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CEO Training Program

CEO Training Program

Tideway International presents an excellent CEO Training Program for Chinese entrepreneurs.

Tideway International

August 10, 2015

Other Decks in Business


  1. 第三,四天 • 伯大高曼学院院长接代代表团并拍集体照 • 迎新茶会 • 课程介绍 • 布理斯领导力风格 •

    品牌、沟通和宣传策略 • 创新体验分享打造国际 公司的创新企业文化 • 战略领导力以及决策科学 • 毕业典礼颁发證书 柏克莱大学
  2. 主讲人:William A. Sahlman 哈佛商学院MBA课程高级副院长,主席 Dimitri V. D'Arbeloff - MBA Class

    of 1955 Professor of Business Administration Senior Associate Dean for External Relations 1955年工商管理MBA班教授 对外关系高级副院长 主讲人:Marco Iansiti David Sarnoff Professor of Business Administration Unit Head, Technology and Operations Management 工商管理系教授 技术和运营管理单位负责 剖析了高技术产业发展最核心的成败因由,提供高技术产 业 管的主导思路和方式,有助于创业者借此去衍生和发展出 富有个的高技术企业管理模式。 教授介绍
  3. Michael O’Hare Professor, Goldman School of Public Policy University of

    California, Berkeley Trained at Harvard as an architect and engineer, MIT and Harvard’s Kennedy School Teacher “real-world” employment at Arthur D. Little, Inc., Boston’s Museum of Fine Arts, and the Massachusetts Executive Office of Environmental Affairs Research history has included periods of attention to biofuels and global warming policy, environmental policy generally, arts and cultural policy, public management, and higher education pedagogy 教授介绍
  4. Steven Weber Professor of Political Science at the School of

    Information at UC Berkeley,Senior Advisor, Monitor Deloitte. Works at the intersection of technology markets, intellectual property regimes, and international politics. Research, teaching, and advisory work focus on the political economy of knowledge intensive industries, with special attention to health care, information technology, software, and global political economy issues relating to competitiveness Worked with over a hundred companies and organizations to develop this discipline as a strategy planning tool from line businesses to the C-suite. Medical school at Stanford then did his Ph.D. in the political science department also at Stanford. Director of the Institute of International Studies at UC Berkeley from 2003 to 2009. 教师介绍
  5. Regina M. Connell Branding, Creative and Communications Consultant Over 20

    years’experience in branding, creative and communications strategy. LEGO, Stanford, Chevron, Varian, Deloitte, Oppenheimer, Calvert, Smiths branding consultant Numerous professional services enterprises. The managing Director at Proxicom Founded and led the customer Insight & experience group, advising clients such as Ford, Chevron, Nike, Black & Decker on branding, online retail / multi-channel strategy, and customer experience design. 教师介绍
  6. 教师介绍 Sudha Shetty Assistant Dean for International Partnerships and Alliances

    -University of California, Berkeley The Director of the International Fellowship Program and graduate faculty -University of Minnesota’s Hubert H. Humphrey Institute of Public Developed and implemented trainings for the merging international leaders in the areas of strategic planning, policy development, leadership development, media and communications created
  7. 臧大化博士: 硅谷傑出创投家、慈善家. 经营多家企业在美国那斯达克交易上市. 创建公司包括: OAK TECHNOLOGY、 DATA TECHNOLOGY CORP 、XEBEC

    CORP. 製造生产高密度磁盘. 杨俊龙博士: 硅谷知名创业企业家, 投资家. 伯克莱大学政治学博士. 美国中兴电脑集团总裁. 成功创业中兴公司领域. 跨及电脑、地产、 汽车和建材. 成功经营美、中、台市场. 硅谷科技華商協会理事长. 合作教授介绍
  8. 张茂德教授: 光电先驱。 创办Newport、New Focus 光电公司且成功上巿,Incubic 创投 基金执行长:获得同时投资20家公司成功经验的辉煌纪録。加 州理工学院博士、加州理工学院董事会成员。美国伊利诺州大 学和加州理工学院傑出校友。出席哈佛大学OPM计划。美国光 学学会、美国激光学会院士。viaraDx、OpVista

    and Rockwell Scientific 董事。技术、商业、专业领域享有诸多尊荣。 林鹏裕老师: 创新科技傑出人才,加州大学人文艺术社会科学院技术长,多家科 技公司创 始人。世界首台最先进癌症质子治疗系统设计人之一。 入选甲股文ORACLE商业智能发明奖.入选美国国家名人録国际专业 领域组。两次荣获全加大电脑科技研发成就奖。研科成果多次发表 国际学术会议及学刊。两次应邀为富比士国际论坛学者。两次荣获 加大傑出人员贡献。国际COMPUTERWORLD评选最佳实践商学智能。 多项科技研发项目获得国家投资。 合作教授介绍