variants using GATK RS_Resequencing Align against reference and generate consensus RS_Resequencing_GATK_Barcode Identify barcodes, align against reference and call variants using GATK RS_Modification_Detection Align against reference and identify base modification positions RS_Modification_and_Motif_Analysis Map bacterial modifications m6A, m4C and m5C and analyze motifs RS_Minor_and_Compound_Variants Align CCS against a reference can call minor and compound variants. Assembly RS_PreAssembler_Allora Construct de novo assembly from single long insert library using HGAP method with ALLORA RS_PreAssembler Generate high quality pre-assembled long reads as a first step for use in de novo assembly (HGAP method) RS_Allora_Assembly De novo assembly using ALLORA RS_Allora_Assembly_EC Hybrid assembly using P_ErrorCorrection and ALLORA RS_AHA_Scaffolding Scaffolding assembly using AHA RS_Celera_Assembler Use pacBioToCA and Celera® Assembler to combine PacBio® CLR and CCS or short-reads Other RS_cDNA_Mapping Align splice reads against genomic reference with GMAP RS_Filter Filter to generate filtered_subreads.fastq