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The story becase happy with itamae

The story becase happy with itamae

Nobutoshi Ogata

December 09, 2015

More Decks by Nobutoshi Ogata

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  1. WTF

  2. • automatic provisioning • pull recipes from S3 and exec

    `sudo itamae local bootstrap.rb --ohai` • or manually exec `fab XXX prd all itamae` at gateway
  3. $ tree -d -L 2 . ├── ci ├── cookbooks

    -> packer/cookbooks ├── fabfile ├── nodes -> packer/nodes ├── packer │ ├── cookbooks │ ├── nodes │ ├── roles │ ├── scripts │ └── spec ├── roles -> packer/roles ├── spec -> packer/spec └── tmp $ ls cookbooks | wc -l 17 $ ls roles | wc -l 39 $ git log --format="%ae" | sort | uniq | wc -l 25