/ @nobu666) • Engineering Manager, SRE • 2015/05 Join • 2016/01 SRE Team organized • About one year on the way, I’m also in charge of Corporate IT as one person
Investigate & Correspond a. Chat all at #incident what you’re trying to do and what you did b. Tell the current situation at #status so that another person who is not in the process understands even non-engineers 4. Write “Incident Report” a. EM decides who will write 5. Hold “Incident Review” a. EM is the person in charge to arrange date-time, attendees of the meeting. Attendance of Ogata and the primary author of the incident report at the meeting is mandatory
the mistake, you should discuss considering the following topics: ◦ Better solution to detect the situation ◦ Problem on current development/operation process ◦ Useful tools or systems for improvements ◦ Automation • Don't criticize someone or a specific mistake ◦ Asking "Why did you do xxx instead of yyy?" is meaningless ◦ We should think not to cause the situation again together. • Clarify the action items for improvements at the end of the meeting