Website: Facebook: YouTube: pg. 7 Establish the meter through body percussion imitation. Beat one should be strong, beats 2 and 3 have a different, softer sound – eg stamp, clap, clap, or pat knees, click, click etc. Ask students for different examples. Learn the poem, 1 phrase at a time, using echo technique When the whole poem is established, chant it in a round – dividing the class into two halves. You can increase the challenge in this canon section by starting group 2 in different places each time you try it – eg the first time, group 2 starts when group 1 is on the word “dark”; the next time, when group 1 is on the word “Make” and so on. Remember to swap over so group 1 becomes group 2 a few times as well. Divide the class into 4 groups via birthday months – i.e., group 1 has birthdays in Jan, Feb, March; group 2 in April, May, June, etc. 2 part then 4 part canon