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LinkedIn and Personal Branding

LinkedIn and Personal Branding

Learn how to master the top tool recruiters use to find employees – LinkedIn! In Australia, 70% of jobs are not advertised, that’s why using LinkedIn to build your professional network and develop your personal brand is essential to stand out in the 2020 workforce.

Student Guild

April 28, 2020

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  1. Welcome! LinkedIn & Personal Branding Griffith University April 28th, 2020

    ***Please update your name in ZOOM to match your profile name on LinkedIn*** à Participants à Name à More à Rename à Please add a “y” in front of your name if you are open for others in this workshop to Connect with you Please Connect with me on LinkedIn by searching “Josh Farr”
  2. Start of University 1st Year Rep. NAAUC Participant Oaktree Fundraiser

    College Ball Director 180 Degrees Consultant Cookbook Marketing Coordinator Student Peer Mentor Student Fitness Ambassador Engineering Graduate Job CEVSOC 3rd Year Rep CEVSOC President Expectation vs Reality
  3. “ ” Our mission is to connect and develop the

    most influential leaders on campus.
  4. LinkedIn Profile Optimization If you haven’t already, ensure that you’ve

    done these things to optimize your page: ´ Upload a photo (headshot is ideal - for 21x more views) ´ Update your name (up to 60 characters) ´ Headline (up to 120 characters), a great place to put keywords ´ Summary (up to 2000 characters - a perfect place for your vision, mission, strengths & values) ´ Education (including university so people can find you) ´ Location (again, so people can find you) ´ List 5-skills (it’s needed to get the ALL-STAR profile rating & can lead to 17x more views) ´ Minimum of 50 connections (again, for the ALL-STAR rating) ´ Add media to your page (upload & connections will see it beneath your summary) ´ Add volunteer experience (42% of hiring managers said they rate it equally to paid experience) Source: www.campusconsultancy.org/how-to-land-your-dream-job
  5. What is a personal brand? Source: Pintrest Source: Wikipedia What

    do these all do? • Connect (social) • Engage with content • Create content Source: Facebook Brand
  6. 24% of 18-24 y.o.s are on LinkedIn 0.44% of LinkedIn

    users create content regularly You have a 937x advantage if you do both! Source: https://www.omnicoreagency.com/linkedin-statistics (2020 data)
  7. Why should you build a personal brand? Benefits? Connect •

    Develop real-world knowledge • Understand 2020+ trends • Connections = new people/perspectives to learn from Engage • Synthesize/summarize your learning • Be part of the conversation • Develop written communication skills • Share your thoughts/opinions/learnings • Tag connections in relevant content • Everyone loves a comment - go first! Create • Recruitment Managers know who you are, speeding up recruitment/options • Your industry sees that you’re putting in the work • Differentiate yourself from others (937x) • Showcase and develop 21st Century Skills A.K.A Connect, Engage + Create Content
  8. But with whom? • Peers, aka future colleagues • Anyone

    who ever puts their LinkedIn account in front of you (that you want to connect with) • Alumni • Speakers at events/panels à Eventbrite, Facebook, Meetup etc. • Staff at university (Careers/Faculty/Student Guild etc.) • Employers/Recruitment staff
  9. How could you engage? • Message them about it •

    Comment (ask a question or highlight a key takeaway) • Tag a friend • Share on personal account • Repost to a page/group • Comment on a comment • “Like Last” à Liking takes very little effort and is a surface level interaction. Go deeper! It’s good for them, but not as good for you
  10. Personal branding “What is the goal of the post (for

    us)?” Awareness Consideration Decision Stage Your Career (Recruiter) Awareness They don’t know you exist Consideration There’s lots of students/grads to choose from, why you? Decision The opportunity to hire you, meet you, see you at an event
  11. Personal branding “What is the goal of the post (for

    the audience)?” Feel Do Think Stage Your Career (Recruiter) Think You are valuable additional to their team, you are values-aligned Feel Confident in hiring you, excited, your passion, connected to you Do Reach out, have a coffee, hire you, refer you, mentor you, support you, share you, champion you
  12. EDUCATE • Did you know? Or How-to-Guide, Teach something •

