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Agile 2012 Retrospective

October 24, 2012

Agile 2012 Retrospective



October 24, 2012

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  1. ΞδΣϯμ w Ξφϩάπʔϧ74σδλϧπʔϧ w ೔ຊ74ւ֎ w &OUFSQSJTF"HJMF o τοϓμ΢ϯ74ϘτϜΞοϓ o

    νʔϜ74ձࣾ o ݱ৔74ܦӦͳͲͳͲ w ΞδϟΠϧ74΢ΥʔλʔϑΥʔϧ w 4*74αʔϏε 2012೥10݄20೔౔༵೔
  2. Ξφϩά74σδλϧ /JDL Distributed teams need a digital tool. While we

    recommend co-located teams, over 75% of Agile teams are actually distributed*. Get automated reporting and prediction, don't waste time building a burndown chart or tracking velocity by hand. In short, all the benefits of physical, and more. *Ambysoft State of the IT Union, Sept 2012 "OBMPH5PPM74%JHJUBM5PPM 2012೥10݄20೔౔༵೔
  3. &OUFSQSJTF"HJMF ࣗࣾࣄྫ w େن໛αʔϏε΋શ෦ΞδϟΠϧԽ͠Α͏ ⿞ ·ͣ৽ࣄۀͰΞδϟΠϧΛ஌Ζ͏ ⿞ େن໛νʔϜ΋ঃʑʹΞδϟΠϧԽˡࠓίί ⿞ ΤϯλʔϓϥΠζΞδϟΠϧΛ࣮ݱ

    w ·ͣ͸ʮΞδϟΠϧͱ͸Կ͔ʯΛߟ͑Δ͜ͱ͔Β࢝Ίͯ΋ Α͍ͷͰ͸ͳ͍͔ʁ w ʮେن໛͔ͩΒΞδϟΠϧ͸ແཧʯͱ͍͏ߟ͑ํ͔Βͷύ ϥμΠϜγϑτ :PTIJ 2012೥10݄20೔౔༵೔
  4. ೔ຊ74ւ֎ /JDL The World borrowed Lean principles from TPS and

    introduced as KSSE* / Agile Kanban. EU and US have already 'Crossed the Chasm'. Japan is a pioneer in lean manufacturing, why not in Agile software development? Culture. *www.infoq.com/jp/articles/hiranabe-lean-agile-kanban +BQBO740WFSTFB 2012೥10݄20೔౔༵೔
  5. 1st, Waterfall still has a place - NASA / JAXA.

    BUT, the opportunities for Waterfall are decreasing. Agile has proven to be more successful. So, who wouldn't want to be Agile? See Gartner report "The End of Waterfall as We Know it" - August 2012: "Transition from traditional waterfall methods to agile" "HJMF748' /JDL 2012೥10݄20೔౔༵೔
  6. w 8'ݪయͷ࡞ऀ͸ผʹલ޻ఔʹ໭ͬͯ΋ྑ͍ͱݴ͍ͬͯΔ w ΍Δ͜ͱ͕ࣄલʹ͸͖ͬΓ͍ͯ͠ΔͳΒ8'ͷํ͕దͯ͠ ͍Δ w ϢʔβͱͷίϥϘϨʔγϣϯΛڧԽ͢Δ͜ͱͰɺ΍Δ͜ ͱ΍඼࣭ج४ͳͲΛࣄલʹ͸͖ͬΓͤ͞Δ͜ͱ͕Ͱ͖Δ ͔΋ɻྫɿIUUQHPPHMCE(B w

    8'Ͱ΋ɺઃܭ͔Βอक·Ͱग़དྷΔΤϯδχΞ͕Ұؾ௨؏ Ͱ΍Ε͹੒ޭ͢Δ֬཰͕ߴ·Δ w Կ͔Λѱʹ࢓্ཱͯ͛ͯͦΕͰتΜͰ͍Δ͏ͪ͸ɺԿ΍ͬ ͯ΋੒ޭ͠ͳ͍ "HJMF748' )JSP 2012೥10݄20೔౔༵೔
  7. "HJMF748' ,FO w ໨త͸Կ͔ʁ w རӹΛ࠷େԽ͢Δ͜ͱͳͷ͔ʁ w ͦͷୡ੒खஈ͕͢΂ͯͷཁ݅Λ࣮૷͠੾Δ ͜ͱͳͷ͔ʁ w

    ͳΒ͹ɺΈΜͳ͕΢ΥʔλʔϑΥʔϧͱݺ ΜͰ͍Δํ๏Ͱ͍͍ͷͰ͸ͳ͍͔ 2012೥10݄20೔౔༵೔
  8. 4*74αʔϏε w ࣗલͰγεςϜΛߏஙͰ͖ͳ͍Ϣʔβاۀ͕͋ΔҎ্ɺ4*͸ඞཁ w աڈʹ4*Ͱ͏·͍͍ͬͯͨ͘ͱ͍͏੒ޭମݧ͔Βݱঢ়ҡ͕࣋ྑ͍ ͱ͍͏ҙݟͱɺͦ΋ͦ΋มԽͨ͘͠ͳ͍ͱ͍͏ҙݟͷ྆ํΛฉ ͘ɻ͜ͷ͕̎ͭɺϦεΫΛݏ͕Δ೔ຊاۀతମ࣭ͱ૬·ͬͯɺؤ ݻͳ4*༴ޢΛੜΜͰ͍Δͷ͔ͳͱ࠷ۙײ͍ͯ͡·͢ɻ w ʮมԽΛ͢ΔʹΞδϟΠϧʯͰ͸ͳ͍ͱࢥ͍ͬͯ·͕͢ɺʮมԽ

    Λ͠ͳ͍ʹ4*ʯ͸݁ߏ౰ͯ͸·Δͷ͔ͳͱɻ w ͨͩͦΕΏ͑ʹ4*͸ɺϦεΫΛબ޷ͯ͠੒௕͍ͨ͠एखͷνϟϯ εΛୣ͍ͬͯΔͷ͔ͳͱɻਓͷ੒௕ͱ͍͏ଆ໘Ͱ͸ɺ4*ʹվળ͢ ΂͖఺͸େ͍ʹ͋Δͱࢥͬͯ·͢ɻ )JSP 4ZTUFN*OUFHSBUPS744FSWJDF$PNQBOZ 2012೥10݄20೔౔༵೔
  9. ม͑ΒΕΔͱ͜ΖΛ୳͢ • SIϓϩδΣΫτͳΓͷ΍Γ΍͢͞΋ ◦ ಺෦ͷϓϩδΣΫτͱ͍͏ख • ൃ஫ݩ͕ΞδϟΠϧ։ൃΛཁٻ͢Δέʔε • ʮඇ΢ΥʔλʔϑΥʔϧܕ։ൃʹదͨ͠Ϟσϧܖ ໿ॻʯ(IPA)

    (http://sec.ipa.go.jp/reports/20120326.html) • ͦ΋ͦ΋SIͱ͔SIerͬͯʁ 4*74αʔϏε :BUUPN 4ZTUFN*OUFHSBUPS744FSWJDF$PNQBOZ 2012೥10݄20೔౔༵೔
  10. 8IZ"HJMF w ٕज़Λ΋ͬͱຏ͖͍ͨ w ։ൃΛ΋ͬͱ͏·͘΍Γ͍ͨ w ϓϩδΣΫτΛ΋ͬͱΑ͍ͨ͘͠ w ݱ৔ͱܦӦΛ௚͍݁ͨ͠ɹˡࠓ͜ͷ΁Μ w

    ਓࡐҭ੒ɾ૊৫։ൃͷଆ໘΋ڧ͍ w ࣗΒมԽ͠ଓ͚Δ͜ͱΛલఏͱͨ͠ɺ ૊৫΍ಇ͖ํͷ୳ٻ ,FO 2012೥10݄20೔౔༵೔
  11. 8IZ"HJMF Deliver the right stuff at the right time •

    Build trust by collaborating with customers • Empower and motivate teams • Build quality in, minimise waste and rework /JDL 2012೥10݄20೔౔༵೔
  12. $MPTJOH$PNNFOU /JDL The decision has been made in the ROTW

    - we ARE being Agile. We have crossed the chasm. The time is right to help Japan be Agile. So, how can I help? 2012೥10݄20೔౔༵೔