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Leveraging Geospatial Technology to Increase Lo...

Leveraging Geospatial Technology to Increase Local Government Transparency

Daniel Haverlah & Coleen Gentiles, City of Austin

More Decks by Texas Natural Resources Information System

Other Decks in Technology


  1. •  Why is transparency important in local government? •  How

    can we leverage geospatial technology to provide more transparency? •  Discuss the importance of centralized and authoritative data to drive both internal and public GIS products •  Examples of tools and products that drive the transparency initiative •  Moving forward
  2. - Identify your data maintainers - Document their current workflow(s)

    - Set up the data maintainer in a centralized environment - Document the new workflow(s) - Identify steps in the process that can be automated - Work on the pieces that can be automated one bite at time
  3. Austin Police Dept. Austin Library Dept. Austin Trans. Dept. Austin

    Water Utility Neighborhood Housing and Comm. Development Parks and Rec. Dept. Public Works Dept. Editing ArcSDE Publishing ArcSDE Watershed Protection Dept. CIP Feature Class
  4. FGDB Typically at this stage, the data is manipulated. Sub

    sets are created, schema changed, etc. Editor hosts feature services DOCUMENT DOCUMENT DOCUMENT
  5. -  Identify individuals in your department that have GIS skills

    or are interested in obtaining them -  Identify individuals that will own a particular dataset and want to edit -  Centralize the data -  Communicate with all of the individuals in your department that work on GIS data -  Eliminate silos -  Set up work flows -  DOCUMENT the work flows -  Identify the steps that are candidates for automation -  Automate in pieces. Don’t try to tackle the entire workflow all at once -  Stay engaged in the GI S Community – what are others doing? What other technologies or solutions can we leverage? -  Never stop educating yourself. Technology constantly changes -  Take your own advice – lead by example
  6. CIVIC: https://austintexas.gov/civic Capital Projects Exlporer: http://capitalprojects.austintexas.gov/projects LMAP: http://austin.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=21b476780a7347429d62a2e578b11ae9 Sidewalk Program

    Projects: http://austin.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=02eecf190f5241f19f92492d63ba5ce2%20 Credits: Danny Haverlah City of Austin Public Works Department [email protected]