    Review a relevant publication. PROMOTE • Buy this OR Apply now OR Come to this INSPIRE • Something/someone that inspires you, a quote BEHIND THE SCENCE • You/Your team working together/preparing for an event Always: • Use 2-3 relevant hash-tags • Note topical events/days/news • Tag relevant people (below/level/aspire to) • Tag relevant institutions (they want media too!) • Ask a question and encourage engagement GIVEAWAY • Give something away for free • Offer to do something for someone who comments SOCIAL PROOF • Testimonial from a client, customer, boss, mentee VIPs • Interview someone • Tag someone you like and give a shout-out COLLABORATE • Show how you’re working with someone else (or an org.) Type Purpose B Reciprocity, sense of community & appreciation C Teamwork & opportunities for connection, big E Growth, new skills/mindsets, what’s important G Fun, freebies, abundance mindset I Positive emotion, atmosphere & vibe P Get people to your event, to review your profile etc. SP Certainty that it’s good, it works, it’s worth time/effort VIP Validation from others, expertise SO Inclusive, culturally aware F Make the audience laugh, show sense of humour SPECIAL OCCASION • International X Day, milestones in your year FUNNY • Memes etc.
  13. CHALLENGE: Imagine you are trying to get a job… Connect

    ´ Connect with 30 students who have completed internships/grad- programs with companies/start-ups/Not-for-Profits that you’re interested in working for; ´ Invite them for a virtual-coffee (near them + you buy) & ask about: ´ Their experience: e.g. Standard day, Team culture, Exciting projects, Challenges ´ Their process: e.g. Who did they meet? How did they get an interview? What does the company value? ´ Connect with 10 Recruitment Managers, CEOs/CFOs/Founders ´ Request a call to discuss/invite them to an upcoming event ´ They are now your connections & will see all of your content
  14. CHALLENGE: Engage ´ Follow 10-CEO/CFOs/Entrepreneurs/Leaders in your city (or around

    the world) ´ Click, “Recent Activity” to see their last few posts. ´ Comment on most recent post (offer your thoughts) ´ Ask for: ´ Tips on being a good leader ´ Answers to any questions you have about working in a team ´ Seek guidance & show them that you are interested in developing as a leader ´ A large % of your newsfeed is a result of your 1st degree connections engaging with other people (comment, like, share) so if you engage, you show up on more newsfeeds
  15. CREATE CONTENT – Take the 30-day challenge! Create: ´ Create

    1 piece of content on LinkedIn per day for 30-days ´ Tag @Campus Consultancy in each post ´ Use the #30DayChallenge and your university hashtag ´ Vary between: ´ Text (Tweet style, PDFs, articles), ´ Images (Selfies, group Zoom photos – such as this workshop, Canva images) ´ Videos (iPhone, TED talks, Youtube videos) ´ Audio (Podcast, recording of yourself) ´ Use the 10 types of content on the previous slide and make 3 types of each content!
  16. Books Mindset, by Carol Dweck Leaders Eat Last & Start

    With Why, by Simon Sinek The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, by Stephen Covey Daring Greatly, by Brené Brown Good to Great, by Jim Collins LinchPin, by Seth Godin Radical Acceptance, by Tara Brach The Effective Executive, by Peter Drucker Hope In The Dark, by Rebecca Solnit TED Talks Amy Cuddy (Body Language) Anika Molesworth (Being The Change) Simon Sinek (Golden Circle) Dan Pallotta (Charity Reframed) Rita Pierson (Education) Angela Duckworth (Grit) Tim Ferriss (Fear Setting) Susan Cain (Introverts) Drew Dudley (Small Acts of Leaders) Brené Brown (Vulnerability) … and me Josh Farr (Leadership)
  17. Please fill in the survey: Please fill in this 90-second

    survey to let me know what you got out of the workshops today: bit.ly/cc_griffith_employ My Contact Details Contact me at [email protected] Search “Josh Farr” or Google: www.linkedin.com/in/joshdfarr Search “Campus Consultancy” or Google: www.linkedin.com/company/campusconsultancy/