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Reaching Everyone, Fast at From the Front, 2015

Tim Kadlec
September 17, 2015

Reaching Everyone, Fast at From the Front, 2015

Mobile subscriptions continue to increase at an incredible rate, with most of that growth coming from emerging economies such as Africa and Southeast Asia. These areas are dominated by slow, intermittent connectivity and low-end devices. If companies aren’t already taking steps to ensure they are able to reach these new audiences, they soon will be.

Presented at From the Front, in Bologna, IT on September 17th, 2015.

Tim Kadlec

September 17, 2015

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  1. Reaching Everyone, Fast September 17, 2015 at From the Front

    Tim Kadlec
 @tkadlec tim@timkadlec.com
  2. 0 3000 6000 9000 12000 Iran Pakistan Belarus Azerbaijan Armenia

    Bosnia Macedonia Georgia Kazakhstan Serbia Ukraine Russia US Czech Republic
  3. 0 3000 6000 9000 12000 Iran Pakistan Belarus Azerbaijan Armenia

    Bosnia Macedonia Georgia Kazakhstan Serbia Ukraine Russia US Czech Republic
  4. 0 3000 6000 9000 12000 Iran Pakistan Belarus Azerbaijan Armenia

    Bosnia Macedonia Georgia Kazakhstan Serbia Ukraine Russia US Czech Republic 9.4x
  5. But we were the exception, not the rule. “That was

    a pretty harsh experience for us. We’d been building an app for users like us. But we were the exception, not the rule Ragavan Srinivasan Facebook’s Android project manager
  6. imagemin: { png: { options: { optimizationLevel: 7 }, files:

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  17. http://bit.ly/1slPLVt Site Dynamic Range Smallest Size (KB) Largest Size (KB)

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  18. http://bit.ly/1slPLVt Site Dynamic Range Smallest Size (KB) Largest Size (KB)

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  19. 95%

  20. We believe that Africa’s internet evolution story will be no

    different from the rest of the world. We listen to music. We watch movies. We play games online. “ https:/ /angani.co/blog/its-not-how-much-fibre-you-have-its-what-you-do-with-it/
  21. thank you September 17, 2015 at From the Front Tim

 @tkadlec tim@timkadlec.com