Matt Stauffer
  5. REST is: ▸ Client/server ▸ Stateless ▸ Cacheable ▸ Layered

    (proxyable, load balanceable) ▸ Uniform Interface: ▸ Resource identification in requests ▸ Resource manipulation through representations ▸ Self-descriptive messages (content headers) ▸ Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State Getting to JSON:API - Matt Stauffer
  6. REST misconceptions: ▸ REST has no preferred URL patterns ▸

    REST needn't be JSON ▸ Most REST-ish APIs aren't actually RESTful, but that's fine Getting to JSON:API - Matt Stauffer
  7. AN EXAMPLE OF EMBEDDED HYPERMEDIA /* GET /departments/10 */ {

    "type": "departments", "id": "10", "attributes": { "name": "Information Technology" } } Getting to JSON:API - Matt Stauffer
  8. AN EXAMPLE OF EMBEDDED HYPERMEDIA /* GET /departments/10 */ {

    "type": "departments", "id": "10", "attributes": { "name": "Information Technology" }, "links": [ { "href": "departments/10/employees", "rel": "employees", "type" : "GET" } ] } Getting to JSON:API - Matt Stauffer
  9. "Hard coding URIs in your documentation and thus also in

    all of the clients of your API, is a clear violation of the REST constraint that hypermedia must be the engine of application state." - Asbjørn Ulsberg Getting to JSON:API - Matt Stauffer

    API STANDARDIZATION Getting to JSON:API - Matt Stauffer
  11. “Every sufficiently advanced API contains an ad hoc, informally- specified

    implementation of some media type on top of JSON.” - Steve Klabnik Getting to JSON:API - Matt Stauffer
  12. YOU MAY BE FAMILIAR... { "data": { "type": "articles", "id":

    "1", "attributes": { // ... this article's attributes }, "relationships": { // ... this article's relationships } } } Getting to JSON:API - Matt Stauffer
  13. BUT WHAT ABOUT... ▸ Compound documents in flat included key

    ▸ Content negotiation requirements ▸ Custom error syntax ▸ Nested include directives ▸ Sparse fieldsets ▸ Create/update/delete validation ▸ Relationship modification endpoints Getting to JSON:API - Matt Stauffer
  14. THE BIG PIECES OF JSON:API ▸ Document structure ▸ HTTP

    standards Getting to JSON:API - Matt Stauffer
  15. DOCUMENT STRUCTURE IN JSON:API ▸ data ▸ included ▸ links

    ▸ errors ▸ meta ▸ jsonapi Getting to JSON:API - Matt Stauffer
  16. DOCUMENT STRUCTURE IN JSON:API ▸ data ▸ included ▸ links

    ▸ errors ▸ meta ▸ jsonapi Getting to JSON:API - Matt Stauffer
  17. { "jsonapi": { "version": "1.0" }, "meta": { "i can

    do anything": { "i want": ["in", "here"] } } } Getting to JSON:API - Matt Stauffer
  18. DOCUMENT STRUCTURE IN JSON:API ▸ data ▸ included ▸ links

    ▸ errors ▸ meta ▸ jsonapi Getting to JSON:API - Matt Stauffer
  19. { "data": [{ "type": "articles", "id": "1" },{ "type": "articles",

    "id": "42" }] } Getting to JSON:API - Matt Stauffer
  20. Optional sections { "type": "articles", "id": "1", "attributes": { //

    key/value pairs of all attributes }, "relationships": { // relationship objects }, "links": { // link objects }, "meta": { // key/value pairs } } Getting to JSON:API - Matt Stauffer
  21. Attributes { "type": "articles", "id": "1", "attributes": { "title": "The

    greatest post ever", "body": "Lorem ipsum" }, } Getting to JSON:API - Matt Stauffer
  22. Relationships { "type": "articles", "id": "1", "relationships": { "author": {

    "data": { "type": "people", "id": "5" } } } } Getting to JSON:API - Matt Stauffer
  23. DOCUMENT STRUCTURE IN JSON:API ▸ data ▸ included ▸ links

    ▸ errors ▸ meta ▸ jsonapi Getting to JSON:API - Matt Stauffer
  24. COMPOUND DOCUMENTS { "data": { "type": "articles", "id": "123", "attributes":

    {}, "relationships": { "author": { "data": { "type": "people", "id": "5" }} } }, "included": [{ "type": "people", "id": "5", "attributes": { "name": "Phil the GOAT" } }] } Getting to JSON:API - Matt Stauffer
  25. DOCUMENT STRUCTURE IN JSON:API ▸ data ▸ included ▸ links

    ▸ errors ▸ meta ▸ jsonapi Getting to JSON:API - Matt Stauffer
  26. LINKS { "data": [{}, {}, {}], "links": { "self": "http://site.com/articles?page=3",

    "first": "http://site.com/articles?page=1", "prev": "http://site.com/articles?page=2", "next": "http://site.com/articles?page=4", "last": "http://site.com/articles?page=42" } } Getting to JSON:API - Matt Stauffer
  27. DOCUMENT STRUCTURE IN JSON:API ▸ data ▸ included ▸ links

