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I-1 Time Management Mastery Welcome

I-1 Time Management Mastery Welcome

More Decks by Patricia Sung | Motherhood in ADHD

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  1. Transcribed by https://otter.ai - 1 - I-1 TMM Welcome Video

    Fri, Jul 21, 2023 9:55PM • 8:48 SUMMARY KEYWORDS questions, workbook, modules, podcasts, videos, fit, worked, hang, adhd, life, moms, facebook group, transcript, happen, meeting, kids, brainpower, build, proud, thrive SPEAKERS Patricia Sung Patricia Sung 00:00 Hey there successful mama, welcome to time management mastery for ADHD moms, I hope that you are so proud of yourself for taking the next step and making your life better, more calm, more competent, and building these rhythms into your day so that you feel competent, how you're running your life, it is possible, and we're gonna make it happen. Now reminders, when you're doing all these videos, I know that you're throwing them into the cracks your day, and maybe you're, you know, on a walk, you know, walking your dog, maybe you are waiting for your kids to carpool. And that is totally fine. Like, we have to fit in things where we can. But if there is something that you could turn off, that would be a distraction, and, you know, turn off the TV and the, you know, scrolling and also, whatever you can control, take it down a notch. So that it can allow you to really focus on this time that you are doing for you and for your family. And know that you are doing a great job, whatever comes whatever happens, whatever modules you get through whatever activities you do, whatever you listen to all of it will get done, eventually what you need, you will get from this class, and you are doing a great job, it will all work out no stress, we're going to make it happen. Patricia Sung 01:15 Now I do need to hit the legal stuff that of course, goes to my staff. I worked very hard in creating a program that I know will fit you. It has taken a lot of brainpower, and I'm very proud of it. And while I do appreciate people quoting me if there is for some reason you'd like to use this for something else, you do need to get permission first. And if you ever decide to purport that you are the creator of this, my lawyers will come find you very quickly. Okay, thank you. All right, business done. Let's move on. Alright, so welcome. You are here for a reason, Mama, we are making changes that will ripple outward into our family. It's not just about us, like we're working on us. But it's not just about us, right? We are changing the relationship with our partners, our kids, our families, and then down into the generations, as we learn these skills, we're going to then share them with our kids who are going to share them with their kids. And I don't I don't take that lightly. I appreciate you trusting me and coming to me to help you. I don't I have I wish I like better words to be like I how much I value that. Patricia Sung 02:20
  2. Transcribed by https://otter.ai - 2 - So thank you. And

    we're gonna make magic happen right? Now I'm gonna be talking about what here, okay? My goal is to create the best class that I can for you. So that you can build the routines into your life and the rhythms that fit you so that you can be successful. So that means that I want you to ask questions, I want you to share your opinions, you're not gonna hurt my feelings. And even if you did stand about me, this is for you. So whatever you want to ask whatever you want to know, and you can't find it in the videos, you can't find it in the FAQs. You can't find it in the community, please come tell me and I, I want that feedback. I want this to be the best possible. And what I've learned through many years of teaching middle school is that if one person asks the question, it's good chance somebody else has a question. So I would love to incorporate that into the class. So don't be shy. Ask questions. Patricia Sung 03:10 Okay, what is where on one. So everything you need is here in Thrive cart. When you log in, you'll have the links for everything, the whole shebang. It's all in here. This has your videos, your transcripts, the workbook. If you want, you can print out the workbook. Or you can use it as a fillable PDF electronically. It has everything you need in there, so you can print it from the get go. It's not like you're missing things. However, your modules each different group A lessons is going to arrive by either week or every other week. So you don't get overwhelmed. And it allows space for life to happen. So you know, somebody gets something flu, it's there's a week of school, whatever, you have space to keep up with what's going on and not feel overwhelmed. All of the material, you got a video version here in thrivecart, you've got a transcript that you can read. And there's also an audio version in a private podcast app. So I'm sorry, not an In Progress App in your app with a private podcast. Patricia Sung 04:07 So what you're gonna do is go into your inbox, look for an email from Hello audio and it will give you an individual link and that link you will make sure that you're on your phone, or wherever you listen to podcasts on. Click on that link and it will add it into the player that you use whether you use Apple podcasts, Spotify, Google podcasts, it'll add it in there and you can listen on the go. Those modules will show up in the same order like the same timing as your Thrive cart modules do as well. Patricia Sung 04:35 Successful mama meetups is our meetup group where we hang out together. It's half planning and productivity time and the other half is social time and that comes with your with the course here. So you have a few months to join us as part of your package chair. So come hang out. Come see us. If you would go take a look at the time zones and see which time works for you. We do You have, as I'm recording this, we have two different meetings that are same day, but different time zones, we want to make sure that you know, we fit everybody across the globe that is here. So don't feel like you have to show up at every single one, I'd love to see you like, you're welcome to come as many times as you want. But it's not built for you to be there every time it's built so that everybody has a chance to be there. No matter where you live. So you can go there to hang out, get stuff done like this can be your accountability time for actually working on your course it can be your time for planning your week ahead. And you can also ask questions. Patricia Sung 05:33
  3. Transcribed by https://otter.ai - 3 - So every week is

    different in our social time, some of those weeks I do question and answer. Some of those are just hangout time. Some of them are you know, you know, we're talking about a certain topic, it's always different. There are options to ask questions on some of those meetings. If you don't want to wait for the meeting, then your Facebook, Facebook group, of course is available 24/7. So there, meet other moms, ask your questions you can post in there. Keep in mind that the Facebook group is all of my students, all of my clients, anyone who's worked with me, at any point is welcome there. So not everybody will have the same material. So no, like if you're asking a question. If you specifically want, you know, somebody who's already worked on the course, make sure you mentioned that. But there are specific discussion posts about the workbook. So you can go in and find the like module 1.4. And look at the posts there and see like what other moms have posted, you know, ask the people there, you can see who else is in the course based on you know, their posts in that workbook area. It's listed under the guides. So you know, hop in there, ask questions, crowdsource answers, I'm in there often. So, you know, I'm here to help. And yeah, get in there, make some friends like this. This is the point of this community, having a time where we're meeting on zoom all the time, you know, or weekly, having this place where you can be part of the group is to build your village and find moms, they get you and that you feel really comfortable around. So hang in there and find those people ask your questions. We're here to do this together. Patricia Sung 07:13 Okay. Next, is your first set of activities. So number one, mark your calendar for weekly meeting, either accept the invite I sent you, or put it on your email, in your calendar, whatever you keep track of your paper planner, it will be there for you. And then fill in the pre survey. This is a great reflection tool for us. For two ways. One, it allows you to look back and see how far have I come? A lot of times with ADHD, we forget how time passes and we forget how things change. We feel like we've always been in this situation right here. It's not going to change the future. It's been this way forever. And that's not true. Our brains are just very narrow, focused, right? So when we can look back and say like, Whoa, this is where I was two months ago, four months ago, six months ago. It helps us see how far we've come, which is really good for our brains, too. It helps me understand where you're coming from, and start to think about, hey, what else do we need to add here? What else do we need to put in? So it's really helpful for me as well. Third, go ahead and plan for when are you gonna watch the next video? When does that fit into your life? We want to be proactive and thinking about how we're going to do the next thing. Whether that's, you know, again, listening at softball practice or on your walk, or while you're folding laundry, whatever that is, wherever it fits. If you're someone who needs to focus in like where is 10 minutes, where you have quiet time where you can focus in and really listen, whatever you need, I want you to have that. Okay, so, think that's all for now. Welcome. So proud of you. And so glad that you're here. So I will see you soon.