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Poetry in Motion - Webinar Notes

Poetry in Motion - Webinar Notes

Susie Davies-Splitter

May 27, 2022

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  1. © Welcome to Music - Susie Davies-Splitter & Phil Splitter

    www.welcometomusic.net pg. 1 Website: Facebook: YouTube: 'Poetry in Motion' Webinar notes Presented by Susie Davies-Splitter (M.Ed.) & Audrey Klein (B.Ed.) 'Take Orff' Webinar Series From speech verse to body to movement to instruments with improvisation
  2. © Welcome to Music - Susie Davies-Splitter & Phil Splitter

    www.welcometomusic.net pg. 2 Website: Facebook: YouTube: Introduction - Echo words; Add Body Percussion; Chunking phrases; Inner Hearing, Movement; Establishing metre; Connection; Change words in the 2nd phrase; Change the Body Percussion; Add in dynamic and pitch variations; Add Ostinati; Canon; Improvisation in 3rd phrase Transfer to non melodic instruments such as the Bucket Drum Transfer to found sounds such as newspapers Transfer to melodic instruments such as a xylophone and glockenspiel - with question and answer and bordun accompaniment Add rhythmic notation - using heart beats and time names Add melodic notation - using streams, letter name cards and word cards Divide into small groups for exploration, rehearsal, arrangement, composition and performance Extensions - cup notation; various worksheets Links to Curriculum Rubric and Reporting example Webinar Goals Hip, Hop, Ho, Hum Autumn Groove
  3. Echo say some of the words ‘ho hum’ ‘stinky bubbly’,

    ‘hip hop’, ‘mess’, ‘tastes great’ with lots of expression Echo say each of the patterns with body percussion Chunk the learning – echo line 1, echo line 1 and 2 etc Gradually put it all together with the 4 different body percussion sounds Inner hearing - put one line in your head and say the rest of the rhyme out aloud Move on the beat to the rhyme and change direction at the beginning of each line Walk during line 1 and stand still for the line 2 etc Connect - move around and clap someone's hands (tap shoulders etc) on the last bar with a click at the end Add in BP improvisation in the 3rd line Add in ostinati such as line 4 Change the words in the 2nd line - For example - 'left my meat balls/chocolate/chewy in the sun Say in canon Transfer to non-melodic percussion such as one instrument for each line: drum, tambourine, maracas and guiro with a tap at the end Introduction Transfer to non-melodic instruments 'Hip Hop Ho Hum' Hip hop ho hum, left my milk shake in the sun It’s a stinky bubbly mess, still tastes great Z Website: Facebook: YouTube: www.welcometomusic.net © Welcome to Music - Susie Davies-Splitter & Phil Splitter pg. 3 © Davies-Splitter & Splitter
  4. Play with the words Put the rhyme up on the

    board – with the words and a different colour for each line Say the different parts in a range of voices, tempi and dynamics Put some of the words in your head as inner hearing, remove cards and rely on memory. Divide into small groups Use the found sounds to compose a piece using the rhythm of the rhyme Create an ABA where A is the rhyme and B is an improvisation section using some of the found sounds Explore the rhythmic notation Lay out 16 heart beats in groups of 8 underneath each other Work out how many sounds are in each heart beat and put a ta, ti ti or za underneath each one Say the time names Put them on different body parts Say it backwards Create an ostinato Say it in canon Add vocal expression Transfer to found Sounds - plastic plates and cups, newspapers, bottle tops etc Rhythmic Notation 'Hip Hop Ho Hum' © Welcome to Music - Susie Davies-Splitter & Phil Splitter Website: Facebook: YouTube: www.welcometomusic.net pg. 4
  5. Create a melody on one of the instruments - on