    ▸ errors ▸ meta ▸ jsonapi Getting to JSON:API - Matt Stauffer
  28. ERRORS { "errors": [{ "id": "SERVER500C1", "links": {}, "status": "500",

    "code": "SERVER500C1", "title": "A server error has occurred.", "detail": "Longer message here.", "source": { /* Object containing references to the source */}, "meta": {} }] } Getting to JSON:API - Matt Stauffer
  29. ERRORS { "errors": [{ "status": "500", "title": "A server error

    has occurred." }] } Getting to JSON:API - Matt Stauffer
  30. DOCUMENT STRUCTURE IN JSON:API ▸ data ▸ included ▸ links

    ▸ errors ▸ meta ▸ jsonapi Getting to JSON:API - Matt Stauffer
  31. HTTP SPECS IN JSON:API ▸ Content Negotiation ▸ Verbs &

    Status Codes ▸ Query parameters (include, page, sort, filter, fields) Getting to JSON:API - Matt Stauffer
  32. VERBS & STATUS CODES Use them. The way they were

    meant to be used. Note: If a JSON:API feature is requested and you don't support it (e.g. ? include), return a 400 BAD REQUEST Getting to JSON:API - Matt Stauffer
  33. Important note: You don't have to fully adhere to a

    standard to learn from it. Getting to JSON:API - Matt Stauffer
  34. JSON:API: "A specification for Fetching and Mutating a Graph of

    Data" — Dan Gebhardt Getting to JSON:API - Matt Stauffer
  35. class ArticleResource { public function toArray() { return [ 'data'

    => [ 'type' => 'articles', 'id' => $this->resource->id, ], 'attributes' => [ 'title' => $this->resource->title, ], ]; } } Getting to JSON:API - Matt Stauffer
  36. class ArticleController { public function index() { $articles = QueryBuilder::for(Article::class)

    ->allowedIncludes(['author', 'comments']) ->allowedSorts(['created_at', 'title']) ->paginate(); return new ArticleCollection($articles); } } Getting to JSON:API - Matt Stauffer
  37. CONCLUSION Good for simple applications, but lots of work for

    full implementation. With Spatie Query Builder, you can get far. But no flat included. Getting to JSON:API - Matt Stauffer
  38. public function index() { $articles = QueryBuilder::for(Article::class) ->allowedIncludes(['author', 'comments']) ->allowedSorts(['created_at',

    'title']) ->paginate(5); return fractal($articles, new ArticleTransformer) ->withResourceName('articles') ->respondJsonApi(); } Getting to JSON:API - Matt Stauffer
  39. class AuthorTransformer extends TransformerAbstract { protected $defaultIncludes = []; protected

    $availableIncludes = ['articles']; public function transform(User $user) { return [ 'id' => (int) $user->id, 'name' => $user->name, ]; } public function includeArticles(User $user) { return $this->collection($user->articles, new ArticleTransformer, 'articles'); } } Getting to JSON:API - Matt Stauffer
  40. CONCLUSION Great for serializing even complex use cases, and great

    if you're a Fractal fan, but there's still manual work to be done. Also requires Spatie Query Builder to get far. Includes flat included for free. Getting to JSON:API - Matt Stauffer
  41. class Schema extends SchemaProvider { protected $resourceType = 'articles'; public

    function getId($resource) { return (string) $resource->getRouteKey(); } public function getAttributes($resource) { return [ 'title' => $resource->title, 'body' => $resource->body, ]; } public function getRelationships($resource, $isPrimary, array $includedRelationships) { return [ 'author' => [ self::SHOW_SELF => true, self::SHOW_RELATED => true, self::SHOW_DATA => isset($includedRelationships['author']), self::DATA => function () use ($resource) { return $resource->author; }, Getting to JSON:API - Matt Stauffer
  42. class Adapter extends AbstractAdapter { protected $attributes = []; protected

    $filterScopes = []; protected function author() { return $this->belongsTo('user'); } protected function comments() { return $this->hasMany(); } } Getting to JSON:API - Matt Stauffer
  43. CONCLUSION Steep learning curve, but the best way to get

    even close to full JSON:API. Getting to JSON:API - Matt Stauffer
  44. CACHING ▸ Cache DB requests ▸ Full HTTP request caching

    ▸ Intermediary caching (Varnish, Cloudflare) Getting to JSON:API - Matt Stauffer
  45. ▸ Relationship endpoints ▸ True HATEOAS ▸ Etags & cache-control/expires

    ▸ JSON Schema for defining types (client-side validation!) ▸ HTTP/2 Server Push ▸ JSON:API 1.1 Getting to JSON:API - Matt Stauffer
  46. TL;DR ▸ API standards are great ▸ JSON:API is a

    great standard ▸ Gradual adoption means there are no judgments! ▸ If you don't adopt something, error if it's asked for ▸ Eloquent Resources/Fractal + Spatie Query Builder for JSON:API lite, Laravel-JSON-API for full spec Getting to JSON:API - Matt Stauffer