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Reorgs Happen

Camille Fournier
December 01, 2015

Reorgs Happen

Slides from NYC CTO Summit, Fall 2015

Camille Fournier

December 01, 2015


  1. Skills: Do We Know How To Do What Needs To

    Be Done?! Without Skills, You have Anxiety
  2. Resources: Do we have the time, energy, people to make

    this work?! Without Resources, we have Frustration
  3. Action Plan: How will we go about doing this?! Without

    an Action Plan, we have False Starts
  4. Causes for Reorg   Ineffective communication structures!   Removing a

    product or focus area!   Adding a new product or focus area!   Change in team size or makeup!
  5. Clear Communication Solves Many Evils!! Even when they’re on board,

    explaining the goals is key ! ! It is your job as the leadership to run this communication, having it trickle- down through management is usually a fail ! It Is ! ! ! ! ! ! Element: Skills
  6. Advocate for your Team Make sure they have leadership roles

    and growth opportunities! Element: Incentives
  7. Set reasonable expectations based on capacity! If you don’t have

    enough people for a team, say so! Element: Resources
  8. A good plan requires setting clear goals Teams given the

    same goal will have turf wars Element: Action Plan