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Knowledge Makes Change Seminar 9 - Closing the ...

Knowledge Makes Change Seminar 9 - Closing the word gap

NCB Early Years

November 21, 2019

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  1. 27 Children  70% Boys  30% Girls  55

    % Jersey Premium  59% EAL (Portuguese, Polish, and Romanian)  11% SEN  30% SaLT *Known  18% Early Years Inclusion Team  14% Accessing wellbeing support
  2.  Communication is crucial to children’s life chances.  Speech,

    language and communication needs (SLCN) can impact on children’s social and emotional development, their school readiness and later in life on their education, employability and their mental health. 2018, Bercow, 10 Years on
  3. Time period: 6 weeks during summer term Per week 

    3 hours team teaching Monday morning  2.5 hours team teaching Tuesday afternoon  3 hours planning and resource making
  4.  Wellcomm Early Years Toolkit – embedding previous training 

    Joint analysis of screen results  ‘Team Teach’ Wellcomm ‘Time to Talk’ groups  Weaving Wellcomm targets: playground, lunch/snack time, daily routines  Develop high interest vocabulary songs  Developing communication friendly spaces  Further embedded Makaton signing
  5.  Demonstrated 1:1 sessions for children with complex needs 

    Understanding differential diagnosis EAL Vs Developmental Language Disorder (DLD)
  6.  Supporting Bilingualism  Developmental Language Disorder (DLD)  Awareness

    of vocabulary gap  Communication friendly spaces approach  Impact of SLCN in the classroom and playground  Prof. dr. Ferre Laevers Wellbeing and Involvement Scales  Play skills
  7.  Confident use of Wellcomm Toolkit  Weaving Wellcomm themes

    through real life experiences  All practitioners running ‘Time to Talk’ groups  Relationship between teaching team and Speech and Language Therapist  Sharing key messages with parents Whole team invested in language milestones of the cohort
  8. Initial screen: March 2019 Expected level 7 (42-47 months) Red

    level 4 (24-29 months) Green Level 3 (18-23 months) Rescreened: July 2019 Red level 5 (30-35 months) Green level 4 (24-29 months) 6 months of language development made in 3 months Identified ‘hidden’ language difficulties Referred to SaLT Improvement of Wellbeing and Involvement
  9.  Building up Wellcomm resources  Wellcomm trained new staff

    members  Book focus linked to Wellcomm screen results  Bank of Vocabulary Songs  General planning to include tier one vocabulary words  Deliver communication training at whole staff INSET
  10. Bercow (2018) Ten Years On. An Independent Review of Provision

    for Children and Young People with Speech, Language and Communication needs in England. https://www.bercow10yearson.com Education Endowment Foundation – Preparing For Literacy Hart B and Risley T R (2003) The Early Catastrophe: The 30 Million Word Gap by Age 3, University of Cansas, America. Jarman E (2013) The Communication Friendly Spaces Approach, Elizabeth Jarman Bethersden, Kent. Locke A (1985) Living Language, NFER-Nelson, Windsor. McLachlan H and Elks L (2012) Language Builders: Advice and Activities to Encourage Children’s Communication Skills.Elklan Parsons P and Branagan A (2016) Word Aware 2: Teaching Vocabulary in the Early Years, Speechmark Publishing, London. Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospital NHS Trust (2010) Wellcomm: A Speech and Language Toolkit for Screening and Intervention in the Early Years: Revised Edition. G L Assessment. Prof. dr. Ferre Laevers – (2012) A Process-Oriented Monitoring System for the Early Years (POMS) CEGO publishers National Literacy Trust Understanding Bilingualism in the Early Years https://www.literacytrust.org.uk/resources/ The Communication Trust: What Works https://www.thecommunicationtrust/whatworks Norbury C (2017) Developmental Language Disorder: The Most Common Childhood Condition You’ve Never Heard of. https://www.theguardian.com
  11. Fascinating facts from the latest science about how children’s language

    develops Supporting parents - media campaigns and resources
  12. At five, how far are UK children brought up in

    the most disadvantaged families behind those brought up in the most well-off families in their vocabulary?
  13.  My vocabulary when I’m two predicts how well I

    will behave and manage my emotions when I’m six  It also predicts how well I will read five years later
  14.  Early language is THE most important factor in influencing

    literacy levels at age eleven  Children with poor language at 5 six times less likely to reach expected standard in literacy at age 11 than those with good language
  15.  Nearly three quarters of health visitors report that they

    have seen a significant growth in numbers of children with speech and communication delay over the past two years  Recent survey of headteachers found that concerns about lack of school readiness have increased, with 97% of respondents identifying speech, language and communication needs as their greatest concern
  16. The amount of time television (adult and child programmes) was

    on in the home when child was under two predicted achievement at school entry. As this time increased, so the child’s score at school entry decreased. Roulstone et al , 2011 Investigating the role of language in children’s early educational outcomes, Research Report DFE-RR134
  17. Fascinating facts from the latest science about how children’s language

    develops Supporting parents - media campaigns and resources
  18. When they heard stories in the laboratory , the part

    of the brain involved in language processing lit up more for children who had lots of conversations at home
  19. And …for every extra 11 conversational ‘turns’ at home, there

    was a one point increase in the child’s score on a language tests
  20.  Study of two and three year olds found a

    positive association between a teacher talking and children’s language development – but only when that teacher talked to the child in a back and forth conversation, rather than just talking to the child with no opportunity for the child to respond Perry, P. (et al 2018) A year in words, PLOS One
  21.  The rhyme  A card star to thread with

    wool  Star finger puppet  Biscuit recipe and star cutter  Glow-in-the-dark stars  Star kaleidoscope
  22. Talk threads for families are displayed on a huge banner

    in the playground that says ‘Talk with your child ... check out the speech bubble below for ideas.’ The ideas are changed weekly.
  23. Parent’s ability to tune into and comment accurately on what

    baby is thinking/feeling is a good predictor of child’s language abilities at two, and school success at 7 Oo you like the monkey, don’t you!
  24. What’s that? I’d love to stroke him but ... I

    hope he’s not hungry.... What noise does it make? What colour is it ? I wonder what he likes to eat ... Oooooo.... Where does it live ?
  25. Child says/communicates Adult responds Smiles when sees dinner ( at

