Engagement and Development of Disaster Prevention Application through Open Data and Civic Tech Movements Toshikazu Seto, PhD Project Lecturer Center for Spatial Information Science, the University of Tokyo
6 1 0 2 5 2 5 0 ro S yE t E dv S W y E RRR t ogv ro o y y− E y o E ydd ro o ro S SRRR oS y E y rt o t o ovg E S W t o l y rt v ro E y vE dv RRR t ov S TWRR S TTWR S RR WW RR WWR S TS R W R CC y o y ovg EM oNM dt e roNM roNM t t e v roN o M N y ET o S y Iv ETRRR o T d pro t d rt E ۽ຊɿࢦఆ֎ආॴʹ̏ສ̒̌̌̌ਓɹຊཌ IUUQNBJOJDIJKQBSUJDMFTLF Sources: Mainichi Shinbun Evacuation to informal evacuation centers included 36,000 people 2016.04. Kumamoto earthquakes
the Earthquake… (2017.02) Ø One of the things that we learned from the earthquake disaster was the disclosure of designated emergency evacuation sites. Ø The need to widely open data was reconfirmed Designated Emergency Evacuation Sites Designated Shelter (school, community centers, etc.) http://www.gsi.go.jp/bousaichiri/hinanbasho.html
Open Data on Designated Emergency Evacuation Sites by the Geospatial Information Authority of Japan (GSI) https://maps.gsi.go.jp/#10/32.992539/130.786057/&base=std&base_grayscale=1&ls=std%2C0.53%7Cskhb0 4&disp=11&lcd=skhb04&vs=c1j0h0k0l0u0t0z0r0s0f0&d=vl
Ø For example, many of the tsunami flooded data (polygons) cannot be used as open data because only 27 prefectures are maintained. Ø Citizens are worried about harmful rumors, and examples of removing signs are beginning to appear in Shizuoka City. http://nlftp.mlit.go.jp/ksj/gml/datalist/KsjTmplt-A40.html http://www.at-s.com/news/article/social/shizuoka/bosai/472680.html Source: Shizuoka Newspaper Company
• Focusing on the current situation of Disaster Prevention Applications (Disaster Apps) and future improvement • (1) Terms, (2)Trends of develop iOS app, (3) Citizen engagement activities using ICT Ø Consider the current situation of disaster prevention applications for smartphones Ø Focus on disaster prevention information by citizen engagement and participation Ø Further consider various approaches through Civic Tech
Average of User Rating (Evaluation) of iOS Disaster Apps 0 10 20 30 40 50 Others Travel Games Entertainment Social Networking Education Utilities News Navigation Weather Lifestyle 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 NA Number of Apps
200 iOS Disaster App Trends • Many applications are made by private companies; the category of news and lifestyle are highly reliable. ØThe apps in this category concern mainly official information/message boards. ØOf the top-20 apps, only 4 apps use geographical information. (mainly evacuation place information) ØDevelopment will increase after 2012, with 45 apps published in 2014. • An increasing number of local governments publish their own apps. ØThere are no keywords for disaster prevention; some applications are integrated into other GIS data and become one function (cf. G-motty: http://www.g-motty.net/).
(Civic Tech) Development for Disaster Apps Disaster4.0 Hackathon organized Cabinet Office Disaster Apps contest by GSI Disaster Apps Experience Workshop by Gensai.info & Code for Japan Urban Data Challenge: Civic Tech Competition by UTokyo https://www.gensaiinfo.com/blog/2016/1128/7822 http://www.cao.go.jp/minister/1608_y_matsumoto/photo/2017-004.html
Prevention App Contest by Geospatial Information Authority of Japan since 2014 Approximately 20 works are submitted each year http://www.gsi.go.jp/kikaku/bousai-app.html
in the Number of UDC Competition Entry Works Related to Disaster Prevention 16 3 9 20 44 8 26 56 66 22 28 57 60 31 24 73 4 1 0 3 10 3 4 7 10 1 3 11 9 4 2 5 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Application Activity Data Idea Application Activity Data Idea Application Activity Data Idea Application Activity Data Idea 2014 2015 2016 2017 Normal Disaster Theme
(Disaster mitigation) Quest ØDisaster prevention education gamification app ØUtilize spatial open data of Yokohama city and make an evacuation plan http://overdose.azurewebsites.net/2014kanazawa/
Citizen-based (Civic Tech) Development for Disaster App Trends • Many applications are created from the user's perspective, and many of the spatial information is included. – Utilization for disaster education – Many applications related to earthquake and tsunami disasters • Open data related to disaster prevention have limitations, so the implemented functions are similar. – The bias of the theme tends to be larger than the application created by the company. However, there is also the possibility of responding to local issues. – The response to another type of disaster (cf. heavy snow: Code for Kanazawa) began with citizens making data and apps n The need for more data & disaster prevention literacy are important for the future…
you for your attention! tosseto@csis.u-tokyo.ac.jp http://researchmap.jp/tosseto This research was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Numbers 17H00839, 17K17658