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Teaching Programming Online at Khan Academy

Pamela Fox
October 23, 2013

Teaching Programming Online at Khan Academy

A talk given at USC about what Khan Academy is, where our technical challenges lie, featuring a deep dive on how we teach the programming curriculum.

Pamela Fox

October 23, 2013

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  7. Playing talk-throughs SoundManager2.js commands = [ {"key": "\n", "time": 14124},

    {"key": "\n", "time": 14260}, {"key": "r", "time": 14676}, {"key": "e", "time": 14764}, {"key": "c", "time": 15036}, {"key": "t", "time": 15548},...] <audio> or <object> var player = soundManager.createSound({ url: revision.getMp3Url(), whileplaying: function() { updateTimeLeft(Record.currentTime()); Record.trigger("playUpdate"); } }); Wednesday, October 23, 13
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  10. StructuredJS http://khan.github.io/structuredjs/index.html var $numVar = $numVal; if ($numVar > 0)

    { rect($x, $y, $w, $h); } var theNumber = 10; fill(255, 255, 255); if (theNumber > 0) { rect(10, 10, 30, 40); } if (theNumber < 0) { rect(10, 50, 30, 40); } structure: user code: it’s a match! Wednesday, October 23, 13
  11. staticTest staticTest(“Add the ifs!”, function() { var descrip = “Now

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  12. ...Not quite that simple, though! Most challenge tests are hundreds

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  13. Wilson Voting Algorithm, GAE’d def wilson_confidence(upvotes_name, downvotes_name, score): """Lower bound

    of Wilson score 90% confidence interval. This is the algorithm Reddit uses to sort comments. You should not use this if downvotes are disallowed - it is only useful in the presence of both upvotes and downvotes because its ranking is based on an estimate of the ratio of upvotes to downvotes. See http://www.evanmiller.org/how-not-to-sort-by-average-rating.html """ upvotes = getattr(score, upvotes_name) downvotes = getattr(score, downvotes_name) if upvotes == 0: return -downvotes elif upvotes == downvotes: return 0 n = upvotes + downvotes z = 1.64485 # 90% confidence z-score phat = float(upvotes) / n # p-hat return ((phat + z * z / (2 * n) - z * math.sqrt((phat * (1 - phat) + z * z / (4 * n)) / n)) / (1 + z * z / n)) class TimeIndependentScoreProperty(ndb.ComputedProperty): def __init__(self, upvotes_name="upvotes", downvotes_name="downvotes", **kwargs): super(TimeIndependentScoreProperty, self).__init__( functools.partial(wilson_confidence, upvotes_name, downvotes_name), **kwargs) Wednesday, October 23, 13
  14. Reddit Voting Algorithm, GAE’d def time_dependent(decay_seconds, upvotes_name, downvotes_name, created_name, score):

    """Ranking based on both age and quality. This is the algorithm Reddit uses to sort stories. We want there to be churn, a constant stream of new programs hitting the hot page, so this algorithm takes into account both the score of the scratchpad and the age. See http://amix.dk/blog/post/19588 """ s = getattr(score, upvotes_name) - getattr(score, downvotes_name) # Weight votes logarithmically - initial votes are worth a ton order = math.log(max(abs(s), 1), 10) sign = 1 if s > 0 else -1 if s < 0 else 0 # Seconds since this algorithm's start date date = getattr(score, created_name) or datetime.datetime.now() seconds = epoch_seconds(date) - 1349108492 return round(order + sign * seconds / decay_seconds, 7) class TimeDependentScoreProperty(ndb.ComputedProperty): def __init__(self, decay_seconds, upvotes_name="upvotes", downvotes_name="downvotes", created_name="created", **kwargs): super(TimeDependentScoreProperty, self).__init__(functools.partial( time_dependent, decay_seconds, upvotes_name, downvotes_name, created_name), **kwargs) Wednesday, October 23, 13
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