Upgrade to Pro — share decks privately, control downloads, hide ads and more …



2016/05/21 PHP カンファレンス福岡 2016


May 21, 2016

More Decks by shin1x1

Other Decks in Programming


  1. *UFN class Item
 public $code;
 public $price;

    function __construct(string $code, int $price)
 $this->code = $code;
 $this->price = $price;
  2. $BSU class Cart
 public $items;
 public function __construct()

 $this->items = [];
 public function calculateTotalPrice(): int
 $totalPrice = 0;
 foreach ($this->items as $item) {
 $totalPrice = $totalPrice + $item->price;
 return $totalPrice;
  3. $BSU class Cart
 private $items;
 public function __construct()

 $this->items = [];
 public function addItem(Item $item)
 $this->items[] = $item;
 (snip) } QSJWBUF λΠϓώϯςΟϯά
  4. $BSU class Cart
 { (snip)
 public function addItem(Item $item)

    if (count($this->items) >= 3) {
 throw new PreconditionException();
 $this->items[] = $item;
 } (snip)
  5. $BSU $cart = new Cart();
 $item1 = new Item('code1',

 $item2 = new Item('code2', 200);
 $this->assertEquals(324, $cart->calculateTotalPrice());
 $this->assertEquals(324, $cart->calculateTotalPrice()); ʹͳΔʁʁʁ
  6. $BSU class Cart
 { (snip)
 public function calculateTotalPrice(): int

    $totalPrice = 0;
 foreach ($this->items as $item) {
 $item->price = (int)($item->price * 1.08);
 $totalPrice = $totalPrice + $item->price;
 return $totalPrice;
 } (snip)
 } *UFNQSJDF͕ มߋ͞ΕΔ ճݺͿͱ ͞ΒʹഒʹͳΔ
  7. *UFN class Item
 private $code;
 private $price;

    function __construct(string $code, int $price)
 $this->code = $code;
 $this->price = $price;
 public function price(): int
 return $this->price;
  8. $BSU class Cart
 { (snip)
 public function calculateTotalPrice(): int

    $totalPrice = 0;
 foreach ($this->items as $item) {
 $price = (int)($item->price() * 1.08);
 $totalPrice = $totalPrice + $price;
 return $totalPrice;
 } (snip)
 } *UFNQSJDF͸ มߋͰ͖ͳ͍
  9. 1SJDF class Price
 const TAX_RATE = 1.08;
 private $price;

 public function __construct(int $price)
 $this->price = $price;
 public function add(self $price): self
 return new self($this->price + $price->price);
 public function withTax(): self
 return new self((int)($this->price * static::TAX_RATE));
 public function toInt(): int
 return $this->price;
  10. *UFN class Item
 private $code;
 private $price;

    function __construct(string $code, int $price)
 $this->code = $code;
 $this->price = new Price($price);
 public function price(): Price
 return $this->price;
  11. $BSU class Cart
 { (snip)
 public function calculateTotalPrice(): Price

    $totalPrice = new Price(0);
 foreach ($this->items as $item) {
 $price = $item->price()->withTax();
 $totalPrice = $totalPrice->add($price);
 return $totalPrice;
 } (snip)
 } Ձ֨͸1SJDFͰදݱ ੫ࠐՁ֨ࢉग़ Ձ֨ͷ଍͠ࢉ
  12. "QJ$POUSPMMFS class ApiController
 public function item()
 $item =

    new Item('code1', 100);
 private function json(Item $entity)
 header('Content-Type: application/json');
 echo json_encode($entity->toArray());
  13. class ApiController
 public function item()
 $item = new

    Item('code1', 100);
 public function cart()
 $cart = new Cart();
 $cart->addItem(new Item('code1', 100));
 $cart->addItem(new Item('code2', 200));
 } private function json(Item $entity)
 header('Content-Type: application/json');
 echo json_encode($entity->toArray());
 } DBSU͸
  14. *UFN class Item implements Arrayable
 (snip) public function toArray():

 return [
 'code' => $this->code,
 'price' => $this->price->toInt(),
  15. $BSU class Cart implements Arrayable
 (snip) public function toArray():

 return array_map(function (Item $item) {
 return $item->toArray();
 }, $this->items);
  16. class ApiController
 public function item()
 $item = new

    Item('code1', 100);
 public function cart()
 $cart = new Cart();
 $cart->addItem(new Item('code1', 100));
 $cart->addItem(new Item('code2', 200));
 } private function json(Arryable $entity)
 header('Content-Type: application/json');
 echo json_encode($entity->toArray());