The 6th evening in our expert Knowledge Makes Change seminar series will feature Dr David Whitebread, University of Cambridge, and Barbara Isaacs from Montessori International, discussing the relationship between Play and Pedagogy in Early Years practice.
Dr. David Whitebread recently retired as Acting Director (External Relations) of the Play in Education, Development and Learning (PEDAL) research centre at the Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge, UK. He is a developmental psychologist who is widely recognized as a leading international expert in early childhood education. He has taught in early years and primary schools, and has published widely in academic journals, book chapters, and reports, including Developmental Psychology & Early Childhood Education (Sage, 2012) and "The importance of play: a report on the value of children’s play with a series of policy recommendations" (Toys Industries for Europe, 2012).
Barbara Isaacs has trained and supported training of Montessori Teachers for over 30 years as lecturer and academic director of Montessori Centre International. Her current role is Chief Education Officer at the Montessori St. Nicholas Charity where she is involved with course development and promotion of Montessori education with the UK and internationally. She is a regular contributor to Montessori International Magazine and Teach Early Years. For 15 years Barbara owned and managed a Montessori nursery in Oxfordshire. She is is committed to bringing Montessori education to children of the 21st Century whilst standing by the key principles of Montessori pedagogy.
The Knowledge Makes Change seminar series aims to inspire and be informative on ‘what works’ for young children and their families to ensure the best possible outcomes.