DHH (Rails Founder) • When we order in a sushi restaurant, we usually don't need to specify any amount of wasabi. Just the same, Rails already has productive architecture and best practices to make programming easier. We don't need to waste our time defining them. http://david.heinemeierhansson.com/2012/rails-is-omakase.html
a lot of functions for improving productivity. • Many developers are creating some libraries for Ruby on Rails to make websites more easily. • There are a lot of friendly regional communities for it.
enjoying programming. So, we can have fun by using the Ruby and Rails programs. • There are a lot of free materials to learn Rails. So, programming beginners can easily use Rails. • There are so many local communities in the world. All Ruby communities prize goodwill. • If you have difficulty learning Rails, please send a message to @zyunnosuke on Twitter. (๑•̀Ŷ•́๑)✧