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Shenzhen became Innovation city from copy city.

Shenzhen became Innovation city from copy city.

SEG(Shenzhen Electronics Group) International Event presentation.

TAKASU Masakazu

June 12, 2018

More Decks by TAKASU Masakazu

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  1. Accelerated city, Shenzhen. TAKASU Masakazu / @tks / Maker Faire

    Shenzhen,Singapore Shenzhen became Innovation city from copy city.
  2. 我叫高須,My name is TAKASU, MakerFaire Singapore/Shenzhen organizer Over 40 MakerFaire

    participated 我是亚洲创客盛会中最有经验的人物。
  3. Motor Driver from Cytron Malaysia Full color PCB from MakerNet

    Shenzhen Our company is SWITCH SCIENCE, My role is Global Business Development
  4. Factory of the world Shenzhen Google #manufacture on Shenzhen map

    Shenzhen factories more expand to peal river delta. From labour-intensive to High technology.
  5. Public board invented by chipset dealer, that is sales promotion.

    Public board will be cheaper day by day by copy. Hoverboard=$300 in 2014 Shenzhen Hoverboard=$60 in 2018 Shenzhen Commodity + commodity = innovation Public board 公板 will make innovation easy.
  6. Android settop box by Public board = $50,000 + 3

    month Android settop box without Public board = $1,000,000 + 8 month JENESIS提供 同社は深圳で日本向けのEMSサービスを行い、 日本交通タクシーのドライブレコーダなどを受諾している
  7. Commodity tablet made some innovation Big speaker+Tablet Tablet+Rearview+Drive recorder Map

    service interface for Rearview Many new player coming quickly
  8. Now commodity heads up to bland. Facebook own bland page

    seminar in SEG 自主品牌(Own bland shop) Glowing so quickly
  9. From Shanzhai to Innovation Leader CityEasy Communication Robot 撮影:伊藤亜聖 GPD

    Smallest Laptop in the world Robin Wu 山寨王 Start new Business in Etiopia, Africa.
  10. 2000~ Open source movement 2005~ Cloud computing Huge scale web

    service development democratized! Planning first, Financing first, Prototype first, Public release first, ….Making first!
  11. New style of innovation, also new style funding. Two legendary

    engineer made that acceleration system Y Combinator (2005~) Y Combinator is the engineer investor fund to engineer entrepreneur, only for the prototype, not a Powerpoint.
  12. 2000~ Open source movement 2005~ Cloud computing 2012~ Maker Movement?

    How democratize makes own hardware product by MAKERS?
  13. Prototype, Produce, Promotion…. -Cheaper, Easier, Faster Dreamer Kit, Web tutorial

    Prototype Maker Arduino, Digital Fablicaion Veteran Maker Online PCB, Online CNC Hardware Startup Crowdfunding, Mass Production Online promotion, Supply chain -Seeedstudio
  14. Makers can be Maker Pro, nor Startup. We can improve

    own prototype, produce, promotion
  15. Startup is only the way for Makers? Crowdfunding became full

    time pre-sales job. How to continue our project? Where is the better place for Indie Makers?
  16. How to start a movement (Derek Sivers) -Founder is looks

    so funny, even in Innovation. -2nd person is co-founder, he is a part of the leader. -More the people coming, the risk is reduced, like Seed accelerator. -After started the movement, sitting down become the risk.
  17. My vision…. Tech is fun. Tech is more Physical, and

    Instinctive. Make: = Tech + Culture + Performance MAKER = Party People
  18. Naomi Wu inspire to Japanese Maker, at my Meetup in

    Shenzhen 白石州 at 2017. Video by Akihiko Sakoda
  19. Project GALDUINO Arduino nano for Cosplayer Full Color PCB Badge

    Pin on Backside Dance, Geek, Cosplay culture Project GALDUINO is going to OSHW production now. We want to Share our project, surely!
  20. Inspiring each other, Make, Open and Share. MAKERS GO PRO,

    Prototype, Produce, Promotion. Lets makes your project to Our project!
  21. The world needs you. You need you. We need each

    other. Thanks for your help. TAKASU: takasu@makers.asia So, please, go with your impulses! Explore! Go out and find cool things. Play with cool projects. See what works for you. See what doesn’t work for you. Please share what works and what doesn’t work with others, so they may have an opportunity to learn from your experience – just as you have been learning from the experience of others. This is how things grow. This is how you grow. So, please go out and grow! Message from Mitch and me for YOU!
  22. Thanks for coming, you can see detail in here. 世界ハッカースペースガイド(2018年)

    About Makers philosophy メイカーズのエコシステム (2016年) About structure of MAKERS inovation My Wechat/微信 takasumasakazu@gmail.com @tks TAKASU Masakazu