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Once Upon a Time in México: Binational GIS Coll...

Once Upon a Time in México: Binational GIS Collaboration

Presented by
Sally Holl, USGS Desert LCC Data Coordinator
Miguel Pavon, TNRIS, Texas Borderlands

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  1. 2014 Texas GIS Forum October 22, 2014 Once Upon a

    Time in México: Binational GIS Collaboration S A L L Y H O L L U S G S / D E S E R T L C C D A T A C O O R D I N A T O R M I G U E L P A V Ó N T N R I S / T E X A S B O R D E R L A N D S I N F O R M A T I O N C E N T E R
  2. “Nuestra herramienta mas importante es la buena voluntad y la

    cooperación.” - Miguel Pavón, TNRIS “Our most important tool is goodwill and cooperation.” - Miguel Pavón, TNRIS
  3. Outline —  What are Landscape Conservation Cooperatives? —  What is

    the Desert LCC? —  Binational Collaboration —  How to Get Involved
  4. Many, many jurisdictions •  Specific missions, purposes, and methods • 

    Specific data and protocols •  Different regulations and goals •  Difficult to have one agency represent another •  Hard to convince colleagues to work across internal unit boundaries •  Language/communication barriers •  Cultural differences between organizations How have we managed in the past?
  5. Land use changes and other ecological stressors, along with a

    changing climate, threaten people, native species and habitats
  6. What could we do instead? —  “Umbrella” program working across

    jurisdictional boundaries on a large geographic scale with focus on landscape-scale stressors (climate change) to ensure the sustainability of America's land, water, wildlife and cultural resources ÷  Through collaborative partnerships, provide scientific and technical support, coordination, and communication to resource managers —  High-level commitment ÷  Secretarial Order No. 3289, Steering Committee leadership & Working Group involvement from multiple agencies/organizations —  Leverage existing efforts of partners (staff, funding, etc.) ÷  Connect efforts and avoid duplication through improved conservation planning and design
  7. What are LCCs? Secretarial Order No. 3289 establishes Landscape Conservation

    Cooperatives (LCCs), a network of public-private partnerships that provide shared science to ensure the sustainability of America's land, water, wildlife and cultural resources.
  8. •  Non-regulatory, self-directed partnership developing shared capacity for landscape conservation

    •  Supports the science needs of partners •  Crosses jurisdictional, political and management boundaries •  Includes 27 tribes, 10 Mexican states, and 5 US states
  9. Desert LCC Geography Elevation: Min: -69 m (Salton Sea) Max:

    3852 m (Humphreys Peak) Area: USA (40%): 560,023 km2 Mexico (60%): 830,690 km2 DLCC: 1,390,713 km2
  10. Desert LCC Geography: Land Use Land Cover CEC Land Cover

    Forest: 15% Shrubland: 67% Grassland: 12% Wetland: ~ Cropland: 3% Urban: ~ Barren: 2% Water: ~ Ice/snow: ~
  11. Why be involved? —  Forum for open discussion and problem-solving

    about complex issues —  Build relationships and capacity across jurisdictions and specialties to help solve problems too big for any of us to solve alone —  Help guide applied science to meet management needs —  Opportunity to tap into resources and expertise of multiple partners We’ll be more effective if we all pull together.
  12. Desert LCC Goals Support, facilitate, promote and add value to

    landscape scale conservation to build resource resilience in the face of climate change and other ecosystem stressors through the following: 1.  Science Development and Delivery 2.  Collaboration and Communication 3.  Monitoring and Evaluation 4.  Outreach and Education
  13. How do we accomplish our goals? Partnership Community Entities with

    resource management interests in the Desert LCC •  Communicate interests and needs to the LCC •  Contribute resources (staff) for LCC •  Use LCC products in decision-making •  Share information & resources Steering Committee Provides direction Staff Coordinator (BOR) Science Coordinator (FWS) Data Coordinator (USGS) Provide support & coordination Science Issue-specific (as needed) Local Governments Tribal Mexico Administrative Data & GIS Working Groups Information & Products Management Questions
  14. Critical Management Questions CMQ 1: Water management and climate change

    CMQ 2: Monitoring species/processes relative to climate change and related threats/stressors CMQ 3: Grassland & shrubland management CMQ 4: Physiological stress of climate change CMQ 5: Changing wildfire regimes and riparian ecosystem management CMQ 6: Amphibians, reptiles and climate change
  15. Desert LCC Science: Story Map —  Desert LCC Story Map:

    http://www.arcgis.com/apps/MapTour/index.html? appid=80b44f64cf5543008303fa71e65836bd&web map=8617b2e6db24466a942ebf2b17853f68 Credit: Courtney Roe
  16. Desert LCC GIS Working Group 28 members: US Fish &

    Wildlife Service US Geological Survey International Boundary & Water Commission Western Regional Partnership Texas Parks & Wildlife Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory EROS Data Center Mojave Desert Ecosystem Program US Bureau of Reclamation Arizona Game & Fish Department New Mexico State University Sky Island Alliance Texas Borderlands Information Center (TNRIS/ TWDB) Trust for Public Land US Air Force
  17. Opportunities / Oportunidades —  Traducción ¡  Translate webinars ¡  How

    can monthly phone calls be bi-lingual? —  Integrar datos de vegetación / Generate better vegetation data ¡  Use Landsat 5 or 8 and INEGI serie V use de suelo to generate a supervised classification ¡  Reclassify the vegetation data to land use —  Harmonizar e integrar ¡  Uso de suelos / Harmonizing land use/soils (uso de suelo) at a border study area (with USDA NRCS) ¡  Cuencas / Work with CONAGUA to analyze watersheds with administrative delineation —  Inventario / inventory of authoritative U.S./Mexico data —  Taller / workshop on a specific topic —  Propuesta / Write a proposal for a specific product
  18. FY15: Looking forward Projects: —  Landscape Conservation Design Project Tools:

    —  Conservation Planning Atlas (CPA) —  Proposal Process Tools (RFP Manager) —  GIS Request Tracking Data: —  DLCC Vegetation Data —  Map Series Education: —  Webinar Series Collaboration: —  GIS Working Group —  Desert LCC Working Groups —  Language Translation —  LCC Network Coordination —  Regional GIS Groups Planning / Action: —  DLCC Data Management
  19. Summary —  We can do more together than we can

    do alone —  Desert LCC had its first Mexico Collaboration Meeting July 2014 —  The GIS Working Group meets monthly and you are invited! To join the Desert LCC GIS Working Group: Contact Sally Holl, [email protected]