    8 months) Milk? (at 13 months) I’ve maked a house (at 3)
  26. Child says/communicates Adult responds Smiles when sees dinner Yes its

    your dinner! It’s your yummy dinner…. Milk? The milk’s gone. It’s all gone I’ve maked a house Yes you’ve made a very tall house
  27.  Toddlers read to or shown picture books daily are

    much less likely to be late talkers at two and a half (Collisson, 2016)  Children who read regularly with adults in early years learn language faster, enter school with larger vocabulary and become more successful readers in school (Mol, 2008)
  28. Reading to a 4 -5 year old child more frequently

    (every day or almost every day instead of twice a week or less) had the same effect on children’s reading skills at age 8-9 as being almost 12 months older (Kalb, 2013)
  29. Greatest effect on language development found when adults use a

    conversational style, talking around and about the book and encouraging the child to join in, rather than simply reading the story aloud (Rowland, 2016) Use dramatic pauses!
  30. February 2018 ‘The proportion of pre-school children being read to

    every day has dropped by a fifth over the last five years’
  31. Research shows repeated reads of the same book are particularly

    effective for vocabulary development (Horst et al , 2011; Damhuis et al, 2014)
  32.  Re-reading familiar stories  ‘Five-a-day’ read-aloud programme in one

    settng - five stories, narratives and information texts each day.  Volunteer programmes  Bedtime story events and projects
  33.  Checking that the children who need it most are

    getting the shared books (and the conversations)
  34.  Re-reading familiar stories  ‘Five-a-day’ read-aloud programme in one

    settng - five stories, narratives and information texts each day.  Volunteer programmes  Bedtime story events and projects
  35. Dad’s reading challenge: ‘It can’t be true, can it?’ I

    really enjoyed coming home from work, knowing that my son had brought a story sack home from pre- school for our bedtime story.
  36. A targeted programme for families with children age 2-5, to

    support early communication:  Six, weekly 1.5 hour group sessions with families, run by trained peer volunteers  Sessions concentrate on home learning environment and building talking into everyday activities  Big increase in parents reading with child every day, pre-post test increase in children’s standardised scores on language scale
  37.  Home visits to model interaction and book-sharing, and some

    group sessions  Very good evidence of impact - significant increase in frequency of sharing a book from the start of the project to the end of the project plus decrease in the number of children who scored lower than their age-expected band in language and literacy at five after REAL
  38.  Short – just four weeks  Two studies by

    Green (2003, 2004) provide preliminary results for self reported improvements in relationship quality and educational involvement for fathers and their children
  39.  Compared talk in city park and indoor play area

     Parent-child communication found to be more connected and responsive in the outdoors
  40.  Two and three year old children  Those who

    heard most speech from their peers learned more new words and vocalised more during the cours of the year
  41.  Quality of teacher emotional support predicts gains in language

    learning  Being warm and receptive and giving opportunities to talk about feelings is related to greater linguistic productivity and complexity in talk  BUT if instructional quality is low high ratings of social and emotional support in caregiving don’t predict positive language outcomes
  42.  10 week programme of group sessions for 10 weeks

    in nursery, followed by 20 weeks of group and individual sessions in the reception class  Children who took part showed significantly better reading comprehension in Y1 than control group (Fricke, 2012)  Now available as YR only
  43. 3 and 4 year olds, small group of 6-8 in

    nursery setting  Research showed highly significant progress in language development.  Twice the rate of progress in intervention group- average six months’ progress after the nine-week intervention
  44. 3 and 4 year olds, small group of 6-8 in

    nursery setting  2015 rigorous study with a control group- highly significant progress in language development.  Twice the rate of progress in intervention group - average six months’ progress after the nine-week intervention
  45. - Average progress 18 months over four month period -

    83% of children reached expected levels in understanding and using vocabulary, meaning they no longer need extra help - Over three quarters of children reached expected levels in their ability to talk in sentences and no longer need extra help
  46. Fascinating facts from the latest science about how children’s language

    develops Supporting parents - media campaigns and resources
  47.  Many little things light up hungry little minds. Kids

    take everything in, and even the smallest things you do with them can make a big difference.  They love it when you chat, play and read with them, even when they’re too young to understand everything. Whatever the time and wherever you are, you can turn almost anything into a game.  And every little thing you do together will help set them up nicely for the day they start school.
  48.  Chat as you go https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=NAxdDchXSug  Book sharing

    films https://literacytrust.org.uk/resourc es/reading-aloud-and-sharing- books-good-talking/ and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v =1crCPpG42tk 
  49. Any time is talk time  Dummies hide smiles You

    are the best toy in the box Turn off the TV and talk to me Face time your baby