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Post-Impressionism: van Gogh, Gauguin, and the ...

March 29, 2012

Post-Impressionism: van Gogh, Gauguin, and the Symbolists

Lecture given Thursday March 29, 2012


March 29, 2012

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  1. !"#$%&'()*##+",+#'-. /0,.1"234.10525+,4.0,6.$3*.78'9":+#$#. !"#$%&'( )*+,-*#$4.;;<%;;;. . !#&'"( =>>?%=;=?. .+-*/0123"--%+&%-1( . 4"31-56+&7"2*-(

    7(+)+$50:+#'4.&,65#$)84. @A"BC+#'4.!)+'+BD+#'4. 78'9":+#'4.. 8+&91"&*(:%-*;( ! /+,C*,$.D0,.1"234.4<"( .+*#*+(=#*"3-4.=>>EF. ! /+,C*,$.D0,.1"234.7$0))8. G+23$4.=>>;F. ! !05:.10525+,4.4<"(>%-%+&( ?@"3(*<"()"31+&4.=>>>F. ! !05:.10525+,4(8#&#+( 49#2#9(A)2%3%*(+B(*<"(C"#$( D#*7<%&'E4.=>;<F. ! @6D0)6.H5,C34.4<"( )73"#14.=>;IF.
  2. Ando Hiroshige (1797-1858). Sudden Shower at Ohashi Bridge at Ataka

    (from One Hundred Views of Edo). 1857. Vincent van Gogh. Japonaiserie: Bridge in the Rain (after Hiroshige). 1887.
  3. Ando Hiroshige. Plum Estate, Kameido, from One Hundred Famous Views

    of Edo. 1857. Vincent van Gogh. Japonaiserie: Flowering Plum Tree. 1887.
  4. Paul Gauguin. Manao tupapau (Spirit of the Dead Watching). 1892.

    `+''"9+:*4.,0\*64.:8+,2.N0C*.6"M,M0)6.",.$3*.9*6.M+$3.$3*.*8*#. +,")6+,0$*:8.:0)2*.M+$3.N*0).F.F.F.H+23$.#3*.,"$.M+$3.3*).N)+23$*,*6. N0C*.$0\*.'*.N").",*."N.$3*.6*'",#.0,6.#(*C$)*#."N.$3*. ]5(0(05#4.M+$3.M3+C3.$3*.:*2*,6#."N.3*).)0C*.(*"(:*.#:**(:*##. ,+23$#Z`..
  5. Paul Gauguin. Manao tupapau (Spirit of the Dead Watching). 1892.

    X]3*.'5#+C0:.(0)$-.3")+^",$0:4.M0D8.:+,*#a.30)'",+*#."N.")0,2*.0,6.9:5*4.:+,\*6. $"2*$3*).M+$3.8*::"M#.0,6.D+":*$#.b.$3*+).6*)+D0BD*#.b.:+$.5(.M+$3.2)**,+#3.#(0)\#F. ]3*.:+$*)0)8.(0)$-.$3*.7(+)+$."N.0.:+D+,2.M"'0,.:+,\*6.M+$3.$3*.7(+)+$."N.$3*.c*06F. G+23$.0,6.c08F_.
  6. Paul Gauguin. Manao tupapau (Spirit of the Dead Watching). 1892.

    Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres. Large Odalisque. 1814. X#+'(:8.0.#$568."N.0,. dC*0,+0,.,56*F_.