In this session, we will show you how over one weekend a team of three developers built a free serverless error tracking solution and made it available AWS Serverless Application Repository.
Serverless is not only great for building small or enterprise-level applications, but also developer-friendly tools that you are already using on a day-to-day basis.
There are many serverless backend monitoring, logging and tracking tools available on the market, but we should not forget about frontend developer tools, most importantly client-side error tracking.
Frontend developers usually have no choice but to estimate tool usage, estimate capacity and use pay-per-month services even just to track their client-side application errors.
You will learn how we utilized AWS Lambda, CloudFormation, SNS, S3, Amazon Pinpoint, ElasticSearch and built a complete error tracking solution. Also, you will see how easy it is and how little time it's needed to build your own serverless developer tools and enable other developers to deploy them to you account in an instant.