    one note then gradually add more With partners – one plays the rhythm of line 1 and the other plays the rhythm of line 2 on a different note. Play on one note then two and so on, until you are improvising on notes from the G or C pentatonic scale Add a bordun In small groups - compose a melodic piece on instruments using the rhythm from the rhyme and perform for the class Have 2 lines of coloured streamers on the floor. Have the words from the rhyme written on individual cards. The top line is G and the bottom line is E (add low C and D and high A) Place the words on the lines or in the spaces Compose new melodies notes from C pentatonic scale Sing in solfa Play on ukuleles on open strings or on recorders or melodic instruments Ask for solo interpretation by moving the cards around In small groups, create a melody using only 4 or 5 notes. Rehearse and perform for the class. For example - 'left my meat balls/chocolate/chewy in the sun Melodic Extension - recorder, open strings on ukulele, Boomwhackers or melodic instruments Melodic Notation Change the words in the second line 'Hip Hop Ho Hum' © Welcome to Music - Susie Davies-Splitter & Phil Splitter Website: Facebook: YouTube: www.welcometomusic.net pg.5
  6. Each line of the rhyme in a different colour 4

    sets of coloured words Words with heart beats Words with time name notation Words with pictures Words with body percussion Fill in the notes – ta, ti ti and za Melodic notation and composition on 2 lines – using notes from the C or G pentatonic scale 2 x coloured streamers, plastic cups, paper plates, newspapers, bottle tops etc Heart beat cards, time name cards, letter name cards Instruments – non-melodic and melodic Put 8 cups out in a line – point to each cup as the group clap Smaller cups quavers, clear cups rests, pile of cups accent etc Change the cups Add ostinati Play in canon Create rhythm for Hip hop ho hum Play it backwards Add improvisation Flashcards included: Suggested Equipment Rhythmic Extension Cup Notation 'Hip Hop Ho Hum' © Welcome to Music - Susie Davies-Splitter & Phil Splitter Website: Facebook: YouTube: www.welcometomusic.net pg. 6
  7. © Welcome to Music - Susie Davies-Splitter & Phil Splitter

    Website: Facebook: YouTube: www.welcometomusic.net pg. 7 Establish the meter through body percussion imitation. Beat one should be strong, beats 2 and 3 have a different, softer sound – eg stamp, clap, clap, or pat knees, click, click etc. Ask students for different examples. Learn the poem, 1 phrase at a time, using echo technique When the whole poem is established, chant it in a round – dividing the class into two halves. You can increase the challenge in this canon section by starting group 2 in different places each time you try it – eg the first time, group 2 starts when group 1 is on the word “dark”; the next time, when group 1 is on the word “Make” and so on. Remember to swap over so group 1 becomes group 2 a few times as well. Divide the class into 4 groups via birthday months – i.e., group 1 has birthdays in Jan, Feb, March; group 2 in April, May, June, etc. 2 part then 4 part canon
  8. Perform the round in 4 groups, but not allowing students

    to sit together in their group, so that each individual student has to keep track of where they are up to. Next time through, students should replace body percussion with a movement ostinato while chanting, but still seated. Invite students to stand in place and perform their movement ostinato while chanting. Let birthday groups come together in 4 corners of the room. They have till you count to 10 to create a movement ostinato for this poem. Then chant the poem. At this point, you can explore various movement skills, depending on their previous background. Ask students to incorporate different levels (high and low) into the group movement ostinato. It should remain in place, though – not moving around the room. Next, they can try hard and soft movements Now give students 2 minutes to decide on which movements they like the most to use in creating a really interesting movement ostinato that each member is capable of doing. Rehearse the idea and then perform, as a group, while chanting the poem. Find a way to make the movement ostinato mobile – i.e., moving away from being in place. Perform the poem as a canon within the group. So, students have to decide how they will split themselves up, depending how many are in their group. Rehearse and then let each group show their performance to the rest of the class. Discuss what worked and what didn’t, for future projects. Transfer to Movement Ostinato - small groups, rehearse and perform © Welcome to Music - Susie Davies-Splitter & Phil Splitter Website: Facebook: YouTube: www.welcometomusic.net pg.8 'Autumn Groove'
  9. Orff techniques Imitation, echo, inner hearing, ostinato, question and answer,

    improvisation, canon, rondo, whole song method, pentatonic scales, exploration, arrangement, composition and performance Orff media Speech, body percussion, movement, found sounds and instruments © Welcome to Music - Susie Davies-Splitter & Phil Splitter Website: Facebook: YouTube: www.welcometomusic.net pg. 9 The 'Orff Schulwerk' approach Whole body Multi Modal Multi Sensory Sing Say Move Dance Play Listen
  10. © Welcome to Music - Susie Davies-Splitter & Phil Splitter

    www.welcometomusic.net pg.10 Website: Facebook: YouTube: Explore dynamics and expression, using aural skills to identify and perform rhythm and pitch patterns (ACAMUM088) Develop technical and expressive skills in singing and playing instruments with understanding of rhythm, pitch and form in a range of pieces, including in music from the community (ACAMUM089) Rehearse and perform music including music they have composed by improvising, sourcing and arranging ideas and making decisions to engage an audience (ACAMUM090) To compose and notate a melody in C or G pentatonic using one of the rhymes and perform confidently on percussion instruments with your small group. I can keep a steady beat and tempo during the performance to support my small group I can perform the rhyme on a percussion instrument without mistake and with confidence I can notate a melody with my small group to create a musical composition Grade 5/6 Content Descriptors & Achievement Standard Learning Intention: Success Criteria: Links to the Australian Curriculum - The Arts Example of Rubric & Reporting
  11. Hip Hop Ho Hum Left my milk shake in the

    sun It's a stinky, bubbly mess Still tastes great
  12. Hip Hop Ho Hum Left my milk shake in the

    sun It's a stinky, bubbly mess Still tastes great Z
  13. Hip Hop Ho Hum Left my milk shake in the

    sun It's a stinky, bubbly mess Still tastes great
  14. Left my milk shake in the sun Hip Hop Ho

    Hum It's a stinky, bubbly mess Still tastes great
  15. Hip Hop Ho Hum Left my milk shake in the

    sun It's a stinky, bubbly mess Still tastes great
  16. Hip Hop Ho Hum Left my milk shake in the

    sun It's a stinky, bubbly mess Still tastes great
  17. Hip Hop Ho Hum Left my milk shake in the

    sun It's a stinky, bubbly mess Still tastes great
  18. Hip Hop Ho Hum Left my milk shake in the

    sun It's a stinky, bubbly mess Still tastes great
  19. Hip Hop Ho Hum Left my milk shake in the

    sun It's a stinky, bubbly mess Still tastes great
  20. ta ti ti www.welcometomusic.net Hip Hop Ho Hum Fill in

    the notes Hip Hop Ho Hum Left - my Milk - shake In - the It's - a Still Tastes Mess Great Stink - y Bu - bbly Z za Z Draw the missing ta's, ti ti's & za's in the boxes above the words. Sun
  21. For tickets - https://artscentre.frankston.vic.gov.au/Whats-On/Events- directory/The-Cocker-Ronstadt-Experience Saturday, 5th March, 2022 8-10.30pm

    Frankson Arts Centre Stin - ky www.welcometomusic.net Here is an example of a melody for 'Shimmy Bop Zok' using the notes A G E & D. Play this piece on the recorder or other instrument What is 4/4? How many beats are there in each bar? How many bars are in this piece? What are the horizontal and vertical lines? What's the double bar line at the end? Hip Hop Ho Hum Melodic Example & Quiz Z G E D A G E D A 4 4 4 4 Hip Hop Ho Hum Left - my Milk - shake In - the It's - a Bu - bbly Mess Still Tastes Great Sun
  22. For tickets - https://artscentre.frankston.vic.gov.au/Whats-On/Events- directory/The-Cocker-Ronstadt-Experience Compose your own melody for

    'Shimmy, Bop, Zok' using the notes A G E & D Put the note stems down for G & A and up for E & D. Start and end on G If you like, use orange for your D's, yellow for the E's, green for the G's and purple for the A's Now play your newly composed melody. Play it with a partner and take it turns to play one bar at a time. Play and perform in a small group of 4 with each person playing one of the notes - A, G E & D Melodic Notation & Composition Z G E D A G E D A 4 4 4 www.welcometomusic.net Hip Hop Ho Hum Left - my Milk - shake In - the Sun Saturday, 5th March, 2022 8-10.30pm Frankson Arts Centre 4 It's - a Stin - ky Bu - bbly Mess Still Tastes Great Hip Hop Ho Hum