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ExtJS 6: one framework for all devices

July 14, 2015

ExtJS 6: one framework for all devices

MunichJS talk about new features of ExtJS 6


July 14, 2015

More Decks by Olga

Other Decks in Programming


  1. ⎯  UI components ⎯  MVC and MVVM ⎯  Data binding

    ⎯  Theming ⎯  Build tool — Sencha Cmd Why people love ExtJS
  2. Universal app targets ⎯  All devices ⎯  All operating systems

    ⎯  All browsers ⎯  All screen sizes Single URL
  3. Modern view Meetup list Main tabs Agenda Main tabs Ext.grid.Grid

    Ext.tab.Panel Ext.navigation.View Ext.tab.Panel
  4. Ext.define('MunichJS.view.main.MeetupList', {! extend: 'Ext.grid.Panel',! ! xtype: 'meetuplist’,! ! title: 'Meetups’,!

    ! columns: [! { text: 'Date', dataIndex: 'date' },! { text: 'Company', dataIndex: 'company', flex: 1 },! { text: 'Place', dataIndex: 'place', flex: 1 }! ],! store: {! type: 'Meetup'! }! });!   /classic/view/ MeetupList.js
  5. /classic/view/ Main.js Ext.define('MunichJS.view.main.Main', {! extend: 'Ext.tab.Panel',! xtype: 'app-main',! requires: [!

    'MunichJS.view.main.MeetupList’,! …! ],! ! items: [{! xtype: 'meetuplist'! }],! …! });!
  6. Model relations Ext.define('MunichJS.model.Meetup', {! extend: 'MunichJS.model.Base',! requires: ['MunichJS.model.Talk'],! ! fields:

    [! 'date',! 'sponsors',! 'company',! 'place',! 'going',! 'comments'! ],! hasMany: 'Talk'! });! ! //meetup.talks()!
  7. /app/store/ Meetup.js Ext.define('MunichJS.store.Meetup', {! extend: 'Ext.data.Store',! storeId: 'meetup’,! alias: 'store.meetup’,!

    ! model: 'MunichJS.model.Meetup',! ! proxy: {! type: 'ajax',! url: 'app/data/meetup.json',! reader: {! type: 'json',! rootProperty: 'meetup'! }! }! });!  
  8. /app/controller/ Main.js Ext.define('MunichJS.controller.Main', {! extend: 'Ext.app.Controller’,! ! views: [ 'main.Main’

    ],! ! init: function() {! this.control({! 'meetuplist' : {! activate: this.loadMeetups,! render: this.loadMeetups! }! });! },! loadMeetups: function (grid) {! grid.getStore().load();! }! });!
  9. /classic/view/ Agenda.js Ext.define('MunichJS.view.main.Agenda', {! extend: 'Ext.panel.Panel',! xtype: 'agenda',! requires: [!

    'MunichJS.view.main.MeetupModel'! ],! viewModel: 'meetup',! ! bind: {! title: 'Agenda for {meetup.date}'! },! reference: 'agenda',! ! items: [{! xtype: 'dataview',! bind: {! store: '{talks}'! },! …! }]! });!    
  10. ⎯  Controller is always alive, ⎯  ViewController is created ⎯ 

    and destroyed with his View ⎯  Controller can control anything, ⎯  ViewController controls ⎯  only his View Controller vs ViewController
  11. /classic/view/ MainController.js Ext.define('MunichJS.view.main.MainController', {! extend: 'Ext.app.ViewController',! alias: 'controller.main',! ! control:

    {! 'meetuplist': {! select: 'onMeetupSelect'! }! },! ! onMeetupSelect: function(sender, meetup) {! var talksStore = meetup.talks(),! agenda = this.lookupReference('agenda');! ! agenda.getViewModel().set('meetup', meetup);! agenda.getViewModel().set('talks', talksStore);! }! });!  
  12. /app/view/ Chart.js   Ext.define('MunichJS.view.main.Chart', {! extend: 'Ext.chart.CartesianChart',! xtype: 'meetupchart’,! store:

    {! type: 'meetup',! autoLoad: true! },! engine: 'Ext.draw.engine.Canvas',! axes: [{! type: 'numeric3d',! position: 'left',! fields: ['going']! }, {! type: 'category3d',! position: 'bottom',! fields: ['date']! }],! series: {! xField: 'date',! yField: 'going',! type: 'bar3d'! }! });!
  13. / app.json "builds": {! "classic": {! "toolkit": "classic",! "theme": "theme-triton",!

    "requires": [! "charts"! ]! },! ! "modern": {! "toolkit": "modern",! "theme": "theme-neptune",! "requires": [! "charts"! ]! }! },!
  14. Platform configs Ext.define('MunichJS.view.main.Main', {! extend: 'Ext.tab.Panel',! xtype: 'app-main’,! ! header:

    {! title: {! platformConfig: {! desktop: {! text: 'MunichJS Application'! },! '!desktop': {! text: 'MunichJS App'! }! }! }! },! ! …! });!      
  15. Responsive config Ext.define('MunichJS.view.main.Main', {! extend: 'Ext.tab.Panel',! xtype: 'app-main',! ! …!

    responsiveConfig: {! tall: {! headerPosition: 'top'! },! wide: {! headerPosition: 'left'! }! },! …! });!