to Outsource SUMMARY KEYWORDS tasks, outsourcing, outsource, filter, mark, checkmark, list, cleaning, tally, level, lowers, enjoy, stress, point, tally mark, deciding, focus, page, give, consuming SPEAKERS Patricia Sung Patricia Sung 00:00 Hey there, okay, our first step in outsourcing is, I want you to write down a list of everything that you do. This might be at home, it might be at work and at home, in your business, all the things that you do, I want you to write them down brain dump as many things you can add on to the page. Once you finish that, you're gonna go back and mark number one, put like a little tally mark or a check mark or whatever, it doesn't matter, mark it, anything that you do not like doing, give that a mark. I hate doing this, I want it. Anything you don't want to do, pool checkmark. Patricia Sung 00:39 Number two, you're gonna go back to the list again, mark with another tally, anything that you're just not good at. Mark that one. So some things might have to check, some will have one somewhat none. Okay, the next thing you're going to mark anything that is time consuming, just takes longer than either you want it to or it just takes long, because it takes long, give it another tally, then I want you to mark anything that you're currently avoiding doing get an extra mark. And so some of these things will have up to four checkmarks or tallies whatever next to them. That will give you a good starting place of these are probably the things you should start outsourcing. And we're going to run these through a filter though. Patricia Sung 01:18 Two things we want to think about is one, is this task truly unnecessary. We don't want to outsource things that we don't have to do sometimes we put in ourselves that we are supposed to do stuff like I'm supposed to, like make fancy scrapbooks for my kids. Do you really have to make fancy scrapbooks for your kids? Like can we can we not Is that okay? For you, it might be really important, great, do it, maybe it's not that important to you, you just thought you should do it. And you can cross that off the list. We don't need to outsource those things because they don't have to be done. Patricia Sung 01:53 The second filter we're going to put it through is does this have to be me, there are certain things that we do that do need to be us and we can't outsource those. There are some things that we think have to be us and they don't, we can outsource those. And obviously there are some things that are obviously we can get someone else to do. So as you look at the list of all the things that you have lots of tally marks for you filter them through that they aren't necessarily things that that really truly need to be