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ICU review session - dr. denny

May 14, 2020

ICU review session - dr. denny

ICU review session - dr. denny


May 14, 2020

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  1. (C is incorrect, most patients have resolution of pulmonary edema

    within 24 hours and short duration mechanical ventilation (choice D is incorrect)
  2. Question 57 continued c Can you just leave catheter sticking

    out of patient’s chest wall? NO!! . If you leave the catheter open to air, patient can re- accumulate PTX.
  3. Question 57 continued c Ex. of jury-rigged water seal. Note

    water level in syringe at arrow. If you leave the catheter open to air, patient can re- accumulate PTX.
  4. Question 60 continued In SICU, it is important to continue

    patients’ Parkinson’s meds post op, even if it requires placing an NGT.
  5. Question 67 continued: GCS Remember: Intubated patients get a t:

    Best GCS possible is 11t Anyone with a pulse has a MINIMUM GCS of 3.
  6. Regarding Previous Q on ARDSNET You want to be very

    familiar with this concept of lung-protective ventilation. It will appear on written exams The topic is also well suited as part of an oral board question involving an ICU patient.
  7. • …of withdrawal. However, there is some evidence that longer-acting

    agents may be more effective in preventing seizures. • Propofol has been used successfully for treatment of severe ethanol withdrawal that is resistant to large doses of benzodiazepines.