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Scrum 03/02/2015

Radhouane Aniba

March 02, 2015

More Decks by Radhouane Aniba

Other Decks in Programming


  1. Static application environment No stress deployment and update Repeatable portable

    artifact Develop here, run there Pick your cloud solely on its merits Loosely coupled = easier to build and manage Easier to build and manage Compose applications from micro-services Packaging
  2. Everything at Google runs in a container. • Resource isolation

    • Predictability
 • Quality of service
 • Efficient overcommit
 • Resource accounting Google starts over 2 billion containers per week. Images by Connie Zhou Efficiency
  3. Docker " 15000+ GitHub stars " 600+ contributors " 100's

    of projects built on top of Docker ◦ UIs, mini-PaaS, … ◦ github.com/google/cadvisor ◦ github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/heapster " Very popular GitHub project ◦ Most popular Go project of all time ◦ $  docker  run  -­‐i  -­‐t  ubuntu  /bin/bash  -­‐p  80:80
  4. Kubernetes • Employs and promotes Docker • Simple, portable, extensible

    modular framework for container-based service app management • Patterned after internal systems in Google that manage internet-scale workloads • Written in Go github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/kubernetes
  5. Node Container Manager Scheduled Containers Managed Base OS Managed Base

    OS Node Container Manager Scheduled Containers Cluster Scheduler Simplified Cluster Management Stack Scheduled Containers
  6. Managed Base OS kubelet Scheduled Containers Managed Base OS kubelet

    + Docker Kubernetes Master
 etcd Kubernetes Container Stack Scheduled Containers Scheduled Containers
  7. Kubernetes glossary - Master: the managing machine, which oversees one

    or more minions. - Minion: a slave that runs tasks as delegated by the user and Kubernetes master. - Pod: an application that runs on a minion. - Replication controller: Verifies everything that should be running is running. - Label: an arbitrary key/value pair that the Replication Controller uses for service discovery - kubecfg: the config tool - Service: an amalgamation of similar pods
  8. Kubernetes Master/Scheduler Kubernetes Machine Host Machine Host Machine Host Machine

    Host Machine Host Machine Host Machine Host Container Agent Container Agent Container Agent Container Agent Container Agent Container Agent Container Agent MINIONS
  9. Log Roller Web Server Machine Host Machine Host Machine Host

    Machine Host Machine Host Machine Host Machine Host Container Agent Container Agent Container Agent Container Agent Container Agent Container Agent Container Agent Kubernetes Master/Scheduler Pods

    BE BE BE BE BE Machine Host Machine Host Machine Host Machine Host Machine Host Machine Host Machine Host Container Agent Container Agent Container Agent Container Agent Container Agent Container Agent Container Agent Kubernetes - Master/Scheduler Too Many Pods
  11. labels: role: frontend FE FE FE FE FE FE BE

    BE BE BE BE BE BE BE BE Machine Host Machine Host Machine Host Machine Host Machine Host Machine Host Machine Host Container Agent Container Agent Container Agent Container Agent Container Agent Container Agent Container Agent Kubernetes - Master/Scheduler Labels
  12. labels: role: frontend stage: production Machine Host Machine Host Machine

    Host Machine Host Machine Host Machine Host Machine Host Container Agent Container Agent Container Agent Container Agent Container Agent Container Agent Container Agent Kubernetes - Master/Scheduler FE FE FE FE FE FE BE BE BE BE BE BE BE BE BE Labels
  13. FE FE FE FE replicas: 4 template: ... labels: role:

    frontend stage: production Machine Host Machine Host Machine Host Machine Host Machine Host Machine Host Machine Host Container Agent Container Agent Container Agent Container Agent Container Agent Container Agent Container Agent Kubernetes - Master/Scheduler Replication Controller
  14. FE replicas: 1 template: ... labels: role: frontend stage: production

    Machine Host Machine Host Machine Host Machine Host Machine Host Machine Host Machine Host Container Agent Container Agent Container Agent Container Agent Container Agent Container Agent Container Agent Kubernetes - Master/Scheduler Replication Controller
  15. FE FE FE replicas: 3 template: ... labels: role: frontend

    stage: production Machine Host Machine Host Machine Host Machine Host Machine Host Machine Host Machine Host Container Agent Container Agent Container Agent Container Agent Container Agent Container Agent Container Agent Kubernetes - Master/Scheduler Replication Controller
  16. Clone Kubernetes at: github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/kubernetes IRC: #google-containers on Freenode 

    group: google-containers Kubernetes on GCE (new!): https://cloud.google.com/ compute/docs/containers