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Apps In The Multi-Device World - Dutch Mobile Conference

Apps In The Multi-Device World - Dutch Mobile Conference

My presentation for the DMC (Dutch Mobile Conference), about Apps in the Multi-Device world.
Sencha Touch & Ext JS! Yeah baby!

Lee Boonstra

June 25, 2014

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  1. Lee Boonstra Lead Technical Trainer Europe @ Sencha ! [email protected]

    ladysign leeboonstra http://www.ladysign-apps.com
  2. “As a technical trainer I teach Sencha Touch and Ext

    JS. I develop courses and speak at events.”
  3. “I’ve a background in Java and client-side development. Before Sencha

    I worked as a lead developer for several clients:”
  4. Apps for the multi-device world. ! “The challenges and opportunities

    of developing for a multi-device world and how Sencha can help you create better experiences.”
  5. ‣ Laptop ‣ Tablet ‣ E-reader ‣ Game console ‣

    Camera ‣ Phone ‣ … What’s in my bag…
  6. ‣ Screen Size ‣ Operating System & Browser Different devices,

    different… Multi device design challenges
  7. ‣ Screen Size ‣ Operating System & Browser ‣ User

    Input Different devices, different… Multi device design challenges
  8. ‣ Screen Size ‣ Operating System & Browser ‣ User

    Input ‣ Features Set Different devices, different… Multi device design challenges
  9. ‣ Screen Size ‣ Operating System & Browser ‣ User

    Input ‣ Features Set ‣ Purpose Of Use Different devices, different… Multi device design challenges
  10. ‣ Screen Size ‣ Operating System & Browser ‣ User

    Input ‣ Features Set ‣ Purpose Of Use ‣ (…and what about data?) Different devices, different… Multi device design challenges
  11. Where a multi device app fits in Database
 Server SQL

    Server Oracle Sybase MySql ... Application Server Java PHP ColdFusion .NET Ruby on Rails ... Web 
 Server IIS Apache Tomcat Websphere ... JSON/XML Transport Layer Internet / Intranet
  12. “Let’s review the design challenges: How can we solve our

    problems with the Sencha Frameworks?”
  13. Screen Size Multi device design challenges ! //in any class!

    ! plugins: ['responsive'],! responsiveConfig: {! landscape: {! dock: ‘left’! },! portrait: {! activeItem: 1! }! }!
  14. ! Sencha Touch Device profiles can differentiate views between multi

    devices. ! Screen Size Multi device design challenges
  15. Screen Size Multi device design challenges Ext.define('MyApp.profile.Phone', {! extend: 'Ext.app.Profile',!

    ! config: {! name: 'Phone',! views: ['Main']! },! ! isActive: function() {! return Ext.os.is('Phone');! }! });
  16. Sencha runs in any modern browser out of the box!

    This includes the browsers on: Mac, Windows, iOS, Android, BlackBerry, Windows, Tizen… OS / Browser Multi device design challenges
  17. Possibility to package apps as hybrid apps, for example with

    PhoneGap / Cordova integration. OS / Browser Multi device design challenges
  18. Sencha Touch & Ext JS 5 have built-in touch and

    gesture support. (tap, drag, swipe, pinch and rotate…) ! Sencha is all JavaScript! Include external API’s! User Input Multi device design challenges
  19. Build a hybrid app, to support device specific features. !

    ! ! ! Features Set Multi device design challenges
  20. Features Set Multi device design challenges ! ! sencha phonegap

    init com.sencha.myapp MyApp! ! sencha app build native! !
  21. ‣ Design apps with a purpose! ‣ Will people use

    your app on that particular device? Purpose Of Use Multi device design challenges
  22. ! ! ! The browser can contain sensitive data, a

    direct gateway for cyber-criminals. ! About data… Multi device design challenges
  23. Sencha Space - Easily deploy apps to a encrypted mobile

    workspace - Remotely revoke access / wipe data - Monitor, audit & report on app, device or user activity - Let the apps within Sencha Space communicate with each other About data… Multi device design challenges
  24. Summary ! “When you are building apps for the multi-

    device world, you probably want to look into HTML5, because that’s language every modern device understands.” !
  25. ! “At Sencha, we want to make the life of

    an app developer easier. We do a lot to help you, to build better multi device apps, enabling customer success…” ! HTML5 frameworks, tools, training programs and support. !
  26. Promo Register for Sencha Training! http://www.sencha.com/training/! ! Promo Codes:! !

    Get 25% discount:! ! EXT5DMC2014! ! Or get 50% discount, right now!! ! EXT5DMC20140627!