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TSP Scrum

TSP Scrum

Radhouane Aniba

July 14, 2014

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  1. Targeted Sequencing Pipeline Features * Alignment using bwa-mem * alignment

    problems * improvements * Xenograft project showed some limitations * Binomial exact test * Background size * Code working on decent coverage * No tests yet * Variant tagging needs some more work
  2. Targeted Sequencing Pipeline git clone http://[email protected]/scm/pp/miseq-pipeline.git cd miseq-pipeline/pipeline/code ! python

    pipeline.py \ —num_cpus 10 \ —mode cluster \ —install_dir <path_to_miseq>/software \ <path_to_config_file> Limitations : ! - Manifest file - positions format - limited to point mutations ! ! If you want to run this version : ! - create_config_file_for_miseqpipeline.py One single code that generates all needed formats to run the pipeline
  3. Input processing Alignment recalibration Variant calling and filtering Variant characterization

    * Fastq QC (not yet implemented) * Alignment (BWA-MEM, bwa) * (Bowtie2 to test ?)
  4. Input processing Alignment recalibration Variant calling and filtering Variant characterization

    * Recalibrate Base Quality from sequencers * create targets for local realignments (indels) * local realignment (correction of small fraction of the alignment) * can be time consuming depending on the depth Broad best practices information : http://goo.gl/8sRWCF * Fastq QC * Alignment (BWA-MEM, bwa) * (Bowtie2 to test ?)
  5. Input processing Alignment recalibration Variant calling and filtering Variant characterization

    * Recalibrate Base Quality from sequencers * create targets for local realignments (indels) * local realignment (correction of small fraction of the alignment) * can be time consuming depending on the depth Broad best practices information : http://goo.gl/8sRWCF * Fastq QC * Alignment (BWA-MEM, bwa) * (Bowtie2 to test ?) * call variants (any caller), I tested UnifiedGenotyper and HaplotypeCaller * Merge all vcfs for all the samples * Intersect with amplicons positions and filter out call out of the targets * Get unique calls across all samples
  6. Input processing Alignment recalibration Variant calling and filtering Variant characterization

    * Recalibrate Base Quality from sequencers * create targets for local realignments (indels) * local realignment (correction of small fraction of the alignment) * can be time consuming depending on the depth Broad best practices information : http://goo.gl/8sRWCF * Fastq QC * Alignment (BWA-MEM, bwa) * (Bowtie2 to test ?) * call variants (any caller), I tested UnifiedGenotyper and HaplotypeCaller * Merge all vcfs for all the samples * Intersect with amplicons positions and filter out call out of the targets * Get unique calls across all samples * Build counts file per sample * Create foreground and background * binomial test and tag the variant * report generation
  7. Targeted Sequencing Pipeline git clone <stash>/scm/~raniba/targeted_sequencing_pipeline.git! cd targeted_sequencing_pipeline! git checkout

    dev! ! python pipeline.py \! ! ! --num_cpus 40 \! ! ! --mode cluster \! ! ! --install_dir <path_to_tsp>/software/ \! ! ! <path_to_config.yaml> \! ! ! --dedup no \! ! ! --targets <path_to_amplicon_targets>! ! ! --email your@email Installation instructions on the README.md of the repo
  8. Targeted Sequencing Pipeline |-- log |-- results `-- tmp |--

    amplicon_positions |-- bam |-- calls |-- counts |-- intervals |-- merged_calls |-- positions |-- realigned |-- reheaded `-- variant_status results