It is estimated that non-native speakers now outnumber native speakers 5:1, yet global leaders still want to ‘speak English like a native’ and ‘develop a native accent’. Is this necessary or even possible? How can we bridge the gap and set obtainable pronunciation goals? In this talk, you’ll learn how to:
• Uncover student wants vs. needs
• Educate students and help tune their ears to global English accents
• Address students’ concerns about their (and your) accents
• Prioritize the most important parts of pronunciation in the classroom
• Become a more confident pronunciation teacher in global settings
Founder of corporate training firm Global Speech Academy, Heather Hansen works with multinational companies globally as a pronunciation and presentation skills coach and trainer. She is creator of the online Pronunciation Mastery Program, founder of the 6-Figure English Teacher Business School, and author/contributing author of 4 books.