of variables to achieve some goals l Two categories: l Discrete variables l Real-valued variables l Each optimization problem is specified defining l Possible solutions (states) l Objective
possible solutions l Evaluates all generated solutions l Select the best solution l Heuristic algorithms l Generate a subset of solutions (random) l Evaluates the generated solutions l Select the best solutions l Generate new subset of solution from the selected
space l Known search space l Need the best solution l Deterministic l Heuristic algorithms l Huge search space l Unknown search space l A suboptimal solution is valid l Not deterministic
l The 0-1 knapsack problem l Scheduling problem l Steps to solve: l Find a representation of the possible solutions of the problem l Create a fitness function that evaluates all individuals l Compendium of NP optimization problems: http://www.nada.kth.se/~viggo/problemlist/compendium.html
visits each of n cities, and which minimizes the total distance travelled l Input: Given an integer N ≥ 3 and a n n matrix C=(cij ) where each cij is a nonnegative integer with the distance between the cities i and j l Solution: which cyclic permutation Π of integers from 1 to N minimizes the distance?
items to be packed into a knapsack with capacity C units. Each item i has value vi and uses up ci units of capacity l Solution: the subset of items which should be packed to maximize the total value without exceeding the capacity
of processors, length l(t,i)∈ Ζ+ for each task t ∈T and processor i∈[1..m] l Solution: An m-processor schedule for T that minimize the completion time for the schedule