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You Don't Look Like an Engineer

Monica Sarbu
September 04, 2018

You Don't Look Like an Engineer

Monica will share her experiences on how she has become an Engineering team lead at Elastic, a leading open source software company that to date has more than 100M product downloads. From once being a female college graduate that no one was likely to trust, to now being in the driving seat of key technical product development decisions, Monica has embraced so many opportunities from both a personal and professional perspective and is excited to share her journey with you today.

The story has its up and downs, from quitting jobs when they were no longer challenging, to starting a company and pivoting into open source. All of this while continuing to balance parenthood and a growing successful engineering career.

Monica Sarbu

September 04, 2018

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  1. !8

  2. !10 Women leaving the engineering field of engineering graduates 40%

  3. !26 US Managers who are engaged 41% WOMEN Gallup research

    35% MEN https://news.gallup.com/businessjournal/197552/women-lead-men-key-workplace-engagement-measures.aspx
  4. !27 Women at Tech Companies 29% 16% 22% TOTAL LEADERS

    TECHNICAL http://www.isaca.org/info/2017-women-in-technology-survey/index.html?cid=pr_1210374&appeal=pr ISACA Global Survey Report