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Containerize Go Apps

Containerize Go Apps

Slide deck related to YouTube video on how to containerize or Dokcerize Go Applications. https://youtu.be/6ji4biaYx98

Covers the following topics:
- Integrate with Dapr Go SDK
- Build Go app using Go build tools
- Containerize Go App using multistage Dockerfile
- Build Container image using Docker build
- Use Docker Compose to build multi-container images
- Publish multiple container images using Docker Compose
- Run container images locally with Docker Run

Nilesh Gule

March 12, 2023

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  1. Summary ✓ Build : Built Go app using Go build

    tools ✓ Base images: Used Alpine based base image for Go lang ✓ Multistage Docker build: ✓ separate build and run stages using different base images ✓ cache build dependencies using the mount cache feature ✓ Docker Hub: Publish container images