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Making Maths REAL Scorecard in Jersey - Year 2 ...

Making Maths REAL Scorecard in Jersey - Year 2 Scorecard

NCB Early Years

February 07, 2019

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  1. 1. About the project Making Maths REAL Evidence shows that

    supporting children’s everyday mathematics at home, as part of a strong early home learning environment, can be linked to future success in mathematics. Making Maths REAL was initially developed as a pilot project in England by NCB. The programme has since rolled out across a number of areas in England. Project staff work with parents to support their children in developing three areas of maths that children use in everyday life: environmental maths; everyday maths and stories, and songs and rhymes. In 2017/18, the project has been rolled out to 8 settings across Jersey. This report card only focuses on Making Maths REAL.
  2. How much did Making Maths REAL do? How well did

    Making Maths REAL do it? • 31 practitioners trained in Making Maths REAL • 8 settings delivered Making Maths REAL in 2017 to a total of 22 children • 59% (13 of 22) were male / 41% (9 of 22) were female • Vast majority of children were of White ethnic origin (86% or 19 of 22) • 18 of 22 children speak English as their main language at home, followed by Polish (2), German/Russian (1) and Spanish/Portuguese (1) • 8 settings took part in REAL maths events with 200 parents and 206 children attending • Very high levels of satisfaction with Making Maths REAL training – 87% rated it excellent and 13% rated it very good. • 40% of practitioners attended at least 2 network meetings in the year following training • 88% (22 of 25) children involved in Making Maths REAL project received home visits • 78% (31 of 40) of target met for no. of practitioners trained to deliver Making Maths REAL Is anyone better off? • 97% of practitioners rated the training good or excellent in helping them engaging with parents to support child’s learning and the same proportion rated it good or excellent in terms of helping them support children’s learning • Almost four-fifths (79%) of parents reported they had increased confidence in terms of being able to support their child’s early literacy • Impact of programme on maths outcomes - 63% (12 of 19) registered improvements in numbers and counting, whilst 53% (11 of 21) registered improvements in environmental maths • Impact of programme on literacy outcomes This programme also impacts on improving the literacy of children as a well has improving their maths skills. In terms of literacy outcomes: - 100% (3 of 3) registered improvements in oral language (numbers low);
  3. 7 9 15 22 31 0 5 10 15 20

    25 30 35 Q2 2017 Q3 2017 Q4 2017 No. practitioners trained Per quarter Cumulative No. of settings with Maths Project 2017 No. of families receiving home visits 59% (13 of 22) 41% (9 of 22) 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 2017 Gender of children participating in Making Maths REAL Male Female 86% (19 of 22) 5% 9% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 2016 Ethnicity White Mixed Other Child’s language Number of… 2017 Settings 8 Parents 200 Children 206 Participation in REAL Maths events Note: Other’ category comprises 2 Polish, 1 German/Russian , and 1 Spanish / Portuguese speaker 8 2017 25 English 18 of 22 Other 4 of 22
  4. Programme reach across Jersey EY settings in 2017 Quality of

    practitioner training % of target met for no. of practitioners trained to deliver REAL % of children involved in Making Maths REAL projects receiving home visits 78% 31 of 40 88% 22 of 25 % of practitioners rating quality of Excellent/Very Good % of trained practitioners attending at least 2 network meetings in the school year following their training 13% 87% 0% 50% 100% Very good Excellent 40% 60% Yes No
  5. How are practitioners better off? % of parents with increased

    confidence in supporting their children's maths 79% How are parents better off? 67% (14 children) 33% (7 children) 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% A lot A little Not at all Extent to which children’s confidence in maths has improved How are children better off? % of children registering improvements in numeracy outcomes 48% (10 of 21) 81% (17 of 11) % of children who are a member of a library BEFORE AFTER % rated good/ excellent Supporting children with REAL maths events Training has helped to increase knowledge of… 97% Engaging with parents to support child’s learning 97% Note: 7 assessments stated the same. However, as they were already at the top of the scale at baseline, they have been excluded from analysis 3 children 15 children 6 children % of children registering improvements in literacy outcomes [No. low] 19 children 21 children