KEYWORDS work, videos, bulletin boards, community, podia, kids, adhd, questions, brains, life, fit, class, week, meeting, lesson, calendar, zoom, proud, rhythms, respond SPEAKERS Patricia Sung Patricia Sung 00:00 Hey there successful mama, welcome to time management mastery for ADHD moms, I hope that you are so proud of yourself for taking the next step in making your life better, more calm, more competent, and building these rhythms into your day so that you feel competent, how you're running your life, it is possible, and we're gonna make it happen. Patricia Sung 00:24 Now, reminders, when you're doing all these videos, I know that you're throwing them into the cracks your day, and maybe you're, you know, on a walk, you know, walking your dog, maybe you are waiting for your kids that carpool and that is totally fine. Like, we have to fit in things where we can. Patricia Sung 00:41