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Knowledge Makes Change Seminar 8 - Stories can ...

Knowledge Makes Change Seminar 8 - Stories can be counted on

The Knowledge Makes Change seminar series aims to inspire and be informative on ‘what works’ for young children and their families to ensure the best possible outcomes. It forms part of NCB’s work in Jersey and is delivered in partnership with the Jersey Child Care Trust. They are free events open to everyone engaged with young children and their families in Jersey.

The 8th evening in the series featured Neil Griffiths discussing how stories can be used to teach maths in fun, exciting and unexpected ways.

NCB Early Years

March 21, 2019

More Decks by NCB Early Years

Other Decks in Education


  1. Welcome and introductions Dr Cathy Hamer Chair of Best Start

    Partnership and Associate, National Children’s Bureau
  2. Agenda Welcome and Introductions Dr Cathy Hamer, Chair of Best

    Start Partnership and Associate, National Children’s Bureau Village Pre-School – Making it REAL Maths Kathy Holley and Karen Ogilvie Stories can be counted on Neil Griffiths, author and storyteller Questions and discussion Early Childhood Development Programme Update Annamarie Hassall MBE – Director of Practice and Programmes, National Children’s Bureau
  3. Home Visits - Focus on child’s interests to spark their

    interest in maths. - Aids confidence in practitioner that child will engage. - Aids confidence in parent.
  4. Home Visit Baking and Cooking - ‘5 Currant Buns’ rhyme

    using props. - Counting out the quantities of currants for each bun. - Making playdough cakes and counting the buttons. - Read ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’. - Looking at a recipe for porridge. - Measuring out the oats and water.
  5. Home Visit Everyday Maths - Exploring how household objects can

    be used to support early maths skills; including: - Counting out quantities - Comparing and ordering size - Matching numerals and quantities - Talking about the shape of objects and using them to create shapes, e.g. cotton buds to make a square. - Bottle Tops - Cotton Buds - Stones - Buttons - Corks
  6. Home Visit Trains - Measuring lengths of train track -

    Comparing and ordering the size of track - Counting out quantities of carriages - Using number cards to match numerals and quantities
  7. Event - Early Maths Workshop Modelling examples of everyday and

    household objects that can be used to support early maths skills.
  8. Event - Early Maths Workshop Modelling examples of natural objects

    that be used to support early maths skills.
  9. Spots and Teddies Event Spotty artwork – printing with tubes,

    cotton cool balls, corks, cotton buds etc Counting out quantities of smarties and matching colours. Linked to the Brown Bear Story
  10. Outcomes of Making Maths REAL… For the Children - Closer

    relationships between practitioners, children and parents. - Relationships between the children who have participated in home visits and practitioners has been enriched. - Positive effect children seeing their parents working closely with preschool practitioners. - Children benefiting from the parents increased knowledge of the importance of early maths development. - In preschool - an increase in children choosing to use resources to explore maths skills.
  11. Outcomes of Making Maths REAL… For the parents - Parents

    are more confident to discuss their child’s learning. - Parents have shared how they have used ideas and activities that they saw at an event. - Parents have shared how their involvement in home visits or events has helped their understanding of their child’s maths skills. - Parents have shared how the events gave them a greater understanding of the work of the preschool and the purpose behind the activities/resources we provide. “It was eye-opening that I could use things from around the house and our daily routines to help me help my child’s maths. I learnt that you don’t need lots of expensive maths resources, you just need to count the peas!” (Parent who participated in home visits)
  12. Outcomes of Making Maths REAL… For the practitioners - Practitioners

    have a greater awareness, enthusiasm and confidence for what they can do to further support the children’s maths development. - Practitioners are more confident to share their practice with parents. - All practitioners have been involved in REAL, either through running projects or volunteering at events. Parent who participated in home visits has completed the ‘Sharing REAL with Parents’ course; has become a member of our staff team and is currently completing their Level 2 Childcare training.
  13. Outcomes of Making Maths REAL… For the preschool - Reviewed

    maths provision and approach. - Thinking beyond a ‘maths area’. - children are regularly given the opportunity to participate in maths environmental print and shape hunts and walks. - We extended some of our events to our toddler group families.
  14. - Plans to extend REAL to the families who attend

    toddler group. Adapting to support 0-2.5 years. - Events are part of annual provision for the children and families. - Running combined Maths and Literacy ‘Stories, Songs and Rhymes’ events. - Incorporating Helicopter Stories into our work with REAL. - Plans to open events up to families in the local community. The future Making Maths REAL…at the Village
  15. The agonizing, alphabet of mathematics! A is for algebra B

    is for binary C is for calculus D is for denominator E is for equation F is for fibonacci sequence G is for geometry H is for hypotenuse I is for integers J is for juxtapose K is for kilogram L is for logarithm
  16. M is for median N is for negative number O

    is for obtuse P is for pi Q is for quadratic equation R is for ratio S is for scalene T is for trigonometry U is for unit V is for Venn diagram W is for weight X is for x-axis Y is for y-axis Z is for zigzag
  17. I am tired of watching children involved in: Countless counting

    Boring beading Mindless measuring Worthless weighing Timeless timing
  18. I am tired of watching children involved in: Countless counting

    Boring beading Mindless measuring Worthless weighing Timeless timing Endless estimating Senseless sequencing Pointless problem solving
  19. When mathematical experiences are rooted in children’s individual interests and

    fascinations, it increases their engagement, motivation, and desire to learn. PSRN The National Strategy
  20. All children can be successful with mathematics, provided that they

    have opportunities to explore mathematical ideas in ways that make personal sense to them. PSRN The National Strategies
  21. Mathematical activities for young children must be set within their

    experiences of everyday life and must involve them in active exploration of the world around them. Planning for Progression Inspection and Advisory Services, Wales
  22. Mathematics is essential to everyday life… …mathematics education should provide

    a sense of enjoyment and curiosity about the subject. (Dept for Education UK: ‘New Curriculum’)
  23. Ask these questions: What makes an activity interesting to you?

    What makes you want to do an activity? What makes you want to do it again?
  24. Their vivid illustrations are just waiting to be investigated and

    rich mathematical vocabulary is regularly interwoven into a stories text.
  25. They are more often than not based in real or

    near real life, providing a perfect context and setting for mathematical exploration.
  26. An important mathematical skill is the ability to be able

    to order, sequence and understand position.
  27. Knowing mathematical vocabulary is important for children to have a

    language tool for mathematics . . . PSRN The National Strategies
  28. Thank you to all my maths teachers for showing me

    how mathematics should have been taught!
  29. Many books include a journey within their storyline. This can

    present wonderful opportunities to explore position, location and measurement of distance and time!
  30. Other stories are full of many mathematical opportunities. They can

    be found at first glance, or within and beyond the storyline.
  31. Providing a ‘shop’ or ‘building site’ for play, does not

    necessarily lead to mathematical activity . . .
  32. Some say proudly, “The children don’t even know they are

    doing maths”, but shouldn’t they know?