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Intro into Illumina sequencing technology

Anton Nekrutenko

February 23, 2021

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  1. Platform Number of samples Error rate (%) Median Standard deviation

    MiSeq 212 0.473 0.938 MiniSeq 40 0.613 0.459 NextSeq 500 160 0.429 0.827 NextSeq 550 171 0.593 0.435 HiSeq 2500 141 0.112 0.544 NovaSeq 6000 239 0.109 0.350 HiSeq X Ten 163 0.087 0.126 Stoler 2021
  2. Schematic representation of the (a) inverted repeat and (b) enzyme

    preference for the SSE hypothetical mechanistic models. Nakamura K et al. Nucl. Acids Res. 2011;39:e90-e90 © The Author(s) 2011. Published by Oxford University Press.