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ONTOCHAIN Open Call #3: Guidelines and success ...

ONTOCHAIN Open Call #3: Guidelines and success criteria

Slides presented at the ONTOCHAIN Summit for Trustworthy Internet by Caroline Barelle, ONTOCHAIN Project Coordinator & Research Scientist and EU Project Manager at European Dynamics


June 01, 2022

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  1. CLICK TO EDIT MASTER TITLE STYLE Click to add subtitle

    Location Date ONTOCHAIN OPEN CALL 3 Application and experimentation 01/06/2022 1st ONTOCHAIN Summit

    brief o ONTOCHAIN 7 core partners o Context, overall objective and approach o ONTOCHAIN Development and implementation o ONTOCHAIN Open Call 3  How and why to apply to ONTOCHAIN Open Call 3? o Eligibility criteria & selection process o Open Call 3 indicatives timelines o Application process o Why to apply? 2
  3. | ONTOCHAIN.NGI.EU 4 IN BRIEF Up to 4.2 Millions €

    funding and mentoring program with best international experts in Semantic Web, Linked Data, ontology engineering, Blockchain interoperability, knowledge management, distributed and decentralised computing, business models for trusted knowledge … ONTOCHAIN was launched in September 2020 to empower innovators and end users through 3 Open Calls to develop blockchain-based knowledge management solutions that will be part of a novel software ecosystem for a better share of knowledge and value. ONTOCHAIN - Trust traceable and transparent ontological knowledge on blockchain, is a European project funded by the European Commission under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme, and part of the European Commission’s Next Generation Internet (NGI) initiative. 4
  4. | ONTOCHAIN.NGI.EU ONTOCHAIN 7 CORE PARTNERS Experts in among others

    in ⚫ Semantic Web, ⚫ Linked Data, ⚫ Ontology engineering, ⚫ Blockchain interoperability, ⚫ Knowledge management, ⚫ Distributed and decentralised computing, ⚫ Business models for trusted knowledge … ⚫ Communication & networking

    The internet of the future should be more resilient, trustworthy and sustainable. 6 The success of the Internet lied in free speech, open innovation & Interoperability APPROACH: Leverage semantic web and blockchain assets to built as a distinct added value for the next generation internet: -Trustworthy data and services exchange -Trustworthy content handling However Growing concerns that openness, trustworthiness, privacy and security are being threatened by the quest for high performance and profit Multiple threat have been identified when people interact with online services : ⚫ Unknown provenance of information ⚫ Anonimity in favor of criminal activities ⚫ Personal privacy violation & personal data exploitation ⚫ Biases in AI algorithms ⚫ No fair rewards for quality contribution ⚫ Spread of fake news ⚫ Centralisation of power Existing problems of misuse of information can soon achieve even more dangerous level ! OBJECTIVE: Develop a new software technologies stack based on this approach for different application domains e.g Online media, e-Education, e-Health, e-Government, e-Commerce, e-Tourism, e-Infrastructures, Industry 4.0 entertainment, and so forth.

    – Codesign & Win-Win Exploitation OC1 Research (Design specification) - 1.140 M€ OC2 Protocol suite and software ecosystem foundations (Implementation) - 1,320 M€ OC3 Application and experimentation (Deployment) - 1,673 M€ Specifying the ONTOCHAIN framework as human centric decentralised & trustworthy solution based on available technologies. A first batch of specifications have been delivered by 17 Teams in phase one of the call and 7 remaining Teams has delivered the ONTOCHAIN framework in September 2021. Building the ONTOCHAIN software ecosystem, for the creation of a trustworthy information/service exchange process & a more trustworthy content handling. This call aims to deliver the ONTOCHAIN Framework prototypes. 13 Teams are actually working on it. Progress Open Exploit the ONTOCHAIN solution for real life use cases. 7 Over
  7. | ONTOCHAIN.NGI.EU 8 THE OPEN CALL 3 Application and experimentation

    : Deployment  17th of May  15th of July 119 500 € (Maximum funding per Applicant) 10 months duration 2 Objectives with specific topics Obj. A- To complete the missing blocks of the ONTOCHAIN infrastructure Obj. B- To exploit the ONTOCHAIN infrastructure designed and implemented respectively through OC1 and OC2 for real life use cases that cover real need of individuals in terms of trustworthy data/services exchange and trustworthy content handling from various vertical domains/vital sectors of the European economy 8
  8. 10 ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA & SELECTION PROCESS Selection process -All Internet

    researchers, innovators and developers -High tech companies, academia and team of natural persons Projects developing scalable blockchain, decentralized reputation systems and semantic web technologies to achieve trustworthy content handling and information exchange as well as trustworthy service exchange in the next generation Internet using as a basis the ONTOCHAIN Framework (OC1 & OC2) and fulfilling one of the objectives A and B of the OC3. What? Who? 14 projects: 3 related to the Obj.A topics and 11 to the Obj.B topics 3 phases: eligibility check, proposal evaluation and online interview -Legally established in an EU Member State, H2020 associated countries or Overseas Countries and Territories linked to the Member States. - Maximum funding one beneficiary can receive from the whole ONTOCHAIN project is limited to €200,000.

    a look to the sub-agreement template at the time you are building your proposal (guide for applicant) 11
  10. APPLICATION PROCESS -Read the ONTOCHAIN Open call 3 document &

    Guide for Applicant -Get inspired and base your solution on OC1 and OC2 outcomes Use the official ONTOCHAIN template for your proposal Check the eligibility criteria Take a look at the FAQs on our website Read the ONTOCHAIN background document Tips & Tricks for a good proposal -Provide a comprehensive research proposal according to the ONTOCHAIN template and instructions set in the Guide for Applicant. - Fill in the administrative part including any obligatory supporting documents specified in the Guide for Applicant. Proposal submission - Entry point for all proposals: https://www.f6s.com/ontochain-open-call- 3/apply Submissions received by any other channels will be automatically discarded 12
  11. WHY TO APPLY? ONTOCHAIN will offer you equity free funding,

    coaching on technical and business aspects, access to top infrastructure as well as visibility and promotion through innovators, industry and investors. 13 ONTOCHAIN testing platform OC1& OC2 solutions OC1& OC2 solutions
  12. STAY UPDATED AND GET INVOLVED! /company/ontochain ontochain.ngi.eu @ONTOCHAIN @ONTOCHAIN f6s.com/ontochainproject

    /channel/UCcF7Ovd99lOKcjMGQdnhIvA Thank you! Special acknowledgement to all ONTOCHAIN partners and third parties innovators of OC1 & OC2 More info at: https://ontochain.ngi.eu/apply Apply via: https://www.f6s.com/ontochain-open- call-3/apply Support team: [email protected]