can use LINE Blockchain to reach 1 million* wallet with your services *The number of wallets includes wallets that received NFT grants through the NFT Free Distribution Campaign and LINK Rewards.
contract feature to implement business logic on-chain. Smart contract VM Deploy Call Blockchain Developer Development Code Users Related session ”How to Find Bugs in CosmWasm Smart Contract?”
allow business logic to be implemented on-chain. › Our smart contract can be developed without using any unique technology. › Contract is implemented in a message-driven format. › In the case of call another contract, it will be possible to implement it like any other platform contract.
allow business logic to be implemented on-chain. › Our smart contract can be developed without using any unique technology. › Contract is implemented in a message-driven format. › In the case of call another contract, it will be possible to implement it like any other platform contract.
allow business logic to be implemented on-chain. › Our smart contract can be developed without using any unique technology. › Contract is implemented in a message-driven format. › In the case of call another contract, it will be possible to implement it like any other platform